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About this Callback

This is an sfn callback that adds support for defining Cloudformation Stacks via a profile that describes the default settings for one or more similar stacks. It is similar to the sfn-parameters callback, but more flexible because profiles have a one-to-many relationship to stacks.

Stack profiles are yaml files that define a set of defaults and one or more contexts that may extend or override the defaults as the environment, role, and/or version of a stack.


The callback adds 5 additional flags to the print, validate, create, and update commands:

  • --profile: The name of the profile (filename with the extension omitted)
  • --environment (optional): The name of a context in the profile that represents the stack environment
  • --role (optional): The name of a context in the profile that represents the stack role
  • --version (optional): The name of a context in the profile that represents the stack version
  • --ttl (optional): specify the Time To Live (in days) for a stack.

The command:

sfn create my-stack --profile nomad-stack --environment production --role applications --version 2.0.2 --ttl 30

would create a new stack using the nomad-stack profile, with the production, applications, and 2.0.2 contexts and a ttl of 30 days.


The callback is configured via the .sfn config file. There are a few options: do
  callbacks do
    require ['stack-profile']
    default ['stack_profile_callback']
  stack_profile do
    profile_directory 'profiles'
    allowed_values do
      environment [
      role [
      version []

To enable the callback, add it to the Gemfile, then add stack-profile to the require array add stack_profile_callback to the default array in the callbacks config block. In a stack_profile block, configure the profile_directory that contains profile files, and any value restrictions for environment, role, or version under the allowed_values block.

Allowed Values

For each context (environment, role, version) you may limit the set of allowed values. This allows you to configure a specific set of environments, roles, or versions at a project level. If these are omitted, or left empty, then any value will be allowed for that context. Settings in the profile are always applied in the order default, environment, role, version. With the above settings, create my stack --profile nomad-stack --environment production --role applications is valid, but create my stack --profile nomad-stack --environment applications --role profile is not.


Profiles are a YAML file. The profile name should match the filename. A basic profile:

profile: nomad-stack

# Parameter mappings
  - environment

  - environment

  - class
  - service

  - ami_version

# Default Settings
  template: core_service
    subnet_zone: private
    availability_zones: 3
    instance_type: m4.4xlarge
    environment: performance
    ebs_size: 200
    cost_center: infra
    notify_slack_channels: infrastructure,ops-messages,dev,nro

# Environment Contexts
    - production-vpc
    - production-internal-alb

    - staging-vpc

# Role Contexts
    instance_type: m4.4xlarge

    instance_type: c4.4xlarge

  default_ttl: 7
  rotate_count: 1
  rotate_wait_seconds: 300
  updates_allowed: true
  template_update_allowed: true
  always_update_template: false

About each section:

Parameter Mappings

Each context argument (environment, role, version) can be mapped to one or more compile time or run time parameters automatically. In this example, we're mapping the environment value to the environment compile time and run time parameters; the role value to both the service and class parameters; and the version value to the ami_version parameter. Each of the context arguments are included in the stack tags, so even though we haven't defined any version context, the version argument is a useful way to pass in both a parameter value and add metadata to the stack and resources.

Default Settings & Contexts

The default and context hashes accept the following keys:

  • template (string): The name of the Sparkleformation template to use for this stack.
  • compile_parameters (hash): Sparkleformation Compile Time Parameters as key-value pairs.
  • parameters (hash): Cloudformation Parameters as key-value pairs.
  • apply_stacks (array): A list of stacks whose outputs should be applied as parameter defaults.
  • tags (hash): A list of tags to apply to the Cloudformation stack, which will be propagated to resources that support tagging.

Contexts are merged on top of the default settings in the order of environment, role, and version (not used here). In this example, the default settings account for the template, compile time parameters, and sane defaults for some parameters. The Environment contexts are used exclusively for the apply_stack arguments to gather environment specific VPC and ALB ids. The Role contexts set distinct instance types based on the workloads that will run in those stacks.

Our example command:

sfn create my-stack --profile nomad-stack --environment production --role applications --version 2.0.2 --ttl 30

would generate the merged stack config:

template: core_service
  subnet_zone: private
  availability_zones: 3
  environment: production
  environment: production
  service: applications
  class: application
  ami_version: 2.0.2
  instance_type: m4.4xlarge
  environment: performance
  ebs_size: 200
  - production-vpc
  - production-internal-alb
  cost_center: infra
  notify_slack_channels: infrastructure,ops-messages,dev,nro
  profile: nomad-client
  environment: production
  role: applications
  version: 2.0.2
  ttl_days: 30
  rotate_count: 1
  rotate_wait_seconds: 300

Note that this is very similar to the stack files, with the additional of stack tags.


The meta hash includes information about how the profiles callback and other tooling will interact with the stacks.

default_ttl is the default TTL, and may be overriden with the --ttl flag.

rotate_count and rotate_wait_seconds are instructions for autoscaling group replacement via an external tool (to be implemented).

updates_allowed, template_update_allowed, and always_update_template instruct the profile callback about whether to allow a stack update, and if so, whether to update the stack template during an update. Note that these are enforced via the profile callback, so these settings will not prevent updates via other tools.


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