Contained are a series of modifications from the XV6 kernel for educational purposes. These projects are inspired by
xv6 ships with a rudimentary Round-Robin scheduler, which simply cycles through the proccess list and runs the next runnable process it finds.
In order to increase fairness, the Round-Robin scheduler was replaced with a lottery-based proportional share scheduler. This new scheduler aims to share CPU time proportionally, according to the number of tickets assigned to a process.
An outline of the scheduling algorithm (in pseudocode) can be found below.
Note that this is approximately o(2N)
. Computing the sum of runnable tickets on every schedule is notably expensive, nearly doubling scheduling latency. However, the alternative is overly complex. There are many pathways through which a process's state can change to/from runnable. Updating a global total through each of these pathways could prove error-prone. For this reason, the simpler approach is preferred here.
def schedule():
# ensure that concurrent CPUs do not modify the list of runnable processes while we search it.
total_runnable_tickets = sum_runnable_tickets()
# get a random number in [0, total_runnable_tickets)
winning_ticket = rand(0, total_runnable_tickets)
# find winning process
running_total = 0
for process in process_list:
if process.state == RUNNABLE:
running_total +=
if running_total > winning_ticket:
# Sum all ticket counts for currently runnable processes
def sum_runnable_tickets():
sum = 0
for process in process_list:
if process.state == RUNNABLE:
sum +=
return sum
In order to enable proportional share, it was necessary to expose the per-process ticket count to the user. This was enabled through two new system calls.
// Sets the ticket count for the currently running process
// Accepts values between 1 & MAX_TICKETS
// Returns 0 on success
int settickets(int tickets);
// Get a summary of all processes in the process list and copy to stat.
// Returns 0 on success
int getpinfo(struct pstat *stat);
struct pstat {
int inuse[NPROC]; // whether this slot of the process table is in use (1 or 0)
int tickets[NPROC]; // the number of tickets this process has
int pid[NPROC]; // the PID of each process
int ticks[NPROC]; // the number of ticks each process has accumulated
Below are some snapshots of xv6 with 3 active processes on 1 CPU. These processes were assigned 10, 20, and 30 tickets respectively.
As you can see, the share of CPU time (as denoted by TICKS
) is roughly proportional.
$ ps
$ ps
$ ps
xv6 is inspired by John Lions's Commentary on UNIX 6th Edition (Peer to Peer Communications; ISBN: 1-57398-013-7; 1st edition (June 14, 2000)). See also, which provides pointers to on-line resources for v6.
The following people have made contributions: Russ Cox (context switching, locking), Cliff Frey (MP), Xiao Yu (MP), Nickolai Zeldovich, and Austin Clements.
We are also grateful for the bug reports and patches contributed by Takahiro Aoyagi, Silas Boyd-Wickizer, Anton Burtsev, Ian Chen, Dan Cross, Cody Cutler, Mike CAT, Tej Chajed, Asami Doi, eyalz800, Nelson Elhage, Saar Ettinger, Alice Ferrazzi, Nathaniel Filardo, flespark, Peter Froehlich, Yakir Goaron,Shivam Handa, Matt Harvey, Bryan Henry, jaichenhengjie, Jim Huang, Matúš Jókay, Alexander Kapshuk, Anders Kaseorg, kehao95, Wolfgang Keller, Jungwoo Kim, Jonathan Kimmitt, Eddie Kohler, Vadim Kolontsov , Austin Liew, l0stman, Pavan Maddamsetti, Imbar Marinescu, Yandong Mao, , Matan Shabtay, Hitoshi Mitake, Carmi Merimovich, Mark Morrissey, mtasm, Joel Nider, OptimisticSide, Greg Price, Jude Rich, Ayan Shafqat, Eldar Sehayek, Yongming Shen, Fumiya Shigemitsu, Cam Tenny, tyfkda, Warren Toomey, Stephen Tu, Rafael Ubal, Amane Uehara, Pablo Ventura, Xi Wang, Keiichi Watanabe, Nicolas Wolovick, wxdao, Grant Wu, Jindong Zhang, Icenowy Zheng, ZhUyU1997, and Zou Chang Wei.
The code in the files that constitute xv6 is Copyright 2006-2020 Frans Kaashoek, Robert Morris, and Russ Cox.