Tool that scrapes Dotabuff to retreive information about Dota.
- Download Visual Studio if an IDE is needed.
- Download and Install the Nuget Package Manager for Visual Studio.
- If you dont want to install Visual Studio, then do ahead and download the latest .NET Framework for running the program.
- If you downloaded Visual Studio then you can configure your required packages, build and run your program through the IDE otherwise follow the cmd process:
# Open a command prompt and change into the solution directory.
> cd "C:\Github\DotaScraper"
# Reference your .NET framework directory and use the executables to run the program
> C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.5.xxxxx\csc.exe Program.cs
> C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.5.xxxxx\msbuild.exe MetadataScraper.sln
> C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.5.xxxxx\msbuild.exe MetadataScraper.csproj