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GitHub Action

Generator, Validator, Converter and others - all in one for your AsyncAPI docs


Generator, Validator, Converter and others - all in one for your AsyncAPI docs


Generator, Validator, Converter and others - all in one for your AsyncAPI docs

Use this action to generate docs or code from your AsyncAPI document. Use default templates or provide your custom ones


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Generator, Validator, Converter and others - all in one for your AsyncAPI docs

uses: asyncapi/[email protected]

Learn more about this action in asyncapi/github-action-for-cli

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GitHub Action for Generator

This action generates whatever you want using your AsyncAPI document. It uses AsyncAPI Generator.



Template for the generator. Official templates are listed here You can pass template as npm package, url to git repository, link to tar file or local template.

Default points to @asyncapi/[email protected] template.

We recommend to always specify the version of the template to not encounter any issues with the action in case of release of the template that is not compatible with given version of the generator.


Location of the AsyncAPI document.

Default expects asyncapi.yml in the root of the working directory.


The template that you use might support and even require specific parameters to be passed to the template for the generation.


Directory where to put the generated files.

Default points to output directory in the working directory.

Example usage


In case all defaults are fine for you, just add such step:

- name: Generating Markdown from my AsyncAPI document
  uses: docker://asyncapi/github-action-for-generator:2.0.0

Using all possible inputs

In case you do not want to use defaults, you for example want to use different template:

- name: Generating HTML from my AsyncAPI document
  uses: docker://asyncapi/github-action-for-generator:2.0.0
    template: '@asyncapi/[email protected]'  #In case of template from npm, because of @ it must be in quotes
    filepath: docs/api/my-asyncapi.yml
    parameters: baseHref=/test-experiment/ sidebarOrganization=byTags #space separated list of key/values
    output: generated-html

Example workflow with publishing generated HTML to GitHub Pages

In case you want to validate your asyncapi file first, and also send generated HTML to GitHub Pages this is how full workflow could look like:

name: AsyncAPI documents processing

    branches: [ master ]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    #"standard step" where repo needs to be checked-out first
    - name: Checkout repo
      uses: actions/checkout@v2
    #Using another action for AsyncAPI for validation
    - name: Validating AsyncAPI document
      uses: WaleedAshraf/asyncapi-github-action@v1
        filepath: docs/api/my-asyncapi.yml
    #In case you do not want to use defaults, you for example want to use different template
    - name: Generating HTML from my AsyncAPI document
      uses: docker://asyncapi/github-action-for-generator:2.0.0
        template: '@asyncapi/[email protected]'  #In case of template from npm, because of @ it must be in quotes
        filepath: docs/api/my-asyncapi.yml
        parameters: baseHref=/test-experiment/ sidebarOrganization=byTags #space separated list of key/values
        output: generated-html
    #Using another action that takes generated HTML and pushes it to GH Pages
    - name: Deploy GH page
      uses: JamesIves/[email protected]
        ACCESS_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
        BRANCH: gh-pages
        FOLDER: generated-html


You can enable more log information in GitHub Action by adding ACTIONS_STEP_DEBUG secret to repository where you want to use this action. Set the value of this secret to true and you''ll notice more debug logs from this action.