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- Push Hero - pure Swift native macOS application to test push notifications
- PastePal - Pasteboard, note and shortcut manager
- Frame recorder - Recorder gif and video with frame
- Other apps
- Android Architecture Components
- Architecture Components - Introduction (Google I/O '17)
- Guide to App Architecture 🚀
- Android lifecycle-aware components codelab
- Exploring the new Android Architecture Components library
- droidcon NYC 2017 - ViewModels, LiveData and Lifecycles, oh my!
- Android Architecture Components Considered Harmful
- ViewModels: Persistence, onSaveInstanceState(), Restoring UI State and Loaders
- ViewModels and LiveData: Patterns + AntiPatterns
- Google releases source for Google I/O 2018 for Android
- 5 common mistakes when using Architecture Components
- android-architecture-counter-sample Sample app using Android architecture components
- android-architecture-components Samples for Android Architecture Components
Model View Presenter
- Model-View-Presenter: Android guidelines
- Android MVP — Doing it right
- droidcon NYC 2017 - Clean app design with Architecture Components 🚀
- Android Architecture Patterns Part 2: Model-View-Presenter
- Essential Guide For Designing Your Android App Architecture: MVP: Part 1
- android-architecture-components Samples for Android Architecture Components.
- mortar A simple library that makes it easy to pair thin views with dedicated controllers, isolated from most of the vagaries of the Activity life cycle.
- nucleus Nucleus is an Android library, which utilizes the Model-View-Presenter pattern to properly connect background tasks with visual parts of an application.
Model View Controller
Model View Intent
- android-architecture MVI architecture Implementation of the ToDo app.
- droidcon NYC 2017 - Model-View-Intent for Android
- The Contract of the Model-View-Intent Architecture
Model View ViewModel
- Android Architecture Patterns Part 3: Model-View-ViewModel
- Android Architecture Components MVVM — Part 1
- AndroidViewModel Separating data and state handling from Fragments or Activities without lots of boilerplate-code.
- android-oss Kickstarter for Android
- Android Architecture: Part 1 – every new beginning is hard
- Model View Intent on Android
- Communication between Fragment and Activity
- Keddit — Intro: Learn Kotlin while developing an Android App 🚀 🚀
- MVC vs MVP vs MVVM vs MVI
- A Functional Approach to Android Architecture using Kotlin
- Grokking RxJava, Part 1: The Basics
- Crunching RxAndroid — Intro
- RxAndroid and Kotlin (Part 1)
- Retrofiting on Android with Kotlin
- Using Kotlin, RxJava 2 and Retrofit to consume REST API on Android
- kapsule Minimalist dependency injection library for Kotlin.
- Kodein Painless Kotlin Dependency Injection
- Dependency injection in Android