The project's aim is to solve famous "N-Queens" problem and visualize one of the solution boards. The algorithm used to solve this constraint satisfaction problem is called backtracking search algorithm.
- Download the project
- Import the project to a Java IDE (Intellij IDEA is preferred)
- Build the project and run it
- Write the number of queens in the text box
- Click "Run!" button
- See the result
- If your input was not correct (empty box or non-numeric characters) you will see an error message
- Else if your input is larger than 19, you will receive a message informing that the number is too large. This constraint is used because of time complexity of backtracking search algorithm
- Else you will see one of the solution boards of famous "N-Queens" problem
Here is one of the solution boards for 8 queens:
MIT licensed
Copyright © 2017 Shahnur Isgandarli, @sisgandarli