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Jig - tmux launcher

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Automates your tmux workflow. Inspired by tmuxinator, tmuxp, and smug.

Define windows and panes in a single YAML file, and Jig will recreate it any time you want.

Jig can also generate a config file from your current tmux sessions, interpolate custom variables, partially start specific windows, and even include other configuration files with the !include YAML directive.

Jig screenshot


  • Recreate tmux sessions, windows, and panes from a single YAML file.
  • Support YAML !include <file> directive to include other session files.
  • Partially restore windows from configuration.
  • Support variable interpolation in configurations.
  • Generate current tmux session as YAML.
  • Switch between sessions using fzf.


  • macOS with Homebrew: brew install rafi/tap/jig
  • Download from the releases page
  • Compile: git clone git@github:/rafi/jig.git && cd jig && go install


jig <command> [project] [flags]


  -h, --help           Show context-sensitive help.
      --debug          Print all commands to ~/.cache/jig.log
  -f, --file=STRING    Custom path to a config file
  -d, --detach         Detach tmux session. The same as -d flag in the tmux
  -i, --inside         Create all windows inside current session


Configuration files can stored in the ~/.config/jig directory in YAML format, e.g ~/.config/jig/your-project.yml. You can use JIG_SESSION_CONFIG_PATH to change the default base path if you wish.

You may also create a file named .jig.yml in the current working directory, which will be used by default when no project name is provided.

You can use !include <file> directive to include other session files. For example:

  - !include ~/code/a/.jig.yml
  - !include ~/code/b/.jig.yml
  - !include ~/code/c/.jig.yml

User Variables

You can pass custom variables which will be interpolated with your configuration files. First, use ${variable_name} syntax in your config and then provide key-value arguments:

$ cat ~/.config/jig/foo.yml
session: foo
  - cmd: echo ${year}

$ jig start foo year="$(date +%Y)"

This will create a window and run echo 2024 within it.


To create a new project, or edit an existing one with your $EDITOR:

jig new foo
jig edit foo

If you're already in a tmux session, you can generate it quickly:

jig print
jig print > .jig.yml

To start/stop a project and all windows, run:

jig start foo
jig stop foo

Also, jig commands have aliases:

jig foo # the same as "jig start foo"
jig st foo # the same as "jig stop foo"
jig p bar # the same as "jig print bar"

When you already have a running session, and you only want to create some windows from the configuration file, use the -w, --windows flag or a compound <project:windows> syntax and comma-separated window names:

# The following 3 commands are equivalent:
jig start project:window1,window2
jig start project -w window1,window2
jig start project -w window1 -w window2

You can use a custom path in the -f flag:

jig start -f ./project.yml
jig stop -f ./project.yml
jig start -f ./project.yml -w window1 -w window2

Config Examples

Example 1

Showing all features:

session: petstore
path: ~/code/petstore
  # backend/docker-compose.yml is relative to session `path`
  - docker-compose -f backend/docker-compose.yml up -d
  - docker stop $(docker ps -q)
  - !include frontend/.jig.yml

  - name: code
    path: blog  # Relative path to session
    layout: main-vertical
    focus: true
      - focus: true
          - docker-compose start
      - type: horizontal
          - sleep 4
          - docker-compose exec db psql
          - \dn; \dt public.*

  - name: run
      - git status -sb
      - git log --graph --all
        --pretty='%C(240)%h%C(reset) -%C(auto)%d%Creset %s %C(242)(%an %ar)'

  - name: infra
    path: ~/code/nlu
    layout: tiled
    manual: true  # Start this window only manually, using the -w argument.
      - type: horizontal
          - docker-compose up -d

Example 2

Short cmd example:

session: blog
# When no path is provided, the config file's directory is used.
  - name: code
    layout: main-horizontal
      - cmd: $EDITOR
      - cmd: make run-tests
  - name: ssh
    cmd: ssh myserver


MIT License (c) 2024 Rafael Bodill