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clinit - control daemon processes in cluster environment


clinit [command] [options] [selector] ...


All command-line arguments my come in any order. Each selector is a colon separated pair host:service. Where each host or service can be an unique identifier, a wildcard or an empty string (in which case it is considered as '*').



Start cluster services


Stop cluster services


Query status of cluster services


Stop and then start selected and stopped services


Stop selected services and then start only stopped services

list, ls

Display list of cluster services

grouplist, gl

Display list of service groups


Display services dependency tree


Outputs the result of ssh-keyscan for selected hosts.


The default configuration is /etc/clinit/services.xml

CLINIT_CONFIG environment variable can be used to override the location of the default configuration file.

See configuration file syntax below.


All options require a command to be specified except for --help.

-S, --services=services.xml file

Change loaded services descriptor file (default is services.xml)

-j, --jobs=jobs

Specifies the number of jobs (commands) to run simultaneously. Use -j0 to disable jobs. Default value -j8.

--no-deps, --nodeps

Start only services selected by selectors, don't figure out dependencies.


Check each service dependencies even if it is running.


Resolve dependencies in bounds of selected services. Command(s) will affect ONLY selected services. Dependencies determines services start/stop order.

This switch is useful to gracefully stop or start services on specified host. Complete ignoring dependencies (--no-deps) may cause startup errors.


Execute commands for specified host(s) locally.

To disable remote execution on several hosts it is possible to use option multiple times or specify comma or space separated list: --no-remote=localhost --no-remote="local, myhost"

-p, --probe-count=N

Sets probe count to N before probe procedure considered to be failed. Defaults to 10. --probe-count=0 disables probing procedure in which case action is considerd to be successful always.


Sets delay to N seconds between probe attempts. Default 3 sec.

-n, --dry-run

Do not execute commands

-l, --long-list

Print more information for *list commands

-a, --all

Match hidden services and groups. Without this option hidden services and groups matched only it's full names.

--no-colors, --nocolors

Disable colors in output.

-v, --verbose (incremental)

Print verbose messages about running commands and other debugging information.

-q, --quiet

Suppress all informational messages from startup system. Not affect list and tree commands.

-h, --help

Print brief help message and exit.


Command line parameters not matched any command or option and NOT started with '-' treat as selectors. Selector may include wildcards '*' and '?'. Each selector matched against hosts, groups and full service names and determines list of services, groups and hosts to apply command(s). Selectors with ':' symbol are parsed separately and have the special meaning - [host]:[service]. Both host and service parts is optional and replaced by '*' if omitted.

Default selector is 'all' - services from group 'all' or all services if no such group in services.xml.

Selector may be followed by '-' sign which turns it to NEGATIVE selector (exclusion) or '+' which is implied by default.


The configuration is a generic XML. The required configuration must be enclosed in the services element. Here is a sample:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<services xmlns:xsi=""
   <service id="mariadb" host="localhost"
            start="service mariadb start"
            stop="service mariadb  stop"
            status="service mariadb status">

   <service id="httpd" host="localhost"
            start="service httpd start"
            stop="service httpd  stop"
            status="service httpd status">

        <requires id="mariadb" host="localhost" strong="true"/> 

  <group name="httpd">
    <service id="httpd" host="localhost"/>

  <group name="mariadb">
    <service id="mariadb" host="localhost"/>



services element has optional attributes:

effective_user , effective_group

Defines a user account and group to perform all operation. sudo is used to impersonate to the required account.


Path to ssh private key to access hosts.

A service defined by service element.

service element must have attributes:


The service identifier, will be shown in all output.


The host to execute commands.

stop, start, status

Define commands to start, stop and get the status of a service

requires is optional element to define dependency to other service referenced by id and host attributes.

strong attribute defines whether service can start if dependent on service failed. If strong="true" the service will not try to start.

group is optional element.

group defines a list of services. The group name attribute can be used as argument for clinit commands.