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🟪 "Hello world!" demo Wasmer HTTP server application
🟪 Uses Wasmer's new app platform
🦀 Written in Rust
🅰 Uses the Axum HTTP server library
👩⚖️ 0BSD licensed template
Make sure you have the wasm32-wasi
Rust target installed. You'll also need the
Wasmer CLI and cargo-wasix
Write the backend Rust code as though it were a normal HTTP server. That HTTP server will compile to WASIX which will then be started by Wasmer's app backend and have the request forwarded to it. Then after an indeterminate amount of time it will be killed and stop recieving additional requests.
Note that the version fields all mean absolutely nothing in this context. Each
time you run wasmer deploy
, it will bump the version. That version isn't
exposed anywhere to the endpoint.