This function will allow you to create very complex PSCustomObject's easily.
- It can
- Add or edit complex custom properties to objects
- If the property or object structure is missing, it will add it
- If the property and structure is preexisting, then it will edit it
- Add complex arrays with sub objects to those arrays
- Add simple arrays of value types
- Add or edit complex custom properties to objects
- It can not:
- Edit arrays. To edit an array item, pass the individual array item into the -InputObject parameter
Installs the latest version of the module from the Powershell Gallery
Install-Module -Name AddNoteProperty -Force
Overwrites an existing property on an object with a new value
$obj = [PSCustomObject]@{ Testing = "foo"}
Add-NoteProperty -InputObject $obj -Properties "Testing" -Value "bar"
Adding properties with special characters
$obj = [PSCustomObject]@{}
Add-NoteProperty -InputObject $obj -Properties "Build", "system.debug" -Value $true
Add-NoteProperty -InputObject $obj -Properties "Build", "configuration" -Value "release"
Add-NoteProperty -InputObject $obj -Properties "Build", "platform" -Value "any cpu"
$obj | ConvertTo-JSON
"Build": {
"system.debug": true,
"configuration": "release",
"platform": "any cpu"
Adds a complex structure onto an object
$obj = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
Add-NoteProperty -InputObject $obj -Properties "Person", "Name", "First" -Value "Tim"
Add-NoteProperty -InputObject $obj -Properties "Person", "Name", "Last" -Value "Cartwright"
Add-NoteProperty -InputObject $obj -Properties "Person", "Age" -Value "Old"
Add-NoteProperty -InputObject $obj -Properties "Person", "Phones", "Home" -Value "281-867-5309"
Add-NoteProperty -InputObject $obj -Properties "Person", "Phones", "Mobile" -Value "713-867-5309"
Add-NoteProperty -InputObject $obj -Properties "Person", "Address", "City" -Value "Houston"
Add-NoteProperty -InputObject $obj -Properties "Person", "Address", "State" -Value "Texas"
Add-NoteProperty -InputObject $obj -Properties "Person", "Address", "Zip" -Value "8675309"
$obj | ConvertTo-JSON
"Person": {
"Name": {
"First": "Tim",
"Last": "Cartwright"
"Age": "Old",
"Phones": {
"Home": "281-867-5309",
"Mobile": "713-867-5309"
"Address": {
"City": "Houston",
"State": "Texas",
"Zip": "8675309"
The optional [ref]$hasChanged parameter can be used to keep track of whether or not the function made any changes to the object. Useful to determine you are changing a pre-existing object, and need to know whether to save it or not.
[bool]$changed = $false
$obj = [PSCustomObject]@{ Testing = "foo" }
#test has changed, with nil change
Add-NoteProperty -InputObject $obj -Properties "Testing" -Value "foo" -hasChanged ([ref]$changed)
"1. HasChanged: $changed"
#test property that pre-exists
Add-NoteProperty -InputObject $obj -Properties "Testing" -Value "bar" -hasChanged ([ref]$changed)
"2. HasChanged: $changed"
#test haschanged not flipping back on nil change
Add-NoteProperty -InputObject $obj -Properties "Testing" -Value "bar" -hasChanged ([ref]$changed)
"3. HasChanged: $changed"
1. HasChanged: False
2. HasChanged: True
3. HasChanged: True
Working with complex objects and arrays
$obj = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
Add-NoteProperty -InputObject $obj -Properties "Testing" -Value "foo" -ArrayProperty "Testing" -IsNew
Add-NoteProperty -InputObject $obj -Properties "Testing" -Value "bar" -ArrayProperty "Testing"
Add-NoteProperty -InputObject $obj -Properties "Person", "Name", "First" -Value "Tim"
Add-NoteProperty -InputObject $obj -Properties "Person", "Name", "Last" -Value "Cartwright"
Add-NoteProperty -InputObject $obj -Properties "Person", "Age" -Value "Older than an ant, younger than a mountain"
# we are going to add an array of phones, each new phone must be marked off with -isnew
$ArrayProperty = "Phones"
Add-NoteProperty -InputObject $obj -Properties "Person", "Phones", "Number" -Value "281-867-5309" -ArrayProperty $ArrayProperty -IsNew
Add-NoteProperty -InputObject $obj -Properties "Person", "Phones", "Type" -Value "Home" -ArrayProperty $ArrayProperty
Add-NoteProperty -InputObject $obj -Properties "Person", "Phones", "Number" -Value "713-867-5309" -ArrayProperty $ArrayProperty -IsNew
Add-NoteProperty -InputObject $obj -Properties "Person", "Phones", "Type" -Value "Mobile" -ArrayProperty $ArrayProperty
Add-NoteProperty -InputObject $obj -Properties "Person", "Phones", "Number" -Value "555-867-5309" -ArrayProperty $ArrayProperty -IsNew
Add-NoteProperty -InputObject $obj -Properties "Person", "Phones", "Type" -Value "Work" -ArrayProperty $ArrayProperty
# we are going to add an array of addresses, each new address must be marked off with -isnew
$ArrayProperty = "Addresses"
Add-NoteProperty -InputObject $obj -Properties "Person", "Addresses", "Address 1" -Value "123 Foo Lane" -ArrayProperty $ArrayProperty -IsNew
Add-NoteProperty -InputObject $obj -Properties "Person", "Addresses", "Address 2" -Value "APT 987" -ArrayProperty $ArrayProperty
Add-NoteProperty -InputObject $obj -Properties "Person", "Addresses", "City" -Value "Houston" -ArrayProperty $ArrayProperty
Add-NoteProperty -InputObject $obj -Properties "Person", "Addresses", "State" -Value "Texas" -ArrayProperty $ArrayProperty
Add-NoteProperty -InputObject $obj -Properties "Person", "Addresses", "Zip" -Value "8675309" -ArrayProperty $ArrayProperty
Add-NoteProperty -InputObject $obj -Properties "Person", "Addresses", "Type" -Value "home" -ArrayProperty $ArrayProperty
Add-NoteProperty -InputObject $obj -Properties "Person", "Addresses", "Address 1" -Value "555 Blueberry Hill" -ArrayProperty $ArrayProperty -IsNew
#leave off this property
#Add-NoteProperty -InputObject $obj -Properties "Person", "Addresses", "Address 2" -Value "" -ArrayProperty $ArrayProperty
Add-NoteProperty -InputObject $obj -Properties "Person", "Addresses", "City" -Value "Houston" -ArrayProperty $ArrayProperty
Add-NoteProperty -InputObject $obj -Properties "Person", "Addresses", "State" -Value "Texas" -ArrayProperty $ArrayProperty
Add-NoteProperty -InputObject $obj -Properties "Person", "Addresses", "Zip" -Value "77777" -ArrayProperty $ArrayProperty
Add-NoteProperty -InputObject $obj -Properties "Person", "Addresses", "Type" -Value "work" -ArrayProperty $ArrayProperty
$obj | ConvertTo-JSON
"Testing": ["foo", "bar"],
"Person": {
"Name": {
"First": "Tim",
"Last": "Cartwright"
"Age": "Older than an ant, younger than a mountain",
"Phones": [
"@{Number=281-867-5309; Type=Home}",
"@{Number=713-867-5309; Type=Mobile}",
"@{Number=555-867-5309; Type=Work}"
"Addresses": [
"@{Address 1=123 Foo Lane; Address 2=APT 987; City=Houston; State=Texas; Zip=8675309; Type=home}",
"@{Address 1=555 Blueberry Hill; City=Houston; State=Texas; Zip=77777; Type=work}"
- Original idea came from here
- Original author
- Modifications:
- Rewrote to loop instead of recursion
- modified property string to property string array, allows w/e to be passed in as the property, no need to split / replace
- can handle adding very complex structures
- will add or replace last value property
- can pipeling in the original object, made the main parameters mandatory
- added haschanged so if changing an existing object you can determine if any changes have occured. once true, never resets to false
- added ability add arrays