Respond with style
This application provides cowboy
to send customized response bodies
depending on status code. For every response that cowboy is about to send, cowboy_kitten
check status code against rules, you set and modify response body if nessesary.
Just add cowboy_kitten to the stream chain. It is recomended to add it just before the cowboy_stream_h
handler. resp_bodies
should be provided inside the env
map, that is a part of cowboy setup.
Response bodies can be one of two types: files or binary strings, if you want to send file, use {file, Filename}
tuple, binary strings can be used directly.
cowboy:start_clear(http, [{port, 8080}], #{
stream_handlers => [cowboy_kitten, cowboy_stream_h],
env => #{
dispatch => Dispatch,
resp_bodies => #{
500 => {file, "500_error_resp_file"},
400 => <<"400_error_msg">>