Live preview is the main feature Im looking to integrate and provide. Its not fully flushed out, releases with and without live updates are available.
This is a fork from the original here:
Main goal - Rewrite app top down
As a software developer, I've always been passionate about creating tools and frameworks that make programming more accessible and user-friendly. Lately, I've been working on designing a GUI development framework for Python that is easy to use and can help new learners and coders.
My framework is built on the PySimpleGUI model, which allows for a seamless transition from visual design to code implementation. I believe this approach can greatly benefit new learners, as it reduces the learning curve and provides a more intuitive way to develop GUI applications.
Moreover, my framework emphasizes simplicity and ease-of-use, so users can focus on designing and creating their applications rather than getting bogged down by technical details. As a result, my framework can help users of all skill levels to develop high-quality GUI applications quickly and efficiently.
Overall, I'm excited to continue developing and refining this framework, and I'm committed to helping new learners and coders succeed in their programming endeavors. If you have any suggestions or feedback, I would love to hear from you!
With this, Im looking to provid themes, and small tweaks to improve consistance, ease of use, and QOL.
-Exports now include full code
-Reset button to restore default code when you need a north star
-Full theme list applied to both the GUIDesigner and the export
Future ideas (open to feedback) and todos:
-EXE release
-Insert links to pysimplegui docs for individual elements
-Dependency properties per element
-icon buttons
- Live preview
A GUI for designing Python GUI's for PySimpleGUI.
If you find this useful consider supporting and buying the original creator a coffee :)
And this wouldn't be possible without PySimpleGUI, so they also really deserve it ;)