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Breeshey Roskams-Hieter edited this page Mar 21, 2019 · 1 revision

Welcome to the Bulk-RNA-seq-pipeline-SE wiki!

Detailed Workflow


  1. Trimming
    • Trimming of paired-end reads was performed using the trimming tool sickle
    • The output is located in samples/trimmed/
  2. Quality Analysis
    • Trimmed reads were subject to fastqc quality analysis
    • The output is located in samples/fastqc/{sample}/{samples}
  3. Alignment
    • Trimmed reads were aligned to the hg38 genome assembly using STAR
      • We included a two pass mode flag in order to increase the number of aligned reads
      • Output is placed in samples/star/{sample}_bam/
        • Output directory includes: Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam,, and
    • We extracted the statistics from the STAR run, and placed them in a table, summarizing the results across all samples from the output of STAR
      • Output is results/tables/{project_id}_STAR_mapping_statistics.txt
  4. Summarizing output
    • htseq is used to extract the gene counts from each sample
    • We summarize these results into 1 table, which includes the gene counts across all samples
    • The output is located in data/{project_id}_counts.txt

Quality Analysis / Quality Check

  1. RSEQC Quality check
  2. QA/QC scripts to analyze the data as a whole
    • The purpose of this analysis is to identify potential batch effects and outliers in the data
    • The outputs to this are located in the results directory, and are distributed amongst 4 subdirectories, numbered 1 through 4
      • 1
        • A boxplot of the raw log2-transformed gene counts across all samples
        • A boxplot of the loess-transformed gene counts across all samples
        • A scatter plot comparing raw gene counts to loess-transformed gene counts
        • A density plot of raw log2-transformed gene counts across all samples
        • A density plot of loess-transformed gene counts across all samples
        • A scatter plot of the standard deviation of raw log2-transformed gene counts across all samples
        • A scatter plot of the standard deviation of loess-transformed gene counts across all samples
      • 2
        • A heatmap of all raw log2-transformed gene counts across samples
        • A heatmap of all loess-transformed gene counts across samples
          • These are generated to look for any batch effects in the data, due to date of extraction, or other factors
        • An MDS Plot for all samples, generated with the raw log2-transformed gene counts
        • An MDS Plot for all samples, generated with the loess-transformed gene counts
          • These are generated to look for outliers in the data
      • 3
        • p-value histograms for each contrast specified in the omic_config.yaml
        • q-value QC plot arrays for each contrast specified in the omic_config.yaml
      • 4
        • A Heatmap which looks at genes with a high FC and low q-value (very significant)
          • Takes genes with a FC>1.3, and ranks those by q-value. From this, a heatmap is generated for the top 50, 100 and 200 genes in this list
        • An MDS Plot which looks at the same subsets of genes as the Heatmap described above

Differential Expression Analysis (DESeq2)

  1. Initializing the DESeq2 object
    • Here, we run DESeq2 on the genecounts table, which generates an RDS object and rlog
      • This includes the DE analysis across all samples
      • Output is located in the results/diffexp/ directory
    • From the dds object generated, we extract the normalized counts and generate a table with the results
      • Output is results/tables/{project_id}_normed_counts.txt
  2. Generating plots
    • From the RDS object, we generate a collection of informative plots. These include:
      • PCA Plot
      • Standard Deviation from the Mean Plot
      • Heatmap
      • Variance Heatmap
      • Distance Plot
  3. Differential Expression Analysis
    • We perform Differential Expression (DE) analysis for each contrast listed in the omic_config.yaml
    • Our output consists of DE gene count tables and a variety of plots
      • A table is generated for genes that are differentially expressed for each contrast
        • The output is placed in results/diffexp/{contrast}.diffexp.tsv
      • MA Plots are generated for each contrast
      • p-histograms are generated for each contrast
    • Permutation test to determine the robustness of your differentially regulated genes for each comparison
      • Output directory: results/diffexp/permutationTest
  4. Differential Expression Plots
    • We use the output from DESeq2 to generate two types of plots:
      • Gene Ontology (GO) plots:
        • A tree graph describing the GO ID relationship for significantly up/downregulated genes in a given comparison
          • Output is located in results/diffexp/GOterms
        • A bar graph describing the enrichment and significance of GO IDs for up/downregulated genes in a given comparison
      • Volcano plots:
        • A volcano plot describing the distribution of up/downregulated genes in a given comparison
          • Output is located in results/diffexp

Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) of an example workflow including two samples

Example Workflow