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APipe Tester edited this page Jul 14, 2021 · 5 revisions

Documentation for cellranger_feature_barcoding.cwl

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Run Cell Ranger Count with feature barcoding

Docker Requirement


Name Label Description Type Secondary Files
antibody_fastq_directory Array of directories containing fastq files with antibody feature barcoding Directory[]
antibody_sample_names Sample name, must be same as name specified in sample sheet in previous mkfastq step string[]
chemistry Assay configuration used, default 'auto' should usually work without issue string?
expression_fastq_directory Array of directories containing fastq files for gene expression Directory[]
expression_sample_names Sample name, must be same as name specified in sample sheet in previous mkfastq step string[]
feature_reference_csv Feature reference csv for the antibody barcodes File
reference Transcriptome reference compatible with input species and Cell Ranger Directory
run_name Used to generate the run id string


Name Label Description Type Secondary Files
libraries_csv File
out_dir Directory
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