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Frequently Asked Questions

Clemens Portele edited this page Jul 2, 2018 · 2 revisions

Why is the Abstract Test Suite in the INSPIRE data specifications different from the ones on GitHub?

If I don´t understand the error messages, where can I get more information?

  • The requirements for each test are documented in the description above the error message. There is also a link to the test cases in the underlying Abstract Test Suite.
  • If, after studying the requirements, you think that the error is unjustified (suspected error in the Executable Test Suite), please open an issue in the ETS repository. It is recommended to check beforehand whether someone has already reported the error.
  • If you think that the requirement (in the Technical Guidelines) or the test case (in the Abstract Test Suite) is inappropriate or excessive, please open an issue in the ETS repository. Check, if someone has already reported the issue.

Why do I get an error when I use multiple test files with geoemetries that have identical IDs?

  • The Executable Test Suites and the XML/XQuery framework assume that every feature has a distinct gml:id. For example, if there are multiple features with the same gml:id and incorrect geometries, assertion gmlas.d.11 in this ETS will throw an exception:
System error in the Executable Test Suite. Please contact a system administrator. Error information:
[err:XPTY0004] Cannot return node() as node(): ((: node(), true :) ((db:open-pr.... 
  • In general, this assumption will be met as long as data from a single XML document is used, but strictly this does not have to be the case. Therefore, the queries should be changed to support also duplicate gml:id values (as long as these are in different files).
  • See Issue: #101

Why is there no Character encoding test in the INSPIRE GML encoding tests

  • Currently the test for UTF-8 is disabled as the test would require a BaseX extension - the XML declaration is NOT part of the node set in XML databases.
  • See Issue: #23

Why does schema validation only validates against schemas referenced in xsi:schemaLocation?

  • Only schema validation against the schemas provided in the xsi:schemaLocation attribute is currently supported. The built-in validator used by Java for validating XML documents against a pre-selected schema, e.g. apiso.xsd, has issues.
  • See Issue: #22

Why is there a validation error that the outer ring of the polygon is not counter-clockwise while in fact it is counter-clockwise.

  • This is a bug and the test has to be updated for coordinates in a left-handed CRS (like ETRS89 lat/lon).
  • See Issues: #60, #137, #147