A small system for gathering large amounts of snmp data. The pacakge contains both a collector and a data service interface. A multi-process collector gathers SNMP data from a set of hosts and put that data into a local Redis database. A set of data services then provides access to this data via RabbitMQ. Currently this code is PoC without proper init scripts etc, so the following is a bit... rustic.
##running the collector: For now, you should have redis and rabbitmq installed locally and running.
./simp.pl --config /home/ebalas/config.xml --logging ../logging.conf
The config file controls collection interval, and the number of workers to use and what to collect.
config.xml defines the config for the simp collector, with the individual hosts defined in hosts.conf
<! -- redis: defines how to connect to redis, which is used for data storage -->
<redis host="" port="6379"/>
<group name="int" active="1" workers="2" interval="60" retention="6">
<!-- mib: specifies the data to gather using getTree
oid: is set to an oid substing expressed as dotted decimal
<mib oid=""/>
<mib oid=""/>
<group name="bgp" active="0" workers="2" interval="30" retention="2">
<mib oid=""/>
<group name="mac2ip" active="0" workers="5" interval="60" retention="2"
<mib oid=""/>
The host.conf file contains the set of hosts to collect from and defines the collection group assignments
<host ip="" community="come on">
<group id="int"/>
<group id="bgp"/>
<host ip="" community="farva man">
<group id="int"/>
<group id="bgp"/>
<host ip="" community="same">
<group id="int"/>
<host ip="" community="team">
<group id="mac2ip"/>
##running the data service:
./simpData.pl --config ../simpDataConfig.xml --logging ../logging.conf
The config is similar to that used by the poller with less details required.
<config workers="3" >
<redis host="" port="6379"/>
<rabbitMQ host="" port="5672"/>
##Testing Currently there are no unit tests. To stress test some there are scripts in bin called genTestData.pl and testClient.pl