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Tony Findeisen edited this page May 5, 2015 · 32 revisions



  • extended Radio and Checkox with inputId and inputValue
  • moved parsePayloadOnCreate, parsePayloadOnUpdate into hooks
  • optimized getContextForChild in DataSource
  • input type='email' supported
  • optimized render method caching
  • optimized caching or rendered attributes
  • mediaQueries for componentLoader
  • draggable and title are now dom attributes
  • fixed cloning of default attributes that are binding definitions
  • updated underscore
  • moved cleanUpDescriptors into the build process
  • optimized parsing of text with bindings
  • fixed autofill for safari
  • changed initialization of invisible children
  • fixed order of visible children
  • fixed setting style attribute of dom element
  • pass option to getQueryParameter



  • extended Dialog with header and content placeholder
  • added close behavior to menu button
  • updated moment.js
  • new component AutoSuggestionBox
  • refactored I18n to DataFormatter
  • field gets active class, when control has focus
  • added clear method to component loader
  • two way bindings in formatted xml for text area
  • make binding parser robust to line breaks
  • support for resultType in Models -> you can now PUT to resources that return an entity
  • fieldText now tunneling all attributes
  • added support for pure JS applications
  • added inverse flag and replaceRegEx to RegExValidator
  • optimized composing of entity references
  • added defaults to FilterDataView
  • added transformers to Entity
  • added workaround for devices supporting touch and mouse events


  • fixed getComputedStyle for FF
  • fixed checked attribute bug in IE9+
  • fixed browser detection for IE11
  • fixed possible null pointer exception in VirtualItemsView
  • fixed click event in VirtualItemsView
  • fixed slider for android devices
  • fixed composing and parsing of dependent object models
  • fixed converting empty string to primitive
  • fixed reading binding paths that re undefined
  • fixed cloning of injected elements in Bindable
  • fixed getPathComponentsForModelClass for sub resources
  • fixed slider to allow steps like 0.5 or 1.3
  • fixed rendering of label of Checkbox if set to empty string
  • fixed handling of empty keys in I18n
  • fixed RadioGroup behavior if not valid value is found
  • fixed dependentObjectCache if parent has no dependentObjectCache
  • fixed menu button close behavior to just primary mouse button
  • fixed endpoint problem, if endpoint is not consistent belong requests


  • improved build command
  • added packages support for build command



  • added possibility to create collection items of a specific type
  • ComponentLoader: lazy load components
  • tooltip manager
  • relative routes for ModuleLoader
  • added routeNotFound hook on history
  • added capture phase support for event listeners
  • added alternative selection mode to VirtualItemsView
  • added scrollBarSize attribute for TileList
  • added topPadding and leftPadding for ScrollContainer in VirtualItemsView


  • fixed RadioGroup for null values
  • fixed setting items to null in js:Repeat
  • removed support for js:Script and js:Import
  • options for a element to create history entries in pushstate
  • href rendering for pushstate urls
  • exit code != 0, for rappidjs commands exiting with an error
  • support for navigation within module.start sequence
  • wrap dialog within dialog container
  • fixed determination of child context in data source
  • fixed changing baselist and pageIndex in PagedDataView
  • fixed handling of SelectedItems list in SelectionView
  • don't add non callbacks to callback stack for synchronizeFunctionCall
  • free memory after synchronizeFunctionCall returned
  • fixed find parent scope for Entity without determinateScopeAttribute
  • fixed $context lose of cloned collections



  • implemented cid scope - you can now use cid in xaml within Repeat
  • RadioGroup now working with repeat
  • support for value binding in RadioGroup
  • added support for header parameter in RestDataSource
  • added selected state for ui:Checkbox
  • implemented validator inheritance
  • introduced server side validators for ResourceHandler
  • added find to List
  • removed this.break() and this.return from List.each


  • Injection values are set via set
  • changed "add:dom" to "dom:add"
  • keep async annotation for ExternalInterface callbacks
  • fixed handling of plain js objects in bindings
  • fixed context determination for sub models in entities
  • fixed missing callBase for ExceptionHandler
  • fixed path handling in StaticFileHandler
  • fixed checking of linked Models of Entites in ResourceHandler
  • fixed passing validation options
  • fixed auto close in NotificationManager
  • preserve license information by default in rappidjs build
  • fixed clear of ContentPlaceHolders in ModuleLoader, just clear external descriptors
  • fixed using of SchemaValidator
  • do not navigate with empty href and enabled pushState
  • fixed localStorage implementation determination (3rd party, chrome)
  • removed js:Script from several components
  • fixed classAttributes of ModuleLoader
  • cleanup code


  • optimized bind and unbind bus
  • optimized attribute evaluation
  • added BindingParser cache
  • cache isDomNodeAttribute result


  • exit code for rappidjs build command


  • rappidjs version command now can set the version
  • moved js/html/a.js to js/html/A.js
  • fixed missing dependency to esprima
  • added NotificationManager
  • fixed Checkbox Component
  • re-enabled all web tests


  • fixed scoping issue which let internal children access external scope of a component
  • fixed visible rendering for last component in a list
  • Added back method to History
  • Added web tests for TabView
  • Added more web tests for visible attribute
  • Added more web tests for SelectionView
  • changed attribute initialization for template components
  • Optimized SelectionView by differentiating between multiSelect = true and false


  • enableInspection for rappidjs-devtools extension (
  • fixed rendering in SelectionView
  • introduced serverOnly, compose to schema
  • fixed binding on list items
  • added Flag for evaluation of Bindings in the constructor of Bindables
  • fixed back button of browser
  • respect preventDefault for push state navigation
  • clear src attribute for image nodes
  • fixed schema validation for sub entity lists
  • added createWindow function to WindowManager
  • fixed hasClass method in DomElement
  • added placeholder support for input element
  • documentation
  • better IE support
  • introduced beforeModelFetch hook
  • rows & cols for textarea
  • new AppClass template
  • fixed path bindings for onChange("some.path")
  • fixed SegmentedView


  • slider


  • fixed query merging in MongoDataSource
  • Default port for web server is now :8080


  • respect absolute urls in rappidjs build command
  • added version command


  • browser object now contains vendor prefixes
  • added animationClass to DomElement (animation class for adding and removing children)
  • options for fetch method are now optional
  • implemented push state support in History
  • onChange annotation now supports paths
  • fixed adding and removing of loading class in VirtualItemsView
  • fixed some problems with SelectionView
  • fixed querying and sorting in DataGrid
  • fixed IE9 compatibility
  • fixed MSPointer event mapping
  • fixed *.woff font-loading in Svg.FontLoader


  • added AuthroizationProvider
  • added tests for authentication and authorization
  • fixed encoding and decoding of paths and hrefs in RestHandler
  • fixed server command for latest requirejs (shim warnings)
  • fixed some bugs in MongoDataSource


  • introduced js:Repeat
  • Refactored ItemsView and SelectionView to use js:Repeat
  • added support for data uri's in XAML plugin
  • added template for tabs of TabView
  • fixed event target in EventHandler
  • introduced ErrorProvider for translating ui:Field


  • fixed composing in MongoDataSource
  • added support for authentication & registration


  • fixed ignoring of bindings in CDATA sections
  • new feature: parameterizable XAML event handlers


  • fixed sync scroll position in VirtualItemsView


  • fixed Bindings initialization

  • fixed caching of queryCollection

  • fixed visible attribute

  • fixes in SelectionView & ItemsView

  • added fallback signature for Model.fetch()

  • fixed pop method in List

  • fixed modal windows in WindowManager

  • fixed enabled=false

  • removed unused prepare method in Model

  • added tests


  • fixed endpoint initialization
  • fixed DELETE for REST Handler
  • added like operator for MongoDataSource
  • added context check for RestHandler
  • added check if referenced Models exists
  • fixed context composing and parsing
  • fixed $itemsCount bug in ResourceHandler and MongoDataSource


  • minor fixes in TreeView


  • fixed removing of non-visible children
  • new UI component TreeView
  • fixed handling of zero items in SelectionView
  • introduced TemplatePlaceHolder
  • added documentation for many functions, defaults, events
  • fixed recursive XAML loading
  • PARAMETER() binding to bind application start parameter
  • removed inline js:Script code
  • fixed memory leak in NodeRenderingHandler
  • fixed binding evaluation for string
  • added openMenu, toggleMenu, to MenuButton
  • handle multiple save calls in Model
  • added possibility to set limit and offset for collection fetch calls
  • removed combined files from build


  • added more REST-API tests

rappidjs doc

  • added support for xaml attributes
  • inner classes
  • @inherit annotation
  • line numbers


  • improved XSD schema generation
  • refactored script blocks to code behind files
  • fixed rAppid.js dependency in build command
  • added support for events in doc generator
  • added further documentation and schema definitions


  • improved doc command (includes now default attributes, static methods, etc.)
  • added option for XSD schema generation
  • extended tests for REST api
  • fixed HTMLView
  • fixed rendering of checked state in input elements
  • added a lot of documentation


  • fixed destroying of EventBindables
  • introduced idField - field attribute for entities and models
  • added fqClassname support for type definition in schema
  • provided hook for Collection paging parameters
  • fixed parsing loops for collection
  • added resourcePathToUri hook
  • added js/type/Color
  • implemented js/ui/ColorPicker
  • switched order of transform and transformBack methods in Bindings & fixed scoping problem
  • fixed DataView


  • fixed input event for IE
  • fixed itemsCount for LocalStorageDataSource
  • fixed cloning of sub models
  • fixed some tests


  • fixed empty string to primitiv bug
  • fixed destroying of bindings


  • removed dependency to libxml and jsdom. Replaced with xmldom
  • introduced pointer events
  • annotated Bus event handlers for Bindable
  • fixed initial _commit_field invokation
  • fixed unbinding of nested events
  • fixed invokation order in destroy phase
  • fixed rendering of selectedItems
  • link instead of clone injected attributes during clone phase
  • polyfill for window.getComputedStyled
  • fixed handling of white spaces in IE


  • fixed node rendering for duplicate url parameter


  • update to latest query.js version
  • optimize require.js during the build command
  • fixed binding initialization
  • load external svg font asynchron
  • injection support for Bindable
  • introduced browser object
  • introduced pointer events
  • Color picker
  • fixed Binding initialization for multiple bindings on the same object with two-way-binding
  • pass xhr object within the error object in `RestDataSource``
  • allow functions as injection instance
  • moved renderSelected to `DomElement``
  • removed copying of node_modules folder within rappidjs create app command


  • updated to latest flow.js version
  • added DataPicker
  • closable property for dialog
  • added xaml notation for event handlers
  • added globalToLocal and LocalToGlobal method
  • introduced query.js with MongoQueryMapper implementation
  • fixed build command, added removeSpaces option
  • introduced ArrayExecuter
  • refactored List, Collection
  • load module by name
  • fixed context determination for collection parsing
  • added support for internal cid's, excluded them from being rendered
  • environments
  • fixed scope problem for ExternalInterface, added return
  • fixed many tiny bugs in SelectionView
  • fixed '*' event in List
  • added timing variables to track bootstrapping of applications
  • added os and browser classes to stage
  • added svg font manager
  • fixed template creation with cloneNode
  • added support for classes in tabs
  • selection via selectedTab for TabView



  • added ScrollDirection to VirtualItemsView
  • support auto calculated values for TileList (rows, cols, itemWidth, itemHeight)
  • fixed add to DOM event
  • introduced * event type to handle all events
  • added smart syntax to add event listeners to items of a List
  • improved Binding evaluation
  • composing of Entity attributes by schema definition
  • added ExternalInterface - provide an interface for the outside world
  • introduced InterCommunicationBus to communicate between different rAppid.js applications
  • better SVG support
  • use same dependent object cache for all Entities of a Model
  • href parsing for DataSource Context determination
  • fixed TestRunner for new requirejs version
  • moved contextModel from RestDataSource.Context into DataSource.Context
  • fixed tagName attribute
  • added support for Function-Binding-Inheritance e.g. ().onChange("size()")
  • introduced extension library
  • fixed schema inheritance
  • added support for Entity references inside a Model
  • fixed composing of Entities
  • extended .clone() support
  • added support for null parameter in function binding


  • automatic href creation
  • fixed context determination for Collections


  • render css styles by setting them as attribute
  • simplified custom components, no need for classAttributes anymore
  • fixed error bindings
  • fixed rendering of styles
  • advanced select component
  • i18n.ts to search translation within special area
  • IE7, IE8 compatibility
  • GarbageCollection for IE
  • useSafeHttpMethods for RestDataSource
  • removed collectionClassName as datasource configuration
  • ProgressBar component
  • support uploading of FormData
  • ajax hooks
  • added SortCollection cache
  • fixed cloning of objects
  • fixed missing default variables for TabView
  • added schema caching
  • sort handling
  • invalidate page cache


  • extend build command to build versions in version directories


  • implemented authentication
  • fixed schema validation
  • enum validator
  • REST-API: referenced models, href's for referenced models
  • baseUri for request
  • Spdy-EndPoint
  • simplified DataSourceSwitchHandler
  • fixed ExceptionHandler
  • fixed writeHead
  • simplified and stabilized MongoDataSource


  • fixed rappidjs create app command
  • added sorting
  • upgraded to the latest version of inherit.js
  • set for xaml classes
  • fixed a history callback invokation bug, and show start errors
  • introduced ModuleLoader.isModuleActive
  • added schema validator
  • added auto generated value support
  • read payload for REST PUT and POST, if the server supports it
  • fixed multiple end calls in rappidjs server
  • start server session


  • rappidjs server command
    • end points
    • handlers
    • filters
    • request pipeline modus
    • ServerSessions
    • CookieManager
    • MongoDataSource
  • rappidjs build command now optimizes the config.json file
  • added createQueryCollection for Collections
  • LocalStorage as DataSource
  • Each DataSource now have a DataSourceConfiguration
  • Rewritten DataSource Context creation
  • KeyPath for comparison in ItemsView
  • Model Validators
  • noCache Option for Model.fetch
  • Extended schema for Models
  • Device specific classes on stage
  • field:Textarea
  • Date formatting in i18n with moment.js
  • Relative linking of rappidjs modules
  • Coping from global installed rappidjs during creation of new project
  • States for ModuleLoader
  • fixed optimizing of XAML
  • fixed input type="number"
  • clear of rendered children
  • Rendering in VirtualItemsView (DataGrid, TileList)
  • fixed History and Navigation
  • Model.delete
  • Corrected default i18n path
  • Bindings
  • removed Alias option for anonym models for RestDataSource
  • itemKey and itemIndex of ItemsView and SelectionView no longer use the $ prefix
  • all configuration classes were renamed to *Configuration
  • added DataSourceConfiguration and ResourceConfiguration
  • the "plugins" folder was renamed to "plugin"
  • $schema was renamed to schema
  • $classAttributes are now only used for components below js.ui.View
  • added $domAttributes for js.ui.View to whitelist attributes which should be rendered directly -> defaults are id, style, class


  • added "build" command to create packaged and optimized builds
  • added "exclude" option for clone method
  • added linked sources to lib folder
  • added enabled attribute for input elements
  • added scrollToIndex attribute for VirtualItemsView
  • invisible elements are now removed from the DOM (no "hide" class needed anymore)
  • fixed tab handling for iOS browsers
  • fixed syntax issues of older iOS browsers


  • fixed .clone() method to create new cloned instance -> new inherit.js version
  • removed unused UIComponents class
  • refactored content.ref into
  • simplified Dialog, ESC & Enterkey for Dialog
  • added RadioGroup
  • Simplified usage of Field in combination with input elements, eg. field:Text, field:Password, field:RadioGroup
  • fixed Binding initialization
  • added Entity (server side) validation
  • Implemented key handling and selection handling in VirtualItemsView -> DataGrid + TileList
  • Updated
  • Fixed a lot of minor bugs


  • Simplify usage of Template and Content
  • Implemented .clone() and .sync() for Bindable and List
  • New components VirtualItemsView DataGrid TileList Checkbox Radio Field
  • Fixed some minor issues in bindings
  • support for not() in bindings
  • Added Nodejs >= 0.8 support
  • Added TypeResolver for polymorphic associations in schema
  • Implemented a head manager


  • Bootstrap applications with one line
  • SystemManager is now Stage
  • Added WindowManager which supports modal dialogs
  • fixed component creation at runtime
  • support for hash redirects
  • rappidjs doc command


  • injectable MessageBus


  • refactored addComponent to addChild
  • support of SVG
  • js.ui.ListView
  • new way to add event listeners for DOM events
  • allow #! urls to be used
  • requirejs 2.0 -> error handling

0.2.7 - 0.1.0

  • Stuff we didn't documented