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866 lines (721 loc) · 36.9 KB

Operator API


The operator maintains two cookies in PAF top level domain + 1:

  • the list of pseudonymous identifiers associated to the user
  • their preferences

Both these cookies have a source attribute that contains the signature and some common metadata.

For details on how to calculate or verify signatures, see

An extra cookie, with a very short lifetime, can be created to test the support of 3d party cookies (see below for details)

Cookie name Format Created by
paf_identifiers operator
paf_preferences contracting party, usually CMP
paf_test_3pc operator

Example of a paf_identifiers cookie


Which is the "stringified" version of:

    "version": "0.1",
    "type": "paf_browser_id",
    "value": "7435313e-caee-4889-8ad7-0acd0114ae3c",
    "source": {
      "domain": "",
      "timestamp": 1642504380,
      "signature": "bszEOIHdTfmdRZZzTFrFrXiB87piBkysVXBjtx9visoiCgqmR0AvKqiycAQ049VIeZa8ApQY0njJUwHby/Y10g=="

Example of a paf_preferences cookie


Which is the "stringified" version of:

  "version": "0.1",
  "data": {
    "use_browsing_for_personalization": true
  "source": {
    "domain": "",
    "timestamp": 1642504560,
    "signature": "Or41DOD8Oau3HHygAiFZzjXNvPmMx6fOazc/72LpmPKMnTFfZrkwPpCPIGPZKwF/WucP1NO+/aX4LfZ65jl2ZA=="

Example of a paf_test_3pc cookie


Which is the "stringified" version of:

  "timestamp": 1643214240

Endpoints: quick look

To support the Operator Design, a few endpoints are needed on the operator API.

These endpoints need to handle cases when 3d party cookies (3PC) are supported by the web browser, or not.

  • where 3PC are available, a simple JS call is optimum
    • in this case, we favour POST calls when data is mutated ("data mutated" means when a cookie is created or updated on PAF TLD+1 domain)
    • return code is HTTP 200 and return type is JSON
  • where 3PC are not available, a full page redirect is required to read or write cookies on PAF TLD+1 domain
    • in this context, POST is not possible
    • return code is 303 with no content: data is passed as the query string of the redirect URL

In practice, this will translate into endpoints available under different root paths.


  • the endpoints called by the browser Javascript are called "REST" endpoints in this document even though they are not 100% RESTful, but this naming seems the most appropriate to distinguish them from "redirect" endpoints.
  • values returned by the endpoints are based cookies stored on the web user's browser. Of course, it means the same calls on different web browsers will return different responses.
Endpoint Description Input Output REST Redirect
Read ids & prefs Read existing cookies.
Return new ID if none
- List of persisted IDs.
List of preferences
newly generated PAF ID, if any
GET /v1/ids-prefs GET /v1/redirect/get-ids-prefs
Write ids & prefs Update cookies PAF ID
List of persisted IDs.
List of preferences
POST /v1/ids-prefs GET /v1/redirect/post-ids-prefs
Get new id Generate new ID - newly generated PAF ID GET /v1/new-id N/A
Verify 3PC support Confirm if 3PC are supported - value of paf_test_3pc if any, error otherwise GET /v1/3pc N/A
Get identity Get operator public key to verify ID or responses signatures - list of:
public key + start and end dates if any
GET /v1/identity N/A


Sender, receiver, timestamp

All messages (appart from "Verify 3PC" and "Get identity") include:

  • the domain name of the entity sending the message (sender)
  • the domain name of the entity the message is sent to (receiver)
  • the timestamp (in seconds) when the message is created


All requests and responses (appart from "Verify 3PC" and "Get identity") are signed.

See each "format" section below for the rules to calculate the signature input.


The following signature verifications are mandatory:

  • the signature of all requests received by the operator are verified
  • any cookie written by the operator is verified before writing
    • this is the way requests are authenticated
  • any response received by a website after a "boomerang" redirection must be verified
    • to prevent a form of "Cross-Site Request Forgery" where a malicious actor pretending to be a PAF operator is trying to send PAF data to the website

The following signature verifications are optional:

  • any response received by a website as part of a REST call can be verified
    • this is not mandatory as the website controls who it calls (the operator) it can be trusted thanks to its SSL certificate
  • it is recommended that any cookie written by a website is verified before writing

For details on how to calculate or verify signatures, see

Error handling

Error messages are returned inside an error object:

Message Format
Error error

In case of error:

  • for REST endpoints,
    • the HTTP return code contains specific code (40x, 50x)
    • the full message body is made of an error object
  • for redirect endpoints,
    • the HTTP return code is always 303. The specific error code is in code property of the response
    • the response body contains an error property of type error

REST versus redirect

For endpoints that exist as "redirect", the following pattern is used:

  • basically, the redirect endpoints use the same request and response models as the REST equivalent
  • on the redirect endpoints:
    • the request object is encapsulated in a request property
      • it has the same type as the full REST request message
    • a mandatory returnUrl property is also added
    • the response object is encapsulated in a response property
      • it has the same type as the full REST response message
    • an additional code property contains a "return code" that takes 3 digits values
      • it is mapped to HTTP return codes and will contain the "equivalent" to the REST HTTP return code
      • for redirect endpoints the "real" HTTP return code is always 303
    • in case of an error,
      • code contains the appropriate HTTP code
      • response property is undefined
      • error property contains error details
    • for both requests and responses:
      • the request or response object is "JSON stringified" & encoded in base64
      • it is passed as a single paf parameter of the query string

Endpoints: details

Read ids & preferences

  • verify request signature
  • if paf_identifiers cookie exists and is not an empty list, return the value
  • otherwise
    • generate a new identifier (do not write any new cookie), and sign it
    • return the newly generated identifier
    • this returned identifier has persisted property set to false
    • this is to avoid an extra call (and potentially, an extra "boomerang redirect")
  • if paf_preferences cookie exists, return its values
  • [on REST version only] attempt to create a temporary, short-life, "test 3PC" cookie

REST read: GET /v1/ids-prefs

Message Format
Request get-ids-prefs-request
Response get-ids-prefs-response
Full example
  • the following request is built:
  "sender": "",
  "receiver": "",
  "timestamp": 1643041140,
  "signature": "tvEjp7Fox6jxkgxgY9tjTuy3wH5imuFj63Yuub4UweelYbs8XxnP3nK5w41u13P+fOpEfEqmH/fAgC8WPZYhUQ=="
  • and transformed into a parameter of the query string to form the URL to call:
GET /v1/ids-prefs?paf=eyJzZW5kZXIiOiJjbXAuY29tIiwicmVjZWl2ZXIiOiJvcGVyYXRvci5wYWYtb3BlcmF0aW9uLWRvbWFpbi5pbyIsInRpbWVzdGFtcCI6MTY0MzA0MTE0MCwic2lnbmF0dXJlIjoidHZFanA3Rm94Nmp4a2d4Z1k5dGpUdXkzd0g1aW11Rmo2M1l1dWI0VXdlZWxZYnM4WHhuUDNuSzV3NDF1MTNQK2ZPcEVmRXFtSC9mQWdDOFdQWlloVVE9PSJ9
  • response in case of known user
  "body": {
    "identifiers": [
        "version": "0.1",
        "type": "paf_browser_id",
        "value": "7435313e-caee-4889-8ad7-0acd0114ae3c",
        "source": {
          "domain": "",
          "timestamp": 1642504380,
          "signature": "bszEOIHdTfmdRZZzTFrFrXiB87piBkysVXBjtx9visoiCgqmR0AvKqiycAQ049VIeZa8ApQY0njJUwHby/Y10g=="
    "preferences": {
      "version": "0.1",
      "data": {
        "use_browsing_for_personalization": true
      "source": {
        "domain": "",
        "timestamp": 1642504560,
        "signature": "Or41DOD8Oau3HHygAiFZzjXNvPmMx6fOazc/72LpmPKMnTFfZrkwPpCPIGPZKwF/WucP1NO+/aX4LfZ65jl2ZA=="
  "sender": "",
  "receiver": "",
  "timestamp": 1643041150,
  "signature": "1WGG+DtR5Q7JO/4w1mGoqwdB0VtdrKMNlh5jmFJRKLSOnki2WI6Pf4RnHd3bN68iCqpM/BHogM0590KVdv3+sg=="
  • response in case of unknown user
  "body": {
    "identifiers": [
        "persisted": false,
        "version": "0.1",
        "type": "paf_browser_id",
        "value": "2e71121a-4feb-4a34-b7d1-839587d36390",
        "source": {
          "domain": "",
          "timestamp": 1643041140,
          "signature": "lfvEkcQ/lw+aDAycLKwljD01BKdjfCAa/W6Uz85z/LuXRGg4L7tMJa/pEzYC5WxZSmY2jVsqCN/IF6mws8c2cA=="
  "sender": "",
  "receiver": "",
  "timestamp": 1643041150,
  "signature": "eecaGYcYFkXmgFdaCwzK/93zaVnaLC0dZIDsC4IkP3WubKdSfP/u5UsrPYBhDgt0STCyBnwF6eE79vtyi2UnWA=="

Notice persisted = false, see for details.

Redirect read: GET /v1/redirect/get-ids-prefs

Message Format
Request redirect-get-ids-prefs-request
Response redirect-get-ids-prefs-response
Full example
  • the following request is built:
  "request": {
    "sender": "",
    "receiver": "",
    "timestamp": 1643041140,
    "signature": "tvEjp7Fox6jxkgxgY9tjTuy3wH5imuFj63Yuub4UweelYbs8XxnP3nK5w41u13P+fOpEfEqmH/fAgC8WPZYhUQ=="
  "returnUrl": ""
  • and transformed into a parameter of the query string to form the URL to call:
GET /v1/redirect/get-ids-prefs?paf=eyJyZXF1ZXN0Ijp7InNlbmRlciI6ImNtcC5jb20iLCJyZWNlaXZlciI6Im9wZXJhdG9yLnBhZi1vcGVyYXRpb24tZG9tYWluLmlvIiwidGltZXN0YW1wIjoxNjQzMDQxMTQwLCJzaWduYXR1cmUiOiJ0dkVqcDdGb3g2anhrZ3hnWTl0alR1eTN3SDVpbXVGajYzWXV1YjRVd2VlbFliczhYeG5QM25LNXc0MXUxM1ArZk9wRWZFcW1IL2ZBZ0M4V1BaWWhVUT09In0sInJldHVyblVybCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vYWR2ZXJ0aXNlci5jb20vbmV3cy8yMDIyLzAyLzA3L3NvbWV0aGluZy1jcmF6eS1oYXBwZW5lZD91dG1fY29udGVudD1jYW1wYWlnbiUyMGNvbnRlbnQifQ%3D%3D
  • in case of known user, the following response is built:
  "code": 200,
  "response": {
    "body": {
      "identifiers": [
          "version": "0.1",
          "type": "paf_browser_id",
          "value": "7435313e-caee-4889-8ad7-0acd0114ae3c",
          "source": {
            "domain": "",
            "timestamp": 1642504380,
            "signature": "bszEOIHdTfmdRZZzTFrFrXiB87piBkysVXBjtx9visoiCgqmR0AvKqiycAQ049VIeZa8ApQY0njJUwHby/Y10g=="
      "preferences": {
        "version": "0.1",
        "data": {
          "use_browsing_for_personalization": true
        "source": {
          "domain": "",
          "timestamp": 1642504560,
          "signature": "Or41DOD8Oau3HHygAiFZzjXNvPmMx6fOazc/72LpmPKMnTFfZrkwPpCPIGPZKwF/WucP1NO+/aX4LfZ65jl2ZA=="
    "sender": "",
    "receiver": "",
    "timestamp": 1643041150,
    "signature": "1WGG+DtR5Q7JO/4w1mGoqwdB0VtdrKMNlh5jmFJRKLSOnki2WI6Pf4RnHd3bN68iCqpM/BHogM0590KVdv3+sg=="
  • and added as a parameter of the query string, to the redirect URL:
  • in case of known user, the following response is built:
  "code": 200,
  "response": {
    "body": {
      "identifiers": [
          "persisted": false,
          "version": "0.1",
          "type": "paf_browser_id",
          "value": "2e71121a-4feb-4a34-b7d1-839587d36390",
          "source": {
            "domain": "",
            "timestamp": 1643041140,
            "signature": "lfvEkcQ/lw+aDAycLKwljD01BKdjfCAa/W6Uz85z/LuXRGg4L7tMJa/pEzYC5WxZSmY2jVsqCN/IF6mws8c2cA=="
    "sender": "",
    "receiver": "",
    "timestamp": 1643041150,
    "signature": "eecaGYcYFkXmgFdaCwzK/93zaVnaLC0dZIDsC4IkP3WubKdSfP/u5UsrPYBhDgt0STCyBnwF6eE79vtyi2UnWA=="

Notice persisted = false, see for details.

  • and added as a parameter of the query string, to the redirect URL:

Write ids & preferences

  • verify request signature
  • verify identifier signature
  • verify preferences signature
  • add or replace identifier of type paf_browser_id in paf_identifiers cookie
  • update paf_preferences cookie with new value
  • return both values

REST write: POST /v1/ids-prefs

Message Format
Request post-ids-prefs-request
Response post-ids-prefs-response
Full example
  • the following request is built:
  "body": {
    "identifiers": [
        "version": "0.1",
        "type": "paf_browser_id",
        "value": "7435313e-caee-4889-8ad7-0acd0114ae3c",
        "source": {
          "domain": "",
          "timestamp": 1642504380,
          "signature": "bszEOIHdTfmdRZZzTFrFrXiB87piBkysVXBjtx9visoiCgqmR0AvKqiycAQ049VIeZa8ApQY0njJUwHby/Y10g=="
    "preferences": {
      "version": "0.1",
      "data": {
        "use_browsing_for_personalization": true
      "source": {
        "domain": "",
        "timestamp": 1642504560,
        "signature": "Or41DOD8Oau3HHygAiFZzjXNvPmMx6fOazc/72LpmPKMnTFfZrkwPpCPIGPZKwF/WucP1NO+/aX4LfZ65jl2ZA=="
  "sender": "",
  "receiver": "",
  "timestamp": 1643097660,
  "signature": "A491+ew8CP9Yc3G3JCCqhHYIRpj5WlZwAaZFCPnXtKFh6lRGNCvY/8JRewP+B5wt7/dCMM2zITgEU2eReFL86g=="
  • and is used as the POST payload to the following call:
POST /v1/ids-prefs
  • response
  "body": {
    "identifiers": [
        "version": "0.1",
        "type": "paf_browser_id",
        "value": "7435313e-caee-4889-8ad7-0acd0114ae3c",
        "source": {
          "domain": "",
          "timestamp": 1642504380,
          "signature": "bszEOIHdTfmdRZZzTFrFrXiB87piBkysVXBjtx9visoiCgqmR0AvKqiycAQ049VIeZa8ApQY0njJUwHby/Y10g=="
    "preferences": {
      "version": "0.1",
      "data": {
        "use_browsing_for_personalization": true
      "source": {
        "domain": "",
        "timestamp": 1642504560,
        "signature": "Or41DOD8Oau3HHygAiFZzjXNvPmMx6fOazc/72LpmPKMnTFfZrkwPpCPIGPZKwF/WucP1NO+/aX4LfZ65jl2ZA=="
  "sender": "",
  "receiver": "",
  "timestamp": 1643097663,
  "signature": "o4I1BMvUkUATj5l3tFyTo5zF1HRF1Yhjh+KOg5G/SchLRZPBsMzRDewCTS7ynAblwUpWLFfHYvaawW87O0/aVA=="

Redirect write: GET /v1/redirect/post-ids-prefs

Message Format
Request redirect-post-ids-prefs-request
Response redirect-post-ids-prefs-response
Full example
  • the following request is built:
  "request": {
    "body": {
      "identifiers": [
          "version": "0.1",
          "type": "paf_browser_id",
          "value": "7435313e-caee-4889-8ad7-0acd0114ae3c",
          "source": {
            "domain": "",
            "timestamp": 1642504380,
            "signature": "bszEOIHdTfmdRZZzTFrFrXiB87piBkysVXBjtx9visoiCgqmR0AvKqiycAQ049VIeZa8ApQY0njJUwHby/Y10g=="
      "preferences": {
        "version": "0.1",
        "data": {
          "use_browsing_for_personalization": true
        "source": {
          "domain": "",
          "timestamp": 1642504560,
          "signature": "Or41DOD8Oau3HHygAiFZzjXNvPmMx6fOazc/72LpmPKMnTFfZrkwPpCPIGPZKwF/WucP1NO+/aX4LfZ65jl2ZA=="
    "sender": "",
    "receiver": "",
    "timestamp": 1643097660,
    "signature": "A491+ew8CP9Yc3G3JCCqhHYIRpj5WlZwAaZFCPnXtKFh6lRGNCvY/8JRewP+B5wt7/dCMM2zITgEU2eReFL86g=="
  "returnUrl": ""
  • and transformed into a parameter of the query string to form the URL to call:
GET /v1/redirect/post-ids-prefs?paf=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%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
  • the following response is built:
  "code": 200,
  "response": {
    "body": {
      "identifiers": [
          "version": "0.1",
          "type": "paf_browser_id",
          "value": "7435313e-caee-4889-8ad7-0acd0114ae3c",
          "source": {
            "domain": "",
            "timestamp": 1642504380,
            "signature": "bszEOIHdTfmdRZZzTFrFrXiB87piBkysVXBjtx9visoiCgqmR0AvKqiycAQ049VIeZa8ApQY0njJUwHby/Y10g=="
      "preferences": {
        "version": "0.1",
        "data": {
          "use_browsing_for_personalization": true
        "source": {
          "domain": "",
          "timestamp": 1642504560,
          "signature": "Or41DOD8Oau3HHygAiFZzjXNvPmMx6fOazc/72LpmPKMnTFfZrkwPpCPIGPZKwF/WucP1NO+/aX4LfZ65jl2ZA=="
    "sender": "",
    "receiver": "",
    "timestamp": 1643097663,
    "signature": "o4I1BMvUkUATj5l3tFyTo5zF1HRF1Yhjh+KOg5G/SchLRZPBsMzRDewCTS7ynAblwUpWLFfHYvaawW87O0/aVA=="
  • and added as a parameter of the query string, to the redirect URL:

Get a new id

  • verify request signature
  • generate a new identifier (do not write any new cookie), and sign it
    • return the newly generated identifier
    • this returned identifier has persisted property set to false
    • this is to avoid an extra call (and potentially, an extra "boomerang redirect")

REST get new id: GET /v1/new-id

Message Format
Request get-new-id-request
Response get-new-id-response
Full example
  • the following request is built:
  "sender": "",
  "receiver": "",
  "timestamp": 1646157840,
  "signature": "SaCxgYkhEh9AEFuMuRXx8rolSWx+MEsePekQR+vzWnevA9bZgqk7rb/yXpjy8h/++jcR/RwZzy400segTcQ7Mg=="
  • and transformed into a parameter of the query string to form the URL to call:
GET /v1/ids-prefs?paf=eyJzZW5kZXIiOiJjbXAuY29tIiwicmVjZWl2ZXIiOiJvcGVyYXRvci5wYWYtb3BlcmF0aW9uLWRvbWFpbi5pbyIsInRpbWVzdGFtcCI6MTY0MzA0MTE0MCwic2lnbmF0dXJlIjoidHZFanA3Rm94Nmp4a2d4Z1k5dGpUdXkzd0g1aW11Rmo2M1l1dWI0VXdlZWxZYnM4WHhuUDNuSzV3NDF1MTNQK2ZPcEVmRXFtSC9mQWdDOFdQWlloVVE9PSJ9
  • response
  "body": {
    "identifiers": [
        "persisted": false,
        "version": "0.1",
        "type": "paf_browser_id",
        "value": "2e71121a-4feb-4a34-b7d1-839587d36390",
        "source": {
          "domain": "",
          "timestamp": 1643041140,
          "signature": "lfvEkcQ/lw+aDAycLKwljD01BKdjfCAa/W6Uz85z/LuXRGg4L7tMJa/pEzYC5WxZSmY2jVsqCN/IF6mws8c2cA=="
  "sender": "",
  "receiver": "",
  "timestamp": 1646157887,
  "signature": "4HLqlyCKsFlBoY2JY2hvRZdZxg+QBoSdF5R+tWIDJmdahn4LdfXim9dRHkVJ7tWcpGnl4PZXUJrSXyEkv0U5pw=="

(notice the persisted property)

Redirect get new id: N/A

This endpoint doesn't rely on support of 3PC or not: the REST version will work regardless so no "redirect" version is needed.

Verify 3PC support

  • no signature verification
  • if paf_test_3pc exists, return true. Otherwise, return false

On a call to GET /v1/ids-prefs, when no cookie is found on PAF TLD+1 domain, the operator attempts to write a short-life paf_test_3pc cookie.

This endpoint is only called immediately after a call to GET /v1/ids-prefs has failed, to check if the paf_test_3pc cookie was indeed written by the web browser.

See website-design for the full picture.

REST verify 3PC: GET /v1/3pc

Message Format
Request get-3pc-request (empty query string)
Response get-3pc-response
Full example
  • The following URL is called:
GET /v1/3pc
  • response in case of 3PC supported (test cookie was found)
  "3pc": {
    "timestamp": 1643214240
  • response in case of 3PC not supported (test cookie could not be found)
  "message": "3PC not supported"

Redirect verify 3PC: N/A

This endpoint doesn't rely on support of 3PC or not: the REST version will work regardless so no "redirect" version is needed.

Get operator identity

  • simply serve the list of public keys for the operator

REST get identity: GET /v1/identity

Message Format
Request (empty query string)
Full example
  • The following URL is called:
GET /v1/identity
  • response:
  "name": "Some PAF operator",
  "keys": [
      "key": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEEiZIRhGxNdfG4l6LuY2Qfjyf60R0\njmcW7W3x9wvlX4YXqJUQKR2c0lveqVDj4hwO0kTZDuNRUhgxk4irwV3fzw==\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----",
      "start": 1641034200,
      "end": 1646132400
  "type": "operator",
  "version": "0.1"

Redirect get identity: N/A

This endpoint doesn't rely on support of 3PC or not: the REST version will work regardless so no "redirect" version is needed.