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Gradle plugin to demonstrate and support build versioning and information

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#Gradle Configuration Management Build Support

Project Summary

This project is a set of plugins intended to support standard configuration management practices that are not necessarily well supported in gradle. FAQs, Examples (cookbook) and Overview discussions can be found on the wiki at

The GradleCM Plugin is a simple plugin that applies all the plugins that are a part of this plugin package.

The Build VCS Plugin supports interaction with your local revision control system. This plugin exposes methods to determine status, branch names and tags in your project. This plugin is used by many of the other plugins in this set of plugins.

The Build Info Plugin supports creation of a build time info properties file which is a part of the build artifacts.

The Build Version Plugin supports the tracking, update and tagging for version numbers in your project and artifacts.

The Build Release Plugin supports the maintenance of a release branch and hooks into the publication tasks for gradle to ensure correct source merge and version tagging when doing a release artifact publication.

To use these plugins, add a buildscript section for the plugin dependency in your build gradle file. Note that the example below will take the most recent released plugin jar file available.

buildscript {
	repositories {
		mavenRepo url: ''
	dependencies {
		classpath 'org.kercheval:GradleCMPlugin:+'

Note: In this documentation, I have attempted to give many examples that are useful and usually reasonable. I use the long form of display such as

buildinfo {
	autowrite = false

rather than the shorter (and equally acceptable) form such as

buildinfo.autowrite = false

This is for consistency and simplicity. You may choose one form or another depending on your preferences and needs.

##GradleCM Plugin

After ensuring the plugin is in your script dependencies, add an apply line to your gradle build file.

apply plugin: 'gradlecm'

This will cause all plugins from this plugin set to be applied in the gradle file and will result in default behaviors (suggested). All plugin variables are accessed as described in the plugin specific sections below.

Note: If you apply the gradlecm plugin, you need not apply any of the following plugin as described in their quick summary sections.

##Build VCS Plugin


The buildvcs plugin supports build script and plugin integration to your version control system. This plugin has a task which is present purely to allow a simple introduction into the gradle namespace and to set a variable to determine the type of VCS in use for your environment.

The buildvcs task accomplishes no work and should never be called.

###Build VCS Quick Start

After ensuring the plugin is in your script dependencies, add an apply line to your gradle build file.

apply plugin: 'buildvcs'

The methods of the buildvcs plugin are immediately available for use and do not require the execution of the buildvcs task.

###Build VCS Variables

This plugin supports the following variables:

Variable Description

Default: git

This variable is set to the supported VCS type for the workspace. The VCS type is validated at assignment to ensure a valid type was specified.

The special type 'none' may be used to specify that no version control system is in use. This type will disable the use of the buildrelease plugin and the tagging functionality of the buildversion plugin, but will still allow use of the build info and version portion of the buildversion plugin.

###Build VCS Methods

The buildvcs plugin exposes several useful methods that are available to your script.

String buildvcs.getType() - This method returns the current VCS type. This is an alternate form if the variable referenced at buildvcs.type.

boolean buildvcs.isClean() - This method returns true if the current workspace is clean. This means that there are no modified, delete or added files in the system (staged or not). This method allows the validation of the workspace prior to starting a process that would not be appropriate with changes present in the system (like release build uploads). This method will return true if the buildvcs.type value is set to 'none'.

String buildvcs.getBranchName() - This method returns the current workspace branch name. This method is useful for validation or for use on variable and comment creation. This method will return a VCSException if the buildvcs.type value is set to 'none'.

List buildvcs.getAllTags() - This method will return all tags in the VCS system. The list elements are of type org.kercheval.gradle.vcs.VCSTag. This method will return an empty list if the buildvcs.type value is set to 'none'.

List buildvcs.getTags(String regex) - This method will return all tags that match a particular regular expression. This method is used to obtain branch and string specific tags for particular uses. The buildversion plugin uses this method to obtain tags based on the version patterns. This method will return an empty list if the buildvcs.type value is set to 'none'.

VCSStatus buildvcs.getStatus() - This method returns an extended status for the current workspace. This method returns an object of type org.kercheval.gradle.vcs.VCSStatus which can be used to determine specific files that are modified, delete, changed and staged. The isClean() method uses this methods return object to report a clean state for the workspace. This method will return an empty status if the buildvcs.type value is set to 'none'.

Properties buildvcs.getInfo() - This method returns a Properties object that contains the VCS properties used by the buildinfo task. This method will return an empty Properties object if the buildvcs.type value is set to 'none'.

###Build VCS Examples

Example 1 To disable the use of vcs by the gradlecm plugin set (used for standalone project without VCS or using a VCS which is not supported by this plugin).

buildvcs {
	type = "none"

Example 2 To explicitly set the type of VCS in use by this plugin and workspace.

buildvcs {
	type = 'git'

Example 3 To use the branch name as a basis for part of the version string.

def branchName = buildvcs.getBranchName()

buildversion {
	version.pattern = "%M%.%m%-${branchName}"

Example 4 To prevent an action based on if the current workspace is clean.

task myTask << {
	if (buildvcs.isClean()) {
		// Do something interesting

###Security Considerations

Somewhat independent of this plugin is the topic of remote repository security. This description largely surrounds the specifics of using github, but the areas around SSH key usage are applicable to other VCS systems you may use. In very broad terms, the ability to access a remote repository is independent of this plugin and any remote access should be secured and tested independently.

####HTTPS vs SSH

In github, the difference between HTTPS and SSH resides largely in the authentication method. The HTTPS method requires the specification of your login credentials for github but with SSH, you use an SSH key which give access to your github repositories. Note that the SSH key approach does not allow admin changes or access to your account, just the repositories. In general, SSH is also more secure and you should clone your remotes using the SSH URI available from github.

####Using Environment Variables

Normally, this plugin will ask interactively if a username, password or passphrase is required. Since the intended target for this plugin is to enable automation and continuous integration, there is support to supply these values in the environment.

Users of GIT:

If you are using HTTPS, you can use the variables GIT_ORIGIN_PASSWORD and GIT_ORIGIN_USERNAME:

set GIT_ORIGIN_USERNAME=<gitusername>
set GIT_ORIGIN_PASSWORD=<gitpassword)

Each build server has its own method for setting environment variables. This approach is not recommended since it places github administration account credentials in the system in clear text.

A better approach is to use SSH and a repository specific deploy key. If you have a passphrase on your SSH key, you can set the passphrase in the environment using GIT_ORIGIN_PASSWORD.

set GIT_ORIGIN_PASSWORD=<gitkeypassphrase>

Since you are exposing the passphrase in cleartext in this instance anyway, you should also consider using a key without a passphrase for your build system deploy keys to avoid the need for these variables at all.

####SSH Keys

To ensure you are using the correct SSH key, a key must be generated and installed in github. This is done by the current github clients automatically, but you can do it in a number of other ways (see

The main thing you must ensure when setting up your system is to add the github host to your /.ssh/config file (see for exhaustive details).

Inside of the config file, add a section that looks similar to this

    User githubusername
    PreferredAuthentications publickey
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/github_rsa

You may have multiple IdentityFile blocks if you have deploy keys that are repository specific (like the following)

    User githubusername
    PreferredAuthentications publickey
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/repo1_rsa
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/repo2_rsa
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/repo3_rsa

Key generation is straight forward, but environment specific. On windows, I would recommend puttygen ( and copy/paste from the application for the public deploy key and use the conversion menu to export the private key in standard form.

Connect to your origin directly using ssh to ensure the vcs host is added to your known hosts file (this stores the host and allowed fingerprint key of the host). In git, you can just show the remote to validate this all works

git remote show origin

##Build Info Plugin


The buildinfo plugin supports the creation of a file (in standard Java properties format) that shows environment and build information present at the time a build takes place. The primary information gathered includes:

  • Git repository information about the build
  • Build machine information and user info
  • Jenkins CI build system information
  • Hudson CI build system information
  • TeamCity CI build system information
  • Gradle property information

In addition to the information above, the buildinfo configuration block can be used to add custom information to the build file.

###Build Info Quick Start

After ensuring the plugin is in your script dependencies, add an apply line to your gradle build file.

apply plugin: 'buildinfo'

This will cause a file called to be placed within your ${buildDir} directory and will automatically insert the file into the META-INF directory of all generated jar, war and ear files.

###Build Info Variables

Most behaviors of this plugin are modifiable by setting custom variables in your gradle build file in the buildinfo task configuration as illustrated in the examples below.

Variable Description


The filename variable determines the name of the file (without path) of the properties file created. The filename can be any valid name and extension for your target systems.


Default: ${buildDir}

The filedir variable determines the path to the build info properties file that is generated. The default is the build directory for gradle, but this can be any path at all in the file system.


Default: no default info defined

The custominfo variable allows the specification of arbitrary properties that will be placed in the build info file. This map specifies a name and an object (mapped via the normal string representation). All properties in this variable will be output to the build properties file with a prefix of "". See examples below for standard usage.


Default: [jar: "META-INF", war: "META-INF", ear: "META-INF"]

The taskmap variable holds a map of tasks and the directory in the tasks target file that the build info file will be copied into. If the info file should be copied to the root of the target, use an empty string as the target directory.

Note: when creating a taskmap variable, you are overriding the default values. If you intend to simply add another task, you will need to supply the default values for jar/war/ear tasks in your taskmap. This behavior ensures you can override all the default behaviors. Note that if you just want the info file built automatically but no task modification at all, you can set the taskmap to an empty map `[:]` and no tasks will be modified.

The tasks specified must be derived from the task type AbstractCopyTask. This includes almost all archive and copy style tasks in gradle (such as copy, sync, tar, zip, jar, war, ear). Tasks that are not found will be ignored from this list, though an info (--info) message will be logged that a task was not found.

Warning messages will be displayed if you attempt to specify an invalid task (a task of an invalid type) in the taskmap.


Default: true

Normally, some gradle environment state is placed in the info file. If this variable is set to false, that information will not be placed in the file.


Default: true

Normally, current machine and login information is place in the info file. This information will not be placed in the file is this variable is set to false.


Default: true

If this variable is set to false, the current VCS status will not be added to the info file.


Default: true

Normally, any detected continuous integration build system (Jenkins, Hudson or TeamCity) will trigger some information output in the info file. This detection and information placement will not take place if this variable is set to false.


Default: true

The info file will normally show the tasks that were active in the task graph at the time the build info file was created. Setting this variable to false will prevent that information from being placed in the file.


Default: true

Setting autowrite to false will disable auto insertion using a task map and the taskmap variable value will be ignored completely if specified. All artifact insertion if the build info file will need to be done explicitly (see examples).

Note that setting this variable true will also disable auto generation of the properties file. The buildinfo task will need to be explicitly run or added as a dependency before the property file can be used in a task.

This variable will typically not be used unless you have a specific need for the info file but do not want to add the file into your generated artifacts after generation. Normally, if you just want the file placed elsewhere and do not want it included in artifacts, set the filedir/filename variable to your desired location and filename and set the taskmap to an empty map (see example below).

###Build Info Examples

Example 1 To automatically add build info into a zip file in the directory 'testingdir' you can add the specific task to the task map (overriding the defaults). In this example we preserve the copy of into newly created jar files.

buildinfo {
	taskmap = [
		helloZip: "testingdir",
		jar: "META-INF"

task helloZip(type: Zip) {
	classifier = 'hello'
	from "." include "build.gradle"

Example 2 To add the build info file into other files (such as a zip, sync or other locations), you can add your task to the buildinfo taskmap variable or just do a standard copy as follows. This is the approach you would take for tasks that are not derived somehow from a copy/archive task.

task myZip (type: Zip) {
	classifier = 'myZip'
	from(".") {
		include "build.gradle" into "filedir"

	// Add buildinfo
	from (buildinfo.filedir) {
		include buildinfo.filename into 'infodir'

Example 3 To add some custom data to your build info file, add the custom info map variable to the buildinfo configuration section. Remember the map values can be any object at all and the value will be derived from the default toString() behavior of the object.

buildinfo {
	custominfo = [
		"release": releaseType,
		"version": "${version}.${versionSuffix}",
		"special": mySpecialVar

Example 4 To prevent automatic injection into any tasks, assign an empty map to the taskmap.

buildinfo {
	taskmap = [:]

Example 5 To customize the location and name of the build info file use the filedir and filename variables

buildinfo {
	filename = ""
	filedir = "${buildDir}/info"

Example 6 To prevent the current machine information from being placed in the output file.

buildinfo {
	showmachineinfo = false

Example 7 To support multi-project environments it is often simpler to disable the auto write support using the task map and instead use a closure to get all tasks of a particular type.

This approach also has the advantage of not adding the buildinfo file into the inputs collection and thus jar/war/ear files will be updated with a new build info file only when a contributing source file is modified and not on every build.

buildinfo {
    // The buildinfo file will be placed in jars via a doFirst enclosure
    // for all subprojects.  Disable auto insertion via the task map.
    taskmap = [:]

subprojects {
    // Manifest specific properties.  All tasks that inherit from jar
    // (war/ear) are also affected by this
    tasks.withType(Jar) {
        // Place buildinfo into all jar files
        doFirst {
            from(rootProject.buildinfo.filedir) {
                include rootProject.buildinfo.filename
                into 'META-INF'

###Lifecycle Considerations

This plugin hooks task graph completion (which occurs right after the configuration phase of a gradle run). If the variable 'autowrite' is true, then the build info file is created and task hooking is completed to copy the info file into specified (or default) tasks.

This timing has several specific implications.

  • Any gradle variables used within the buildinfo configuration block must be assigned prior to the declaration of the buildinfo block.

  • Any modification of the buildinfo variables will be ignored once the configuration phase has been completed and the build info file has been created. You can call the buildinfo task directly to recreate the build info file with new information, but this should be done prior to any tasks being run which will use the info file for insertion into artifacts (jar/war/ear/etc) or the risk of inconsistent build information is present.

  • The gradle default clean task explicitly removes the build directory artifacts. The default location for the file is in this directory. If you use the clean task with other tasks that build artifacts you will need to ensure the buildinfo task is specified after the clean task. For example, the following gradle command line will run the clean task and then the buildinfo task, then build the project artifacts.

gradle clean buildinfo build

As an alternative, you could place the file in a location that is not cleaned by the default clean task.

###Information sources

Git - This plugin uses the library JGit ( to obtain git information. Among other things, this plugin logs the most recent commit information and the current status (showing modified/delete/added files). Development builds can utilize this information to determine change information for specific artifacts.

Machine - Machine characteristics including username, machine name, IP address, java vm info and OS info are gathered.

Jenkins - Several key Jenkins variables are stored to shows build id, url, machine and other important information.

Hudson - Several key Hudson variables are stored to shows build id, url, machine and other important information.

TeamCity - Several key TeamCity variables are stored to shows build id, data and other important information.

Gradle - Source build file, location and description information is stored in the information file.

Custom - Any information at all can be specified as a name/value property set in the gradle build file for important information in your environment. New information sources are simple to add in this plugin if you have an interest in contributing.

##Build Version Plugin


The buildversion plugin supports the automatic setting of build numbers based on VCS tag labeling. The plugin supports multiple branch versioning and can be used without tagging at all.

Using the default behavior of the plugin, the gradle version object will be updated to reflect a single increment version update from the last tag recognized as a tag label. For example, if a tag was found with version 2.6, the gradle version would be updated to 2.7 (your builds are actually targeted at the next version release, not the last one).

The increment behavior, build numbers and version format default behaviors can all be overriden using the task variables.

There are two tasks defined in this plugin:


This task will find the most recent (not the highest build number, but the most recently placed) version tag and will use that as the template for the build version. The tags used for comparison are filtered based on the validatePattern set in the configuration block (see the variable section). The gradle version update occurs at the point at which the task graph is completed. This is just after the evaluation phase of the build and just prior to actual task execution.

Nearly any version scheme you may want to utilize is supported by this plugin. Some common version schemes shown in the examples are:

  • M.m-d.t (standard maven versioning - the default)
  • M.m.b (classic major/minor/build)
  • Y.m.b (year/minor/build)

Extended patterns are supported to allow very flexible variations.


This task will take the current version and write a tag using the current version format.

If this task is used directly, then this tag is written to only the local repository for the vcs in use. In this case, if you wish these tags published in a central repository, you will need to push the tags to the origin repository explicitly (this would be 'git push origin --tags' for git users).

The buildversiontag task always depends on the buildversion task and will use variables created in the buildversion configuration block for tag output.

The tag and comment inserted into VCS will be output when the --info command line option is used on the gradle command line.

###Build Version Quick Start

After ensuring the plugin is in your script dependencies, add an apply line to your gradle build file.

apply plugin: 'buildversion'

This will automatically cause the tag list to be parsed and the version object to be placed in project.version.

The buildversiontag task must be executed seperately by an explicit gradle call

> gradle buildversiontag

or by setting the dependsOn property of another task to be run.

task doTag(dependsOn: buildversiontag) << {
	println 'Hello from doTag'

###Build Version Variables

####The buildversion task

The primary output of the buildversion task is to place an org.kercheval.gradle.buildversion.BuildVersion object as the project.version object. This object can be referenced by using project.version or buildversion.version.

The buildversion task behavior can be modified by the following variables:

Variable Description

Default: true

When autoincrement is set to true, the version build number will be incremented when set. For example if the version was derived to be 2.6.3, the version when set will be 2.6.4. Note that the most volatile value in the version will be incremented with the order being to change the build number if enabled, otherwise the minor number is modified if enabled, otherwise the major version is modified. The current date for the version is always updated on increment.

If autoincrement is false, the version number used will be the evaluated version which came from the tag list or from the configuration settings. Tasks can always use the incrementVersion() method of the version variable to accomplish this action (reasonable when creating tags with autoincrement off).


Default: true

If the usetag variable is set to true, the version is determined based on the most recent tag which matches the version pattern. If a tag matching the pattern does not exist, then the values initially set in the version variable will be used (these values all default to zero). See the version variable for details on the pattern set and default values. When set to false, the `buildversion` task will not do any tag list evaluation at all and will only use the values set in the `buildversion` configuration block.


Default: org.kercheval.gradle.buildversion.BuildVersion(null, 0, 0, 0, null)

This variable is of type org.kercheval.gradle.buildversion.BuildVersion. This object holds the version state as well as the creation and parsing patterns used to generate the version string. Along with maintaining major, minor and build numbers (any or all of which can be used), this object also maintains a build date (which can also be used in the version string).

The actual version string creation is controlled by the use of a creation pattern. The pattern used has the following restrictions

  • May not have any whitespace (validated)
  • May contain any of the following variables (at most once)
    • %M% - major version
    • %m% - minor version
    • %b% - build number
    • %d% - date (using yyyyMMdd)
    • %t% - time (using HHmmss)
    • %% - a percent character (may appear multiple times in the pattern)

The pattern can otherwise have any valid form to create patterns that are specific to your needs or are specific to your branch or build type. Invalid patterns will result in a build failure.

Note: The default pattern used if no pattern is explicitly set is "%M%.%m%-%d%.%t%". The timezone for the resulting timestamp is "UTC" (the maven standard) unless the `uselocaltimezone` variable is set to true (in which case the timezone used for the string will be in the local timezone).

In addition to the version pattern, you can set a validation Pattern. This pattern is a regular expression following standard Java regex patterns and is used to filter tags on version parse as well as internally for verification of output version strings. The validation pattern enables the use of the version plugin in branch specific contexts (meaning multiple vcs branches can all be using different versions for building artifacts) and for special tag list filtering when setting the initial version. If a validation pattern is not explicitly set, then a validation pattern is automatically generated from the version pattern.

The validation pattern must always be consistent with the version pattern. To set these patterns, you can use the setPattern() method described below and shown in the examples section.

The version.major, version.minor, and version.buildDate variables can all be set in the configuration section. If the usetag variable is set, you should set these variables in a doLast closure as shown in the examples section.

There are a few useful methods that can be used on the version object. Normally, these methods should be used only after the initial `buildversion` task has been run. This is most easily accomplished by the use of a doLast closure in the configuration block for `buildversion` (see examples) or usage in any task run after the `buildversion` task.

version.setPattern(String pattern) - This method will set the version pattern to a new value and autogenerate a validation pattern. You can use this method to set an initial value for initialization and then use it again to modify the version output for specific types of builds (such as development or snapshot builds).

version.setPattern(String pattern, String validatePattern) - This method is used to set both a version pattern and a validatePattern.

version.incrementVersion() - This method will increment the most volatile value in the current version pattern. For instance if your pattern was "%M%.%m%", then the minor version would be incremented and if your pattern was "%M%.%m%.%b%" then the build number would be incremented.

version.updateMajor(int newMajor) - This method will set the major version and if different than the current major version will reset the minor version to 0. This behavior simplifies the gradle script logic surrounding version updates.

version.incrementMajor() - This method will increment the major version number. This method will reset the minor version to 0.

version.incrementMinor() - This method will increment the minor version number.

version.incrementBuild() - This method will increment the build version number.

version.toString() - The standard toString() method will generate a revision string that is created based on the current pattern. The newly created revision string is validated using the validation pattern to ensure consistent behavior.


Default: true

When set to true, the project.version value will be set at task graph completion (just before tasks are executed and just after the configuration phase). This is normally exactly the right behavior, but specific build ordering or other custom needs may be require some form of later task execution (and thus late project.version binding).


Default: false

When set to false, time/date formats in the version string will be set to the UTC timezone. This is the maven default and is most appropriate for publicly released artifacts. Many teams prefer to have build artifacts versioned with a timestamp that represents their local timezone. Set this to true to obtain the default timezone from the build host rather than using UTC

####The buildversiontag task

By default the buildversiontag task will generate a tag in the current branch of your VCS using the pattern for the version specified by the buildversion task. Normally, this will only be allowed when the current workspace is considered clean (no modified/added/deleted files). The intent of the written tag is to represent a reproducible build point so the tag will be attached to the current checkout commit (usually the HEAD in git).

The buildversiontag task behavior can be modified by the following variables:

Variable Description

Default: "Tag created by task buildversiontag"

The comment variable determines the comment or description field for the generated tag. This field is not used for determination of version or functionality in any way, but is a useful way to place build information of interest into the tag.


Default: true

When the onlyifclean variable is set to true, the build will fail if the `buildversiontag` task is run when the current workspace is not clean. To be clean, all modified/added/deleted files must be committed and the current workspace must represent a specific commit of the vcs system (note it is NOT necessary that the tag be at the current head).

When set to false, tags will be allowed to be written at any time, but the tag will be attached to a commit that may have outstanding changes. This means that the current build artifacts on the current location may not match the artifacts later created based on the tag since there were changed files on this build workspace at the time the tag was written. This is typically not a good practice and this variable should normally remain true.

###Build Version Examples

Example 1 To prevent the version from auto incrementing so that the version reflects the last tag value (rather than the 'next' version).

buildversion {
	autoincrement = false

Example 2 To set a specific major version after the initial revision has been obtained from tags. Note the use of the doLast closure (should be used anytime you are explicitly setting a value when usetag is true). Note that this example could use the updateMajor() method to accomplish this as well. This example sets the major version but does not affect the minor version at all.

buildversion {
	doLast {
		version.major = 2;

Example 3 To use a specific version number that is controlled only by gradle variables (this example will result in version 3.3). (Use autoincrement set to false to have the version match exactly).

buildversion {
	usetag = false;
	version.major = 3
	version.minor = 2

Example 4 To use a 'classic' version scheme that is set via gradle variable usage.

buildversion {
	usetag = false;
	version.major = 3
	version.minor = 2 = buildNumber // perhaps via Jenkins build id?

Example 5 To create a version string that has only a major and minor version

buildversion {
	version.pattern = '%M%.%m%'

Example 6 To create a branch specific version pattern

def currentBranch = 'mainline'

buildversion {

Example 7 To create a validation pattern and version pattern to create a branch specific version (useful for hotfix branches, parallel development, etc.) but will grab the most recent tag from any branch (named without numbers). Note that the regex can be arbitrarily complex so you can do any sort of tag filtering you want as long as it is consistent with the version pattern.

def currentBranch = 'release'

buildversion {
	version.setPattern("%M%.%m%-${currentBranch}", "\\d+.\\d+-\\D+")

Example 8 To explicitly increment the version in a task through the project variable (note the << is the same as using a doFirst closure)

task doIncrementBeforeAction << {

Example 9 To set a comment for the tag created by the buildversiontag task

buildversiontag {
	comment = 'This is a comment in build.gradle for buildversiontag'

Example 10 To allow tags to be generated even when the workspace has uncommitted changes.

buildversiontag {
	onlyifclean = false

Example 11 To set a comment and increment the version prior to writing a version tag.

buildversiontag {
	comment = 'This is a comment in build.gradle for buildversiontag'
	doFirst {

Example 12 To create a version based on the year, a minor version and the current build number (ie r2012.1.345)

def year = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR);

buildversion {
	doLast {
		// Use updateMajor() to ensure that minor is reset if
		// different (ie if was 2011.5 setting to 2012 will
		// result in 2012.0

Example 13 To create a version that generates SNAPSHOT unless the release branch is in use. This is an extremely convenient approach and highly recommended.

def buildMajorVersion=1
buildversion {
	doLast {
		// Set the pattern after the tags have been used to set the initial
		// values.  Release gets the default pattern of the maven default
		def branchName = buildvcs.getBranchName()
        if (branchName != 'release' &&
            !project.hasProperty('noSnapshot')) {
		version.updateMajor(new Integer(buildMajorVersion))
		println("Currently working on sources for " + version);

Example 14 To create a version based on build type (release does a full version, but dev mainline creates snapshot builds). In this example the major version is part of the configuration file as well. This has some similarities to the last example.

In set the build type


You can set the buildtype on the command line to override the default for CI release builds (or manual release builds)

> gradle build -PbuildType=release

Within the file set the pattern based on the build type so that you will get versions like 4.3-SNAPSHOT (assuming the last release version was 4.2), but when doing release builds you get the full blown 4.3-20111028.123456 revision numbers (including the maven style date default pattern). Notice the use of the doLast closure to init from the last release tag but to use the standard snapshot version string during the build. This makes for a very flexible environment with very simple configuration.

buildversion {
	doLast {
		// Set the pattern after the tags have been used to
		// set the initial values.  Release gets the default.
		if (buildType != "release") {
		version.updateMajor(new Integer(buildMajorVersion))

Example 15 To ensure that on every update to a repository (via the maven plugin) you get a valid tag in the current branch. This is done by adding a doFirst closure to the maven upload task. The tag is created whenever you are not doing a snapshot upload in this example.

uploadArchives {
	doFirst {
		if (buildType != "SNAPSHOT") {

###Lifecycle Considerations

This plugin hooks task graph completion (which occurs right after the configuration phase of a gradle run). Note that the version variable will not be referencable as described in the variable section via the project until after this task has run.

##Build Release Plugin


The buildrelease plugin supports the consistent promotion and publication of release artifacts. This plugin maintains a knowledge of your mainline branch, release branch, remote origin repository and upload task and ensures that when artifacts are published a consisten merge occurs to the release branch, a version specific tag is created and that those changes are pushed to your remote repository prior to artifact upload. This plugin also supports these functions for those using repositories without remote origins (local only development).

This plugin will interact with the local and remote repositories, but will not change the branch is use for the current workspace. Repository changes are limited to tag creation and repository synchronization only.

This plugin is designed to optimize repository use for both development and build/deploy. The default development mainline is assumed to be the 'master' branch and the release branch is assumed to be the branch named 'release'. These can be changed in the variables defined for the buildreleaseinit task.

There are three tasks defined in this plugin:


This task initializes the build environment necessary to use the release plugin. This task is typically used explicitly only once for a project, but the variables defined by this task are used by the other release plugin components.

At the completion of this task, the release and development branches will exist in the local and remote repositories.


This task is responsible for ensuring that all changes from the remote origin are merged to the local repository and merging the changes from the development mainline into the release branch.

This task will push the local repository updates and any tags generated to the remote origin repository.


This is simple build and release task that has no variables or custom behavior except that defined by the other release tasks.

###Build Release Quick Start

After ensuring the plugin is in your script dependencies, add an apply line to your gradle build file.

apply plugin: 'buildrelease'

This will ensure the upload task specified in the configuration block for buildreleaseinit is hooked to ensure that release artifact publication results in appropriately updated repositories and tags being set for the publication.

###Build Release Variables

####The buildreleaseinit task

The primary purpose and result of the buildreleaseinit task is to create the branches required for code promotion and artifact publication. This task is a dependency for the buildreleasemerge task.

Running this task will synchronize the local and remote repository branch structure for the two branches in question. This allows for clones taking over the role of release delivery and simpler trasfer of the role of different repositories.

At task startup, there are several possible initial conditions for each branch:

  • Both the local and remote already have the branch (no changes are made).
  • The local has the branch but the remote does not (the remote is created)
  • The remote has the branch but the local does not (the local is created)
  • Both the local and the remote do not have the branch (the branch is created on both repositories)

In all cases, the result is that both the release and mainline branches will exist on both the local and remote repositories and will relate to each other as local and origin.

Note: If the local and remote branches are found to exist it is assumed that they are on related code lines. No validation is made by this task to ensure that the same named branches on the remote and origin are connected.

If this system is being setup without a remote repository this plugin will operate in a local repository only mode (see the ignoreorigin variable description)

The buildrelease plugin task behaviors can be modified by the following variables:

Note: These variables are used by all of the buildrelease plugin tasks (except where noted).

Variable Description

Default: release

This represents the release branch line for the build and upload of release artifacts. During release artifact upload, it is this branch that will receive the merge from the mainline and this branch that will receive the release tag (though in git this distinction has very little meaning).

This variable should normally be different than that used for the mainline branch (this is not enforced). If you have a specific reason to do all development and release on a single branch, this is supported (though not necessarily recommended).

The default name is the natural one for promotion and is, importantly, not the master branch. The master branch is the normal default branch for remote repositories and should explicitly *not* be used for release activity (the chances for accidental modification are quite high).


Default: master

This variable represents the primary mainline branch in the system. This branch is the source of all code promoted to the release branch for artifact upload and publication. While this branch may not be the chosen day to day development branch (depending on your teams needs), it is the reference source that should normally used for snapshots.

The choice of the name 'master' for this branch is intentional. By default, most repository clones (in git anyway) will possess this branch name and that branch will be the default. Individuals needing to make changes to your project will typically wish to clone your repository, make some changes and push back the changes (or create a pull request) without the overhead or worry of dealing with local branch/merge strategies. This is not to say that local branches or more sophisticated usage is not normal or desirable, just that this variable default was chosen to make the task of update as simple and as straightforward as possible for the broadest demographic possible.


Default: origin

This variable represents the remote repository origin. In git this is typically called 'origin', but a remote can be pulled in from numerous sources. Using a primary remote other than the default origin is not highly recommended, but supported by this plugin. You will typically not change this value.


Default: false

Single repository workflows are a bit unusual when using a DVCS (like Git or Mercurial), but there are some use cases for this. When true, the init and merge tasks will not attempt to synchronize repositories with origins (present or not). When this variable is set to false, all changes to repositories made by this plugin will be synchronized with the origin repository (fetch, merge, push and tag operations).


Default: true

Auto merging of sources can work extremely well when dealing with code conflicts, but semantic or logic conflicts can be very problematic. By default the `buildreleasemerge` task will not merge changes unless the merge is a fast forward merge (this is true if a merge has been done from the release branch to the mainline branch). If a fast forward merge is not possible, the task will halt the build with an appropriate message. If set to false, the `buildreleasemerge` task will attempt a merge even if fast forward merges are not possible (and will still correctly fail if a physical conflict occurs).


Default: uploadArchives

This variable represents the standard upload task you are using for publication. The publication default task for Gradle is 'uploadArchives' and this is the default value for this variable.

This plugin does not actually do any publication of artifacts. You may be using Ivy or Maven repositories (Nexus, Artifactory, etc) or you may be publishing to a machine folder or network drive. The specific task that you are using for this purpose should be the value of this variable.

As a point of practice, you should not normally need to set this variable as long as you have configured your uploadArchives configuration correctly.

When the task graph has completed, the upload task is modified to first perform the following steps:

  1. Determine if the workspace is on the release branch. If the workspace is not currently on the release branch, just execute the upload task normally. If the workspace is on the release branch, then execute the remaining steps below.
  2. If the variable 'onlyifclean' is set to true, determine if the workspace is clean. If the workspace is not clean, build execution is stopped.
  3. Tag the current branch with a tag named for the current gradle version (project.version). The tag comment describes the task that created the tag (ie. uploadArchives).
  4. If the variable ignoreorigin is false, the tag is pushed to the origin repository. Failure to push the tag to the origin will result in build execution being stopped.

Note: When using the maven-publish and ivy-publish plugins you are strongly encouraged to make an explicit publish target of your own to use with this variable. These two plugins create publication tasks dynamically. By doing this, you can setup explicit dependsOn settings for the specific archive publication tasks you want to trigger a VCS tag. For example, the task `publishPluginPublicationToReleasesRepository` would be a good task to add a dependsOn parameter for the uploadTask target task.

Note: The task hook is accomplished via a task execution listener. If other task execution listeners are created for your upload task (particularly if they are done dynamically), they may may be executed prior to tagging and push. This is normally not going to be a problem, but be aware of ordering if you are doing tag or VCS manipulation in your uploadArchives or publish tasks.

Normally, the task buildreleasemerge should have been run prior to running the uploadArchive task, but there is no explicit dependency placed on the uploadArchive task. Normally, artifact publication should be done via the use of the buildrelease task which has appropriately ordered dependencies to ensure that repository merging occurs before build and upload.


Default: true

When false, the tag and merge steps in the buildreleasemerge task will allow the use of a dirty workspace. This may be useful if intermediate files are added during build sequencing that are not part of your ignore file. When true, the workspace will verified as being clean when running the buildreleasemerge task.

Note: This variable setting will have no affect on the tagging and push actions associated with the specified upload task. Setting this variable to false should be considered an error in usage normally and is highly discouraged.

####The buildreleasemerge task

This task is at the core of the buildrelease plugin. When run, the following actions are taken:

  1. Verify the current branch is the release branch.
  2. Verify the current workspace is clean.
  3. Fetch the origin content (when origin in use)
  4. Merge the origin release branch (when origin in use)
  5. Merge the mainline branch to the release branch
  6. Push the changes to the origin (when origin in use)

Any failure at any step in this sequence will result in build execution being stopped.

Note: The merges both from the remote origin and from the mainline must be fast forward or no collision merges. A merge failure at this point will result in a hard reset of the current branch. In the event of a merge or push failure, correction will need to be made manually. All activity done on the release branch should be manually merged back into the mainline to prevent problems in this area.

There are no variables supported by this task.

####The buildrelease task

This task is combines the merge and upload tasks via a dependsOn relationship. This task depends on the buildreleasemerge and the upload task (defined in buildreleaseinit). This task simplifies release semantics (particularly when using CI servers).

The tags generated by the buildrelease task in the buildrelease plugin are automatically pushed to remote origins.

There are no variables supported by this task.

###Build Release Examples

Example 1 To set the mainline (development) branch to 'dev' and the release branch to 'prod'.

buildreleaseinit {
	mainlinebranch = 'dev'
	releasebranch = 'prod'

Example 2 To set the remote origin to 'myOrigin' (for instance, in a repository with multiple remotes) using the same mainline and release branch as Example 1.

buildreleaseinit {
	mainlinebranch = 'dev'
	releasebranch = 'prod'
	remoteorigin = 'myOrigin'

Example 3 To ensure that origins will not be updated (working in a local repository environment)

buildreleaseinit {
	ignoreorigin = true

Example 4 To use a custom artifact release task.

buildreleaseinit {
	uploadtask = myUploadTask

Example 5 To allow merges that are not fast forward only by the buildreleasemerge task.

buildreleaseinit {
    fastforwardonly = false

Example 6 To use an alternate uploadArchives target for use with the maven-publish plugin.

task myUploadTask << {

buildreleaseinit {
    uploadtask = myUploadTask

##Project Specifics

I intend for this source code base to be instructional as well as useful.

The sources here demonstrate the following

  • Creation of Gradle plugins and tasks using standard Java
  • Automatic task run based on the gradle lifecycle.
  • Use of the Gradle API for task customization and iteration
  • Use of the Gradle API for hooking existing tasks
  • Use of java based closure implementation to extend gradle tasks
  • Use of JGit to obtain VCS status and to read and set tags

Release History

  • 1.21 - Apr 15, 2016 - Merge pull request to reference plugins internally by class rather then ID
  • 1.20 - Sep 4, 2014 - Support using local time zone for build strings date/time
  • 1.19 - Aug 12, 2014 - Update to support build with gradle 2.0, Update jgit to 3.4.1
  • 1.18 - Nov 27, 2013 - Modify builddir detection to user getBuildDir rather then properties to avoid include ordering problems with maven-publish and ivy-publish.
  • 1.17 - Nov 26, 2013 - Modify primary hook for tag and push to use a task execution listener rather than a do first insertion to allow use is maven and ivy publisher plugins.
  • 1.16 - Nov 25, 2013 - Convert buildversion default time zone to UTC rather then local to be consistent with Maven defaults
  • 1.15 - Oct 30, 2013 - Complete a TODO to remove workaround for bug corrected in Gradle 1.4. Update project to use Gradle 1.8 (plugin still supports 1.6+).
  • 1.14 - June 11, 2013 - Minor updates to use and support Gradle 1.6. From this release on, you must use Gradle 1.6+ to use this plugin.
  • 1.13 - May 6, 2013 - Minor change to show files involved in clean workspace violations.
  • 1.12 - Mar 13, 2013 - Add support for fast forward merge restrictions in buildreleasemerge task.
  • 1.11 - Jan 20, 2013 - Correct minor issue where tags could possibly be created on mainline when publishing.
  • 1.10 - Nov 19, 2012 - Use the JGIT StringUtils variant to avoid dependency on apache commons.
  • 1.9 - Nov 17, 2012 - Add support for interactive username/password/passphrase prompting for VCS.
  • 1.8 - Nov 16, 2012 - Remove some debug messages in gradle info source. No functional changes.
  • 1.7 - Nov 16, 2012 - Add Hudson and TeamCity support to buildinfo. Add variables to control info types in
  • 1.6 - Nov 15, 2012 - Work around some gradle concurrent modification exceptions when adding dependencies to dynamic tasks (
  • 1.5 - Nov 13, 2012 - The initial completion of the buildrelease, buildvcs and gradlecm plugins
  • 1.0 - Nov 6, 2012 - The initial completion of the buildversion plugin
  • 0.6 - Oct 20, 2012 - The initial completion of the buildinfo plugin


This project depends on the following tools currently:

Current Steps to Release Artifacts

Snapshot Upload

> gradle uploadArchive

Release Upload

> git checkout release
> gradle clean
> gradle buildrelease


I have explicitly built this plugin set for my local technology stack, but the intent is that additional support should be simple to add.

Do you like this plugin and just need a new information source, or have a useful plugin to contribute that surrounds configuration managment? I welcome any contributions and pull requests.

John Kercheval ([email protected])


Creative Commons License
Gradle CM Plugins by John Kercheval is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at


Gradle plugin to demonstrate and support build versioning and information






No packages published

Contributors 4
