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A command-line tool to work with volume data.

-i str input volume
-o str output volume
-selectVolume int selects the n-th volume in a nifti file with many volumes
-largest6con largest 6 connected component
-dilate int dilate(size)
-erode int erode(size)
-compress float str cosinus transform compress rate coeff_file
-hist int hist(#bins)
-matchHist str matchHistogram(another_mri)
-stats stats, returns mean, std, min, max
-tiff str str str float write slice as tiff file. Args: path, cmap, ori {x, y, z}, slice
-info information: dimensions, data type, pixel size
-threshold float int threshold(level,direction)
-volume calculate volume
-new create a new volume with dimx,dimy,dimz,pixx,pixy,pixz,offx,offy,offz
-zigzag print volume values in zigzag order
-decompose str decompose(basename) a volume with many values into volumes with one single value
-strokeMesh str set the surface of the mesh (text format) at input path to value=max+1; mesh needs to be in voxel coordinates
-surfaceNets level path extract isosurface from the volume at the indicated level using the surface nets algorithm, save at the indicated path
-sampleMesh str1 str2 sampleMesh(mesh_path, result_path) save the volume values at the vertices of the mesh pointed by the file path to the result path


tool to work with volume data






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