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Janus: λ-calculus in Quantitative Type Theory

Janus is a small programming language examining the differences between additive and multiplicities pairs in Quantitative Type Theory.

Getting started

To run the Janus interpreter, make sure you have a recent enough ghc (8.10.x) and cabal (3.4), then run:

cabal build
cabal run janusc


Interpreter reads user's input, evaluates it, and prints the result in an infinite loop. The input can either be a statement, see below, or a command. Commands are identified by a leading colon. Some commands expect arguments, which should follow the command. Janus interpreter supports the following commands:

  • :load takes a file path and it opens the file and evaluates its contents.
  • :browse lists all the variables that are currently in scope, annotated with their types.
  • :type takes a Janus term and synthesises its type.
  • :quit exits the interpreter.
  • :help, or :? shows a short description of the interpreter's features.

For example, the following command loads the contents of the file library.jns:

>>> :load library.jns
... output produced by the evaluation of terms read from the file ...


If no command is specified, interpreter expects the input to be a statement, which is evaluated, and the result is printed out. Statements are:

  • assume introduces new names and adds them to the context, subsequent Janus terms will have these variables in scope.
>>> assume (usage name : term) ...
              │    │      │     │
              │    │      │     └─ Multiple variables can be added
              │    │      │        to context at the same time.
              │    │      └─────── Janus term which defines the type.
              │    └────────────── Name of the new variable.
              └─────────────────── Multiplicity of the variable.
                                   This is optional and when omitted,
                                   interpreter defaults to ω.
  • let defines a new variable and assigns it a result of evaluated Janus term.
>>> let usage name = term
          │    │      │
          │    │      └─────────── Janus term which creates the value.
          │    └────────────────── Name of the new variable.
          └─────────────────────── Multiplicity of the variable.
                                   This is optional and when omitted,
                                   interpreter defaults to ω.
  • eval statement is a Janus expression which get evaluated and its result is printed. eval has no effect on variables in scope.
>>> usage term
      │    │
      │    └────────────────────── Janus term which creates the value.
      └─────────────────────────── Multiplicity of the result.
                                   This is optional and when omitted,
                                   interpreter defaults to ω.

An example of an interactive programming session

Declare a variable A of type Universe without a computational presence and a linear variable x of type A:

>>> assume (0 A : U) (1 x : A)
0 A : 𝘜
1 x : A

Define a variable id as an identity function. Its parameter y is a linear variable, so the function body has to use it exactly once:

>>> let 1 id = \x. \y. y : (0 x : 𝘜) -> (1 y : x) -> x
1 id = (λx y. y) : ∀ (0 x : 𝘜) (1 y : x) . x

Examine the variable in scope using the :browse command:

>>> :browse
0 A : 𝘜
1 x : A
1 id : ∀ (0 x : 𝘜) (1 y : x) . x

Evaluate the identity function application:

>>> 1 id A       -- Partially applied function, resulting in an identity function on type A.
1 (λx. x) : (1 x : A) → A
>>> 1 id A x     -- Fully applied function, resulting in the value of type A.
1 x : A

As an example of incorrect term, we try to construct a pair of identity functions. The variable id is however linear, so it can be used only once in a term.

>>> let 0 id_type = (0 x : 𝘜) -> (1 y : x) -> x : U     -- We define a helper variable to make
                                                        -- the terms more readable.
0 id_type = (∀ (0 x : 𝘜) (1 y : x) . x) : 𝘜
>>> let 1 pair = (id, id) : (_ : id_type) * id_type
error: Mismatched multiplicities:
        id : ∀ (0 x : 𝘜) (1 y : x) . x
          Used ω-times, but available 1-times.