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The repository contains a Ionic 5 example app with an implementation of a simple location based augmented reality. Using gps data, a Rest service (a GET method call) and device sensors (accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer) datas, some Points Of Interest (POIs) are drawn on a camera preview background layer. Sensors datas are combined with a porting of a Complementary Filter paradigm called Sensors Fusion.

To test the app, the user can also add pois from a map page. Every touch on the map adds a new poi that can be recognized from AR page (be sure to add a poi into the max configured radius area).

Algorithm explaination

In this section there is an explaination of the AR algorithm:

  1. Camera preview activation as view background, and camera field of view angle (FOV) retrieve.
  2. Activation of gps and fusion sensors (accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetomer) services.
  3. At the arrive of gps data, verify if it is far from the previous one (if there is; if not use this position) for at least a gps min distance in meters. If true, execute a Rest call to retrieve POIs (Point of Interest); obviously each POI contains its geographic position informations (latitude and longitude).
  4. For each POI included in a maximum radius in meters from the user, collect all the informations retrieved from the Rest service and calculate informations of distance and bearing by user geolocation; these informations are inserted in a pin structure, populating an array of pins.
  5. At the arrive of orientation sensor fusion data, for each pin included in the camera Field Of View (FOV) (calculated by previous bearing informations retrieved), some on screen displacement infos are calculated and inserted in a spot structure populating a spot array.
  6. Finally, each spot of the spot array is drawn on the view as camera background overlay.

Source code structure

In this section explains how the source code is organized, and the main package used to manage the app logics.


The app integrates a state - action management using a Redux store module (for more infos visit

Here the packages included:

  • Redux logger: it logs every action and store state change to facilitate development
  • Redux persist: it let to save some store sub-state datas. With a blacklist system let the developer to choose what states to save in the internal storage. It isn't used in the core app, but it let to save pois added by map page.
  • Redux saga: it's an extension of redux actions triggering, to create sagas; a saga let complex actions management such as to launch an action at the arrive of another, to sync some parallel triggered actions, etc.
  • Redux observable: really similar to redux saga, it let to create epics; an epic is conceptually used to concatenate different actions of a same process

All redux store files are contained in the src/store folder; store.module.ts file contains all its logics and settings. It also define some redux middlewares explained in the next section.

Rest services

The app integrates only the POIs retrieve Rest call.

This service takes as input values the user current latitude and longitude, and a maximum radius in which POIs are searched. Since the app is shared as an example app, it doesn't call a real back-end service, but the call is mocked with an internal poi-list.json file contained in src/assets/mock-data.

To test the app consistently using this internal json file, please modify the example POIs gps positions (latitude and longitude) with some points near to you.

The call is managed by an epic (redux-observable package), and executed using HTTP ionic-native device modules when a real back-end service is called, or using Angular HttpModule on a mock call.

Data normalizer middleware

Tipically when some data is retrieved by a back-end service, this data need some manipulation before being shown on a view/page interface. The code proposes a decoupling system by another 'dataNormalizer' middleware. When some data is retrieved, it is given as input to a converter function (src/util/converter.ts source file). The converter manipulates service data and returns optimized data to show. Back-end data is typed using special data called DTO (Data Transfer Object) contained in src/entities/dto folder; data types to show on page are stored in src/entities/form folder instead.


Ionic 5 applications natively support 2 build environments: development and production. To build and app in production mode add the --prod flag in the build command line. In the src/environments folder there are two files environment.ts and used in order in dev and prod modes, and they contain same flags setted differently based on build mode. As previously described, a 'mock' flag is setted to use internal mocked Rest calls (setted to true in dev mode by default). To test the app with a back-end, please deploy somewhere a back-end service that return a similar poi-list.json data, and adjust environment baseUrl and apiVersion flags.


A source file containing the app constants is located in src/app/util folder.

The file contains Rest services endpoints, and some other values used in the AR module:

  • sensors relevation frequency
  • default camera fov
  • ar radius
  • events identifiers

Translation and Globalization

The app includes a translation module using some json files contained in src/assets/i18n folder. Actually it includes an english (en.json) and an italian (it.json) translation files. Globalization ionic-native wrapper let the app to switch from a language to another accordingly to the in use language on device. English language is used as default, and italian one used only when available and setted as main language. Translation settings are stored in src/app/i18n.constants.ts and used in initialization phase in src/app/app.component.ts; the translation module is loaded per page lazily instead.

AR logics

Augmented Reality logics consist of many actions executed only when a previous one ends. Once again redux comes in our help with redux-saga package, let it to manage the greater part of the algorithm. These sagas actions are implemented in src/store/sagas.ts file. All calculations are contained in src/utils/utils.ts file in a AugmentedRealityUtils class.

Css styles

The app includes a src/styles folder containing the main style used in the app:

  • _layout.scss file contains main layout rules of common components used in the whole app
  • _override-ionic.scss file contains some rules to reset some default rules of ionic components
  • _responsive.scss and _mixins.scss files declare some useful styles to manage the app responsiveness and some style common use cases
  • _variables.scss, _colors.scss and _fonts.scss declare some general variables and variables related to colors and fonts commonly used in whole app.

All other page dependent styles are declared per page in their own scss files.


A Ionic 5 app with an augmented reality example







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