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Terraform Platform Modules


   pip install poetry && poetry install && poetry run pre-commit install

Trufflehog pre-commit hook

  • Installation on Mac
brew install trufflehog

Alternative installation methods here

Testing / quality checks

Various quality checks are run in AWS Codebuild in the platform-tools account for any push to a pull request branch:

Running the terraform unit tests locally

Ensure that local variable AWS_PROFILE is set to sandbox and that you have run:

aws sso login

The faster, but less comprehensive, tests that run against the terraform plan for a module can be run by cd-ing into the module folder and running:

terraform test

To run the longer end-to-end tests that actually deploy the module (via terraform apply), perform assertions and tear back down are run from the same directory as follows:

terraform test -test-directory e2e-tests

Running the python unit tests locally

The Lambda provisioned by the terraform postgres module uses python 3.11 at runtime. Tests should be executed locally, using python 3.11. From the root directory, check which python version the poetry environment is using:

poetry run python --version

If it is not 3.11, run

poetry env use python3.11

(python 3.11 must be installed)

Install dependencies:

poetry install

Execute the tests:

poetry run pytest

Backing services module

This module is configured by a YAML file and two simple args:

locals {
  args = {
    application = "my-app-tf"
    services    = yamldecode(file("platform-config.yml"))

module "extensions" {
  source     = "git::ssh://[email protected]/uktrade/terraform-platform-modules.git//extensions?depth=1&ref=main"

  args        = local.args
  environment = "my-env"
  vpc_name    = "my-vpc-name"

Opensearch module configuration options

The options available for configuring the opensearch module should be applied in the platform-config.yml file. They should look something like this:

  type: opensearch
    '*': # Default configuration values
      plan: small
      engine: '2.11'
      ebs_volume_type: gp3 # Optional. Must be one of: standard, gp2, gp3, io1, io2, sc1 or st1. Defaults to gp2.
      ebs_throughput: 500 # Optional. Throughput in MiB/s. Only relevant for volume type gp3. Defaults to 250 MiB/s.
      index_slow_log_retention_in_days: 3 # Optional. Valid values can be found here:
      search_slow_log_retention_in_days: 14 # Optional. As above.
      es_app_log_retention_in_days: 30 # Optional. As above.
      audit_log_retention_in_days: 1096 # Optional. As above.
      # The following are derived from the plan. DBTP-841 will allow them to be overriden here.
      #    volume_size: 1000
      #    instances: 1
      #    master: false
      #    instance:
    env-one: # Per-environment overrides for any of the defaults in the previous section
      plan: large # Override the plan.
      engine: '2.7' # Downgrade the engine.

Application Load Balancer module

This module will create a ALB that lets you specify multiple domain names for use in the HTTPS listener rule. In addition it will create the required certificates for all the domains specified.

The primary domain will always follow the pattern:

For non-production: internal.<application_name>

For production: internal.<application_name>

If there are multiple web services on the application, you can add the additional domain to your certificate by adding the prefix name (eg. internal.static) to the variable additional_address_list see extension.yml example below. Note: this is just the prefix, no need to add

cdn_domains_list and additional_address_list are optional.

Route 53 record creation

The R53 domains for non-production and production are stored in different AWS accounts. The last half of the Terraform code needs to be able to run in the correct AWS account. This is determined by the provider passed in from the <application>-deploy aws-domain alias.

example platform-config.yml config.

  type: alb


This module will create the CloudFront (CDN) endpoints for the application if enabled.

cdn_domains_list is a map of the domain names that will be configured in CloudFront.

  • the key is the fully qualified domain name.
  • the value is an array containing the internal prefix and the base domain (the application's Route 53 zone).

Optional settings:

To create a R53 record pointing to the CloudFront endpoint, set this to true. If not set, in non production this is set to true by default and set to false in production.

  • enable_cdn_record: true

To turn on CloudFront logging to a S3 bucket, set this to true.

  • enable_logging: true

example platform-config.yml config.

  type: alb
            ['internal', '']
            ['', '']
      enable_cdn_record: false
      enable_logging: true
            ['internal', '']


This will provision a CloudWatch Compute Dashboard and Application Insights for <application>-<environment>.

Example usage in platform-config.yml...

  type: monitoring
      enable_ops_center: false
      enable_ops_center: true

S3 bucket

An s3 bucket can be added by configuring the platform-config.yml file. Below is an example configuration, showing the available options:

  type: s3
  readonly: false # Optional
  services: # Optional
    - 'web'
    '*': # Default configuration values
      bucket_name: my-bucket-dev # Mandatory
      retention_policy: # Optional
        days: 10 # Integer value.  Alternatively years may be specified.
      versioning: true # Optional
      lifecycle_rules: # Optional.  If present, contains a list of rules.
        - filter_prefix: 'bananas/' # Optional.  If none, the rule applies to all objects. Use an empty string for a catch-all rule.
          expiration_days: 10 # Integer value
          enabled: true # Mandatory flag
  objects: # Optional.  If present, contains a list of objects
    - key: healthcheck.txt # Mandatory
      body: | # Optional

Postgres database

A postgres database can be added by configuring the platform-config.yml file. Below is a simple example configuration, showing some of the available options:

  type: postgres
  version: 16.2
      plan: tiny
      backup_retention_days: 1 # Optional.  Must be between 1 and 35.  If none, defaults to 7.
      deletion_protection: true # Optional
      deletion_policy: Retain # Optional: Delete or Retain

S3 to S3 data migration module

This module will create cross account permissions to write to your S3 bucket, allowing the copying of files from a source S3 bucket to your destination S3 bucket. Any cross account data migration must be approved by cyber. Please see the S3 to S3 data migration documentation for further details on using this module.

Most users will not have permissions to apply the following configuration. In this case, an SRE team member or someone from the DBT-platform team will be able to help once cyber has approved the request.

S3 data migration can be enabled by adding the data_migration parameter along with the import parameter and its mandatory configuration to the S3 extension in your platform-config.yml file. The source_kms_key_arn is optional as it depends on whether the source bucket has KMS key encryption on it.

      type: s3
        - web
          bucket_name: bucket_name: my-bucket-dev # Mandatory
          data_migration: # Optional
              import: # Mandatory if data_migration is present
                  source_kms_key_arn: arn:aws:kms::123456789:my-source-key # Optional
                  source_bucket_arn: arn:aws:s3::123456789:my-source-bucket # Mandatory if data_migration is present
                  worker_role_arn: arn:aws:iam::123456789:my-migration-worker-arn # Mandatory if data_migration is present

Using our demodjango application for testing

See instructions in the demodjango-deploy repository.