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Pretraining scripts for BART transformer model

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BART pretraining scripts

User should

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Clone and install the following fork of fairseq Lauler/fairseq.
  3. (Optional) For faster training, clone and build NVIDIAS's apex library (see instructions above in the fairseq documentation). Make sure that system CUDA version matches the CUDA version pytorch was built with in local python environment before attempting to install apex (otherwise there will be version mismatch).

Optionally users may build a Singularity container that has all these dependencies. See the file singularity_pytorch_bart.def for a definition file of the singularity container we built and used ourselves. You can build the same container using the command

sudo singularity build pytorch_21.10_bart.sif singularity_pytorch_bart.def

This will create a singularity image file pytorch_21.10_bart.sif which you can either use interactively via singularity shell --nv pytorch_21.10_bart.sif or use to execute scripts via singularity exec --nv pytorch_21.10_bart.sif ..., where ... are programs/commands you want to run or issue.

Data and tokenization

Assuming you have a large corpus to pretrain on, you should arrange the data into one or several text files with one sequence (can be composed of many sentences) per line. If you have limited GPU memory, consider sharding the text file into multiple chunks. A convenience script for doing this can be found in

Two methods for training GPT2-style BPE tokenizers are provided: (Huggingface's tokenizers) and (Google's SentecePiece).


To use sentencepiece first install

pip install sentencepiece


  1. Run to train your tokenizer. This will generate two files: spm.bpe.model and spm.bpe.vocab.
  2. (Optional) Shard your dataset with
  3. Apply the tokenizer you have trained on the text file shard by running This script will byte pair encode your text and generate output files ending with suffix .bpe.
  4. Before fairseq-preprocess can be applied, we need to edit the spm.bpe.vocab file to change the column separator from tab (\t) to a space separator, because fairseq expects a space separated vocab file. See this Github thread explaining the process of using a sentencepiece vocab in fairseq. And see this Github comment for context on what information the columns contain. Column nr 2 is the frequency of the token in your training set, but can be set to any dummy integer.

Huggingface tokenizers

To use tokenizers from Huggingface you

  1. Run to train your tokenizer. This will generate a file called tokenizer.json.
  2. (Optional) Shard your datasets using
  3. Apply the tokenizer you have trained to tokenize the text file shards by running We launch multiple parallel jobs on SLURM to encode each individual shard via the script

Preprocess data with fairseq

Once we have tokenized our data and converted it to byte pair encoded format, we are ready to preprocess it to a format fairseq can ingest during training. For sentencepiece vocab preprocessing, please see this github comment and issue thread. If you want to use a Huggingface tokenizer (like we did), we will outline two different ways of doing this.

Option 1 (untested but should work and be the easiest)

Convert your tokenizer.json from json format to a txt format. Fairseq expects the vocab file to have two columns, and to use a space separator between the columns. The first columns is the tokens, and the second column a frequency count of how often the tokens appear in the training dataset. We can insert dummy placeholder integers instead of actual frequencies. The converted dict.txt file might look something like this:

Ġ. 12345
Ġ, 12345
Ġoch 12345
Ġi 12345
Ġatt 12345
Ġär 12345
Ġsom 12345

You will generally see a lot of Ġ characters. This is because it is the encoding for a space character in BPE. The number 12345 are simply dummy freqency counts added to the second column because fairseq expects them.

Option 2 (tested, but we recommend against this option if you manually added tokens to your vocab when training it with Huggingface)

A second option is to let fairseq-preprocess automatically generate the dict.txt file for us. This can be done by not specifying the --srcdict option when running fairseq-preprocess.

IMPORTANT: You need to run fairseq-preprocess once on your entire dataset to generate a dict.txt which covers all the text in your training/validation data. If you have sharded your dataset in the previous step, this means you need to (re)create a big text file that combines all the tokenized shards into one giant file. For example something like:

singularity exec pytorch_21.03_bart.sif \
    fairseq-preprocess --only-source \
    --trainpref "/path/to/all_data.txt" \
    --validpref "/path/to/valid.txt" \
    --destdir "/path/to/dest_folder/all" \
    --workers 64

In the above example, the resulting dict.txt will be available in the folder /path/to/dest_folder/all. A big file of 101 GB took us about 2h 30min to preprocess with 20 workers (threads). With 128 workers the same file was preprocessed in 42 minutes.

WARNING: If you manually enforced the inclusion of certain tokens during the Huggingface tokenizers training, there may be a token mismatch between your original tokenizer.json and the dict.txt generated by fairseq-preprocess. This is possible to fix afterwards by creating a new tokenizer.json from the dict.txt. But it can be a huge headache, because tokenizers in Huggingface is sensitive to the ordering of tokens. Thus we strongly recommend you only use Option 2 if the set of tokens in your tokenizer.json are exactly the same as the set of tokens in dict.txt.

Final preprocessing step when we finally have a dict.txt

Once you have a dict.txt which covers your entire dataset, you can preprocess the individual shards by pointing to your "master dictionary file" using the --srcdict argument in fairseq-preprocess.

singularity exec pytorch_21.03_bart.sif \
    fairseq-preprocess --only-source \
    --trainpref "/path/to/shard1.txt" \
    --validpref "/path/to/valid.txt" \
    --destdir "/path/to/dest_folder/shard1" \
    --srcdict "/path/to/dict.txt" \
    --workers 64

We have a bash script for launching multiple jobs to preprocess the shards in

Train the model

Finally we have everything that is needed to start training. See and for a BART pre-training script.

IMPORTANT: Fairseq training will always crash once you run out of shards. It does not allow you to relist the same shard files in order to continue training another epoch on the same files. This behavior might be by design, as it is better to create a fresh shuffling of the data for each subsequent epoch. It is possible to reuse the existing shards by restarting the training. However, we rather recommend creating more shuffled shards of the same data (for however many epochs you expect to train) before starting training.

I have done my best to translate what was written in the paper to fairseq config commands by reading the fairseq docs and the relevant source code. Details on dropout and learning rate are not clear from paper. You need to set these yourselves and adjust based on your batch size.

Kindly open an issue if you notice anything strange with my suggested config.

Convert to Huggingface format

Look at the file for an example on how to convert the pretrained BART model to a Huggingface compatible format.


Pretraining scripts for BART transformer model






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