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File metadata and controls

268 lines (200 loc) · 11.2 KB

Operator Design


The proposed solution enforces the usage of TLS (HTTPS) for all communication to and from the operator, to prevent middle men to "spy" on data that is passed.

  • data is transferred in a text format which facilitates inspection and troubleshooting by web developers, even when transported as part of the query string ("redirect" scenario without 3PC).

  • it is also stored as cookies in a text format which end users can inspect

  • signatures are used to secure communications, but not encryption:

    • when sending a request or a response, the sender:

      • provides a timestamp and its own domain (the domain name of the sender) are part of the payload

      • signs the whole payload + the domain name of the receiver (which is not part of the payload), using its own private key

    • when receiving a request or a response, the receiver:

      • recalls the public key of the sender based on the domain name that was provided as part of the payload (this can be done via a cache + regular calls to /identity endpoint, similar to what is done in SWAN)

      • verifies the provided signature, based on (the complete payload + its own domain name), using the sender's public key

        • ℹ️ verifying the signature is the way to authenticate the sender
      • (in the case of the operator) verifies the permissions associated with this domain name

      • verify the provided timestamp is in an acceptable time frame

The designed solution is a protocol:

✅ reduces the server to server (S2S) calls to a minimum, making nodes more reliable.

✅ is easier to debug (cookies and requests are in plain text).

✅ data received from the operator as a full page redirect can be processed by a web server or in the browser, in Javascript, because no decryption is needed.

✅ protects from hackers' attempts:

  • to read or write Prebid Addressability Framework data without being authenticated and authorized.

  • to replay legit requests to the operator in an attempt to read or write Prebid Addressability Framework data or to websites to overwrite cookies on their domains (because of timestamp + signature).

  • to replay legit URLs to overwrite cookies on other websites' domain (because the signature includes the receiver's domain name, it is tight to a specific receiver).


🟠 operator needs to keep track of (potentially numerous) clients' public keys for signature verification

🟠 data remains visible (or can be made visible) in URLs, so it can be used by web browser as part of the browsing history.

🟠 it can also appear in web server logs.

Write Scenario: the user visits a Publisher for the first time

A user visits a Publisher and sets their preferences for the first time.

In this case, the Publisher, the CMP and the Operator interact via redirection mechanisms to collect the Pseudonymous-Identifier and the Preferences of the user and write it in a secure way. Therefore, this scenario is called the "WRITE" scenario.

    participant U as User
    participant B as Browser
    participant P as Publisher server
    participant C as CMP server
    participant O as Operator server

    U ->> B: visit
    activate U

        activate B
            B ->> P: GET /pageP.html
        deactivate B

        activate P
            P -->> B: display
        deactivate P

        activate B
            B ->> B: JS: no Prebid SSO ID 🍪 found
            B -->> C: JS call: GET prebidURL?
        deactivate B

        activate C
            C ->> C: clear data = (timestamp<br>+<br>+
            C ->> C: SIGN (clear data +<br/> with own private key
            note over C: receiver is not part of the clear data
            C -->> B: "read prebid SSO" URL = ...
        deactivate C

        activate B
            B ->> B: JS: full page REDIRECT<br>(or wait for user click)
            B ->> O: GET /readOrGetNewId?[...clear Data]&signature=xxx
        deactivate B

        activate O
            note over O: sender ==<br>key == public key
            O ->> O: check is allowed to read
            O ->> O: VERIFY full data signature<br/>with public key
            note over O: is authenticated<br/>and timestamp can be trusted
            O ->> O: check timestamp is still valid
            note over O: ok: this is a valid request
            O ->> O: no 🍪 found
            O ->> O: create ID
            O ->> O: SIGN ID<br/>with own private key
            note over O: ID has been signed by<br/>it can be trusted
            O ->> O: clear data = (id + sign[id]<br>+ timestamp<br>+
            O ->> O: SIGN (clear data +<br/> with own private key
            O -->> B: REDIRECT
        deactivate O

        activate B
            B ->> P: GET /pageP.html&[...clear Data]&signature=xxx
        deactivate B

        activate P
            P -->> B: display
        deactivate P

        activate B
            note over B: sender ==<br>key == public key
            B ->> B: VERIFY full data signature<br/>with public key
            note over B: is authenticated<br/>and timestamp can be trusted
            B ->> B: check timestamp is still valid
            note over B: ok: this is a valid request
            B ->> B: [optional] VERIFY sign[id]<br/>with public key
            B ->> B: JS: show id in form<br>or store in hidden input
            note over B: Note: don't write 🍪 yet, wait for user consent
             B -->> U: 
        deactivate B

    deactivate U

    U ->> B: submit preferences

    activate U

        activate B
            B ->> C: JS call: GET /submitConsent?id=xxx&preferences=yyy
        deactivate B

        activate C
            C ->> C: SIGN (preferences + id)<br/>with own private key => sign[pref & id]
            note over C: signature includes id to ensure<br>these preferences are for this user.<br>It can be trusted
            C ->> C: clear data = (preferences + sign[pref & id]<br>+ timestamp<br>+ +
            C ->> C: SIGN (clear data +<br/> with own private key
            C -->> B: "prebid SSO write URL" = ...
        deactivate C

        activate B
            B ->> B: JS: full page REDIRECT
            B ->> O: GET /writeAndRead?[...clear Data]&signature=xxx
        deactivate B

        activate O
            note over O: sender ==<br>key == public key
            O ->> O: check is allowed to read AND WRITE
            O ->> O: VERIFY full data signature<br/>with public key
            note over O: is authenticated<br/>and timestamp can be trusted
            O ->> O: check timestamp is in timeframe
            note over O: ok: this is a valid request
            O ->> O: read 1P 🍪: ID & sign[id]
            O ->> O: VERIFY sign[pref & id]<br/>with public key
            note over O: ok: these preferences are valid<br>and they are associated with the id
            O ->> O: write 1P 🍪:<br/>preferences & sign[pref & id]
            note over O: preferences have been signed by cmp<br/>ID has been signed by<br/>both can be trusted
            O ->> O: clear data = (id + sign[id]<br>+ preferences + sign[pref & id]<br>+ timestamp<br>+
            O ->> O: SIGN (clear data +<br/> with own private key
            O -->> B: REDIRECT
        deactivate O

        activate B
            B ->> P: GET /pageP.html?[...clear Data]&signature=xxx
        deactivate B

        activate P
            P -->> B: display
        deactivate P

        activate B
            note over B: sender ==<br>key == public key
            B ->> B: VERIFY full data signature<br/>with public key
            note over B: is authenticated<br/>and timestamp can be trusted
            B ->> B: check timestamp is in timeframe
            note over B: ok: this is a valid request
            B ->> B: VERIFY sign[id] with public key
            B ->> B: VERIFY sign[pref & id] with public key
            B ->> B: write 1P 🍪:<br/>id & sign[id]<br>preferences & sign[pref & id]
        deactivate B
    B -->> U: 

    deactivate U


Note that this whole block can be done in the http server OR in the front end of publisher

Read Scenario: The user visits an Advertiser for the first time

After visiting a Publisher and generating her/his Prebid SSO Data, the user goes to an Advertiser website.

In this case, the Advertiser website want to read the Prebid SSO Data of the user. Therefore, this scenario is named the "READ" scenario.

participant U as User
participant B as Browser
participant C as CMP server
participant A as Advertiser server
participant O as Operator server

    U ->> B: visit

    activate B
        B ->> A: GET /pageA.html
    deactivate B

    activate A
    A ->> A: no 🍪 found
    A ->> A: clear data = (timestamp<br>+<br>+
    A ->> A: SIGN (clear data +<br/> with own private key
    A -->> B: REDIRECT
    deactivate A

    activate B
    B ->> O: GET or POST /read?[...clear Data]&signature=xxx
    deactivate B

    activate O
    note over O: sender ==<br>key == public key
    O ->> O: check is allowed to read
    O ->> O: VERIFY full data signature<br/>with public key
    note over O: advertiserA is authenticated<br/>and timestamp can be trusted
    O ->> O: check timestamp is still valid
    note over O: ok: this is a valid request
    O ->> O: read 1P 🍪:<br/>id & sign[id]<br>preferences & sign[pref & id]
    O ->> O: clear data = (id + sign[id]<br>+ preferences + sign[pref & id]<br>+ timestamp +
    O ->> O: SIGN (clear data +<br/> with own private key
    O -->> B: REDIRECT
    deactivate O 

    activate B
    B ->> A: GET /pageA.html?[...clear Data]&signature=xxx
    deactivate B

    activate A
    note over A: sender ==<br>key == public key
    A ->> A: VERIFY full data signature<br/>with public key
    note over A: is authenticated<br/>and timestamp can be trusted
    A ->> A: check timestamp is in timeframe
    note over A: ok: this is a valid request
    A ->> A: VERIFY sign[id] with public key
    A ->> A: VERIFY sign[pref & id] with public key
    A ->> A: write 1P 🍪:<br/>id & sign[id]<br>preferences & sign[pref & id]
    A -->> B: display page
    deactivate A

    B -->> U: 
