althea is a GUI for AltServer-Linux that allows to easily sideload apps onto an iPhone, an iPad, or an iPod Touch. It supports iOS 15 and later. althea supports x86_64, aarch64, and armv7.
This app is in a very early state, so if you're experiencing issues or want to help, you can create a pull request, report an issue, or join the Discord server.
sudo apt install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository universe -y
sudo apt-get install binutils python3-pip python3-requests python3-keyring git gir1.2-appindicator3-0.1 usbmuxd libimobiledevice6 libimobiledevice-utils wget curl libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev zlib1g-dev unzip usbutils libhandy-1-dev gir1.2-notify-0.7 psmisc
sudo dnf install binutils python3-pip python3-requests python3-keyring git libappindicator-gtk3 usbmuxd libimobiledevice-devel libimobiledevice-utils wget curl avahi-compat-libdns_sd-devel dnf-plugins-core unzip usbutils psmisc
Arch Linux:
sudo pacman -S binutils wget curl git python-pip python-requests python-gobject python-keyring libappindicator-gtk3 usbmuxd libimobiledevice avahi zlib unzip usbutils psmisc libhandy
sudo zypper in binutils wget curl git python311-pip python311-requests python311-keyring python311-gobject-Gdk libhandy-devel libappindicator3-1 typelib-1_0-AppIndicator3-0_1 imobiledevice-tools libdns_sd libnotify-devel psmisc
Once the dependencies are installed, run the following commands:
git clone
cd althea
Note: if you're running OpenSUSE Leap, run the following command instead:
That's it! Have fun with althea!
Fedora 41 shows the following error:
ERROR: Device returned unhandled error code -5
You can downgrade crypto policies to the previous Fedora version:
sudo update-crypto-policies --set FEDORA40
althea made by vyvir
AltServer-Linux made by NyaMisty
Provision by Dadoum
Artwork by Nebula