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Conceptual model

Load Balancer 1 <-> Receive Cluster -> Broker/streaming -> Consumers Cluster -> Storage <- Reading Cluster <- Load Balancer 2


receive-api, statistics-api, stream-consumer are java applications. First two are web applications to create metric and get statistics. stream-consumer receives metrics from a message broker and put them into a storage. Being packed in docker they can be scaled, for instance, in AWS ECS on production.

data module encapsulates read/write feature with storage. It is used by stream-consumer to write and statistics-api to query statistics.

Broker is Kafka, Storage is Cassandra. I have chosen both for scalability, high availability, performance, fault-tolerance. Both can be run and scaled, for example, in AWS ECS.

Note that nothing above is carved in stone. For example, receiving/reading can be switched to AWS API Gateway, broker/streaming can be AWS Kinesis, reading and stream consumer might be AWS Lambdas based on my data module etc.

The implementation does not include a load balancer setup/pick. This can be done with a cloud-based approach, like AWS Application/Elastic Load Balancer or Google Cloud Load Balancer. Alternatively, it can be a handmade approach with Nginx, HAProxy etc.

How to run

Requirements: Java 8, Docker, Bash, open ports 8080 and 8081.

Execute from the root folder to build modules and start everything in docker:


Note that I have not got a chance to test it in windows environment (Docker rejects installing on my Windows Home edition). But scripts work well on my Linux Debian and Mac OS. Contact me if you have a problem with running.

How to access the service

Create metric

Perform a POST request to localhost:8080/metric with a JSON body like

{"sensorId":"sensor123", "type":"thermostat", "when":1538139260752, "value":1.1}

sensorId is a string value
type is a string value
when is a long value for milliseconds
value has float type
All fields are required. Content type has to be application/json.

The request can be made with curl:

curl -v -XPOST -d '{"sensorId":"s2", "type":"t1", "when":"1538139260752", "value":1.1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:8080/metric

If everything works fine expected response will be with status 202 Accepted and empty body.

Get statistics

Perform а GET request to localhost:8081/statistics with getStatisticsUser as username and statistics123 as password and query parameters:

aggregator is required, supported values: min, max, avg
type is optional, specify to aggregate by type
sensorId is optional, specify to aggregate by sensorId
from is required, milliseconds for timeframe start, must be lower than to
to is required, milliseconds for timeframe stop, must be greater than from

Either type or sensorId must be specified with a single value, multiple types/sensorIds won't be processed by the API.

The request can be made with curl:

curl -u getStatisticsUser:statistics123 localhost:8081/statistics?aggregator=min\&type=t1\&from=1538139260752\&to=1538139260753
curl -u getStatisticsUser:statistics123 localhost:8081/statistics?aggregator=min\&sensorId=mySensor\&from=123\&to=456

Simulate at least 3 IoT devices sending data every second

Note that the author introduces the term metric considering that 1 IoT device might send multiple metrics. This test simulates incoming metrics, running simultaneously. Run from the root folder:

./gradlew -i :qa:load:test -Pqa-tests -Dsimultaneous.metrics=3 -Dduration=60

simultaneous.metrics is the number of metrics has to be sent, 3 is default
duration determines the period to send the data in seconds, 60 is default

The test will fail if count of metrics doesn't match with simultaneous.metrics * duration at the end. The reading API is not checked in this test, feel free to query manually.


Receiving format

Currently JSON, but it's subject to change, depending on real production cases. E.g., the author believes that different IoT devices may send metrics in different formats. Also, I have a feeling that some devices might send measurements in bulk. receive-api is good enough to be enhanced and meet both cases on demand.

Float value

Current metric is hardcoded with the float type, which might not be sufficient in some cases. I also think IoT devices might send not only single value but also more complex data, e.g coordinates like latitude/longitude. It might even happen that value is not a number at all. Both Cassandra and my implementation are fine with tuning type or even supporting multiple types if necessary.


Only min, max, avg are implemented. Median or other percentile statistics can be implemented with custom aggregate functions.

Readings are only provided either by one type or one sensorId. Also, To and From has to belong to the same day for reading by type or to the same week for reading by sensorId. Those limitations are subject to change depending on production cases.

Milliseconds can be fine for robots but it is still not human readable and not convenient format. I would change it to be a formatted date string like yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSZ or even to support multiple formats.

statistics-api / data modules are flexible enough to be enhanced to support more readings and multiple readings at time.

Scalability, high availability, performance, fault-tolerance

These will depend on a particular infrastructure implementation, e.g. clusters' setup, nodes amount, auto scaling, cross datacenter replication etc.

Secure Web Service

The implementation contains only three things, regarding to the topic:

a) statistics-api requires basic authorization. Even so there is only one in-memory user, which can be switched to real DB storage.

b) I have created two roles in Cassandra, called iot_write_role and iot_statistics_role for writing (stream-consumer) and selecting (statistics-api) respectively.

c) Because of using datastax cassadra driver library and its query builder, I wasn't able to perform an CQL injection via my reading API. So the code can be considered CQL injection free.

If in-transfer security is important it can be achieved with SSL certificates and proper configuration for Kafka, Cassandra and statistics-api module.

It seems to me that Cassandra does not provide in-rest encryption out of the box, but people say it can be done one way or another.

Also, going with AWS-based solution, there might be IAM Roles properly configured (not) to provide an access to different model components.

How to clean environment

Run from the root folder to stop containers and remove related images:


Note that it will remove images from your box: zookeeper:3.4 anapsix/alpine-java:8 ches/kafka:latest cassandra:3.11.3
If you need one of them, please, do clean up manually instead.

If you just want to stop containers run from the root folder:


If you do not use Gradle feel free to delete ".Gradle" folder from your home directory. Otherwise, clean it manually if you like.


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