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Presentation 2022reactor whatsnext

Miao, ZhiCheng edited this page Aug 2, 2023 · 6 revisions

What’s Next to Superfluid Protocol

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Date Notes
2022-05-20 Superfluid Reactor Summit 2022

Superfluid in Rear View Mirror

How It Was Started

Deployed to Polygon 441 days ago:

Had Two Packages for Builders

Deployed to Two Networks

  • Matic (now Polygon)
  • xDAI (now Gnosis Chain)

How It Is Today

Vibrant Development Activities in the Monorepo

Smart Contracts Project Evolving

  • CFA: Access Control List.
  • Switched to hardhat for functional testing.
  • Integrated with foundry for additional fuzzing testing.
  • Introduced hot-fuzz as new test framework for Superfluid applications.

More New & Better Packages

More Examples

More Docs

| |

Continued Contributions from Community

Committed to Contributing Back to Community

Pull requests to truffle suite.

Pull requests to truffle-plugin-verify.

Issue reports, and technical feedback to TheGraph.

Pull request testing for Echidna.

We adhere to the open collaboration and free & open source philosophy.

Continued Usages from Builders



Live On

Cumulative Flows

What’s Coming Next to Superfluid

More Networks

Enabling Minimum Deposit

  • For networks with high fee (Ethereum Mainnet, some L2s)
  • Make it “profitable” for sentinels closing micro streams

More Community Engagements

  • Framework Deployment Guide.
  • Easy Deployment of ERC20 Wrapper.
  • More Work on Custom Super Token Templates:
    • Pure super tokens,
    • with custom features.
  • List super tokens on


Yellow Paper

Citing Existing Papers

  • Superfluid money extends existing ideas:
    • Buldas, Ahto, Märt Saarepera, Jamie Steiner, and Dirk Draheim. “A Unifying Theory of Electronic Money and Payment Systems.” TechRxiv. Preprint 2021 (2021).
    • EIP-1620 - Money Streaming.
    • EIP-2100 - Proposal for Streaming Token Standard.
  • High standard of intellectual honesty:
    • Reusing existing terminologies.
    • Trying to generalizing existing framework if possible.
    • Not just stick a flag in it: your idea vs my idea.
  • Highlight the original idea and contribution from Superfluid Money.

Embedded Specification Using Literate Haskell

data SuperfluidTypes sft => DFAAccountData sft = DFAAccountData
    { settledAt     :: SFT_TS sft
    , αVal          :: SFT_FLOAT sft
    , εVal          :: SFT_FLOAT sft
    , settledBuffer :: BBS.BufferLiquidity (SFT_LQ sft)


  • Well-defined terminologies ≅ Well defined types.
  • Rigor definitions ≅ Testable properties.
  • The idea of Superfluid protocol as a Haskell program.

Sound Platform For Research Topics

  • Exotic Agreements: Decaying Flow, General Distribution, Step Flow…
  • Solvency Models: Buffer Based Solvency, Time Sync Solvency, etc.
  • Money Units Models: Account/Token, EUTXO.
  • Composability Models: callback vs. state-syncing.

Provide A Solid Reference for Additional Superfluid Money Implementations

🤔 What Can It Be? 🤔

  • EVM Superfluid V2?
  • A Non-EVM system?
  • A Superfluid-enabled Blockchain itself?

Protocol Validator

Simulation Environment for New Ideas & Concepts

New Functional Specification Testing Tool for Implementations

Deep Refactoring

Functional Style Agreements

  • Split pure code from side effects:
    • Reading protocol parameters from governance,
    • EVM storage operations,
    • Callbacks to super apps.
  • Easier for formal verification.
  • Make ways for more feature developments.

Token Centric Interface

Phasing out the usages of callAgreement.

token.createFlow, token.updateFlow, token.deleteFlow

token.createIndex (Multi-purpose Index)

token.subscribeToIndex, token.approveIndex (IDA)

token.distributeToIndex (IDA)

token.updateDistributionFlowRateOfIndex (GDA ?!)

token.updateDecayingFlowRateOfIndex (DFA ?!)

Complete The jigsaw Puzzle

Superfluid Payment Modalities Matrix

Payment Before Superfluid Money

1to1 1toN
Instant e.g. ERC20

Payment With Superfluid Money

1to1 1toN
Instant TBA (ERC20) GDA with Instant Distribution ≡ IDA
Streaming CFA/DFA GDA with Constant/Decaying Flow ≡ ?!

General Distribution Agreement

GDA = Multi-purpose Index with:

  • Instant Distribution
  • Constant Flow
  • Decaying Flow

Beyond Core Protocol

Make Sentinel More Profitable

More Than Solvency Protection From Hostile Actors

Add “Civilian” Services

Closing Stream For You by An End Date

Wrap-Up More Underlying Token For You When Running Low

More Power To Subgraph

Problem: Superfluid Distribution Index is Too Powerful!

  • A index can change balances of all its subscribers.
  • A Subgraph indexer cannot scale as much in its current architecture.

Working with TheGraph Team to Find Solution to Tame It

More Features to SDKs (SDK-Core, SDK-Redux)

Be Part Of It

  • Bi-weekly Protocol Public Forum, Wednesday 2:30 GMT. Join discord and ask for invitation.
  • Checkout bounties on
  • Checkout bounty on

Thank You

Let Us Change The Future Of Payment Systems.

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