Test your download and upload speed using fast.com
Ensure you have Node.js version 14+ installed. Then run the following:
cd fast-cli-interval
npm install
npm pack
npm install --global ./fast-cli-$VERSION.tgz
This project uses Puppeteer under the hood. Most install issues are related to that.
$ fast --help
$ fast [options]
--debug Show cli options information
--interval, -i Bandwidth interval test (in minutes)
--json JSON output
--json-file, -o Output to json file
--single-line, -s Reduce spacing and output to a single line
--upload, -u Disable upload speed measurement
$ fast --upload
93 Mbps ↓ / 13 Mbps ↑
$ fast --upload --json
$ fast --upload --interval 10 --json-file fast.json
The speeds are in Mbps.
fast --upload --json
"date": "2023-02-13T12:43:43.738Z",
"downloadSpeed": 92,
"uploadSpeed": 13,
"downloaded": 100,
"uploaded": 60,
"latency": 7,
"bufferBloat": 18,
"userLocation": "Somewhere, NO",
"userIp": ""
This fork is made possible because of the following projects. Spread some love ❤️
- ora - "Elegant terminal spinner"
- terminalizer - "Record your terminal and generate animated gif images or share a web player "
- tsup - "The simplest and fastest way to bundle your TypeScript libraries.""
- fast-cli - Test your download and upload speed using fast.com
- removed react/ink
+ file output option
+ interval mode
+ tsup single file bundle
+ typescript