This project, conducted at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW, School of Engineering, in Brugg-Windisch, represents a pioneering effort in utilizing machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) techniques for the early detection of prolactinomas. Spearheaded by Jan Zwicky, Thomas Mandelz, and guided by Professors Suter and Perruchoud, the study collaborates closely with medical professionals from Kantonsspital Aarau, Dr. Tristan Struja and Dr. Felice Burn.
Folder | Subfolders | Description |
data | test, train | Data for testing and training |
eda | Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) files, Data processing and partitioning files | |
modelling | combined, mri_data, tabular_data | Modelling-related folders: combined models, MRI data, tabular data |
- mri_data: results_augmented_weighted | MRI data and augmented weighted results | |
- tabular_data: | tabular data machine learning pipelines | |
- images: | Images for tabular data analysis: fn, fp, tn, tp | |
- results_csv | CSV results for tabular data analysis | |
models | Saved machine learning models and related components | |
- saved_models | Pretrained or fine-tuned models saved for future use | |
- MedicalNet | MedicalNet (Med3d) library components for medical imaging | |
- NODE | NODE (Neural Oblivious Decision Ensembles) for deep learning | |
raw_data | nii_files | Raw data for tab and NII files |
src | Source code for deep learning pipeline and related files |
- Deep Learning
- Machine Learning
- Python
- PyTorch
- wandb
- numpy
- pandas
- Azure Machine Learning
- Clone this repo (for help see this tutorial).
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- Raw Data is being kept here
- Explorative Dataanalysis Scripts and Files are being kept here
- Megadetector Scripts and data is being kept here
- Models are being kept here
- Models submissions are being kept here
- Source files for training are being kept here
- Source files for pipeline are being kept here
- open
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pipenv install
- Restart VS Code
- Choose the newly created "tierli_ahluege" Virtual Environment python Interpreter
- open
cd /your/local/github/repofolder/
pipenv sync