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mycs - Tip of the week

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Date Who Topic
10.04.2015 Claudio App: Using Dash to store and manage snippets
17.04.2015 Ivan Coffeescript: Undefined/Unused variables checker
24.04.2015 Avraam ES5: Property Descriptors and "pseudomentatory" parameters in Coffeescript functions
08.05.2015 Netta CSS3: Chaining and Blending backgrounds
13.05.2015 Nicolas DevOps: Debugging with CircleCI
29.05.2015 Claudio & Nicolas DevOps: ©️ Claudio - Firefighting ©️ Nicolas
05.06.2015 Chad Jira: Shortcuts
12.06.2015 Ivan IDE/JS/CSS: Workspaces and live update for Scripts and CSS
19.06.2015 Claudio Logs: Move through long logs
26.06.2015 Nancy CSS3: Shapes: Wrapping content around custom paths
07.08.2015  Philipp JS Web Crypto API
21.08.2015  Avraam Immutable data structures in JS Immutable data structures in JS
04.09.2015 Ivan Testing: Protractor Recorder
23.10.2015 Nicolas Git: Improved git workflow with rebase
30.10.2015 Philipp JS File & FileReader API
11.11.2015 Claudio Testing: Manual testing on different devices, browsers and OS'
02.12.2015 Nicolas Refactoring: Getting rid of the scope soup
10.12.2015 Netta & Valentyn Refactoring: Smart & Dumb, BEMifying - Guidelines
26.05.2016 Alex Testing: Ghost Inspector
26.05.2016 Valentyn Frontend: Angular 1.5 features
08.07.2016 Philipp JS Fetch API & Promises
18.08.2016 Alex Testing Nightwatch.js Browser automated testing (e2e)
15.09.2016 Ivan Chess: three golden rules
21.09.2016 Philipp JS Service Worker API
22.09.2016 Claudio Chrome DevTools: Chrome DevTools
30.09.2016 Valentyn JS NPM tricks
20.10.2016 Jonathan CSS3 using Flexbox
27.10.2016 Andreas HTML VR A-Frame
10.11.2016 Denis JS The 10 Key Features in Node.js v6 LTS
18.11.2016 Frédéric SQL Write better SQL queries
18.11.2016 Lyaysan JIRA How to add Filter Result gadget
15.12.2016 Nancy FE Front-end Chrome Extensions
05.01.2017 Philipp Angular 2 Testing Services with HTTP Requests in Angular 2
05.01.2017 Lyaysan Testing Elementor: testing Protractor selectors from your browser and IDE
03.02.2017 Jonathan JS PDF creation with JS Frameworks (client and server side)
10.02.2017 Claire JS Re-creating Redux with Rx.js
14.02.2017 Avraam JS React Patterns and Anti-Patterns
1$.02.2017 Avraam JS Async Javascript Using Reactive Extensions
21.02.2017 Avraam & Claire JS Testing with Jest & Enzyme
16.03.2017 Lucian IDE Boostraping vim
11.05.2017 Kateryna Tool Monosnap - best screenshot tool ever
06.07.2017 Johann OS Unix backup solution
13.07.2017 Philipp  Node Two-Factor Authentication with Node
17.07.2017  Avraam  JS Sorting faster than .sort()
25.07.2017 Kateryna & Lyaysan Testing Performance testing and monitoring
03.08.2017 Lyaysan Testing Debugging and Testing with Xcode Simulator
14.09.2017 Avraam a11y Give a damn, develop with empathy
21.09.2017 Mathieu C++ / JS Emscripten : Compiling C++ to fast JS
29.09.2017 Nicolas JS
19.10.2017 Philipp  HTML/JS Preload resources
23.11.2017 Denis DevOps: AWS Batch
14.12.2017 Mathieu Basis of Ray Tracing Slides
14.12.2017 Maxime GPU architecture Slides
04.01.2018  Philipp  PostgreSQL: Heap, Vacuum, B-tree Index
01.02.2018 Johann  Manual-Viewer Bachelor thesis overview
08.02.2018 Rémy Data viz D3.js library
01.03.2018 Denis  Logs and big files Tool
29.03.2018 Maxime Introduction to MDL language Slides
14.06.2018 Lyaysan  Mutation testing Tool
29.06.2018 Maxime Image post-processing: Tone mapping and Histogram stretching Slides
29.06.2018 Mathieu Mixed Integer Programming Slides
23.08.2018 Ivan Music Euclidean Rhythms
13.09.2018 Nicolas Devops Introduction to Kubernetes
11.10.2018 Radek Browser Rendering Slides
25.10.2018 Denis SQL injection Slides
09.11.2018 Xmun Intro to Web Audio Api
9.11.2018 Bruno Basic RESTlet implementation Slides
9.11.2018 Romain NodeJS Streams Slides
15.11.2018 Katia WebdriverIO service that enables Chrome DevTools functionality wdio-devtools-service
15.11.2018 Valentin R How e2e tests actually work Slides
26.11.2018  Philipp  Short review of GoLab 2018 Slides
03.09.2019 Maxime How to transform MDL to CUDA code ? Slides
22.09.2020 Nicolas Devops / Infrastructure as Code AWS CDK