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VMCondor: generic Cloud Init user_data template file for use with Vacuum
based systems (Vac,Vcycle)

make_VMCondor_user_data EXAMPLE  will make a user_data file with the name
EXAMPLE.user_data including the EXAMPLE.condor and EXAMPLE.write_files if
they exist.

EXAMPLE.condor contains HTCondor configuration options which will be
appended to the default VMCondor options and therefore take precdence
over them.

EXAMPLE.write_files contains one or more indented cloud-config sections
to follow a write_files directive.

If EXAMPLE.write_files creates the following optional scripts, they will
be used by VMCondor:

/usr/local/bin/user_job_wrapper is an HTCondor USER_JOB_WRAPPER which
is run before each HTCondor job. The script must end with  exec "$*"
If user_job_wrapper is not provided, then VMCondor will give HTCondor
a default that approximates a WLCG worker node using scripts in cvmfs.

/usr/local/bin/condor_config_script is run before VMCondor loads the
final HTCondor configuration and HTCondor starts to run jobs.

/usr/local/bin/make_shutdown_message is run after HTCondor has stopped
running jobs. This script should parse the HTCondor job logs to 
determine why HTCondor stopped: in particular, if it ran job(s) 
successfully or didn't find any jobs to run.

The Makefile includes some user_data file targets which run
make_VMCondor_user_data with different write_files and condor files.