Ballroom is a shared widget library for JBoss projects that build on GWT. Prominent samples are:
- Drools Guvnor
- JBossAS 7
- Riftsaw
- JBPM 5
- Savarra
- Mailing List:
- IRC: irc://
In order to use ballroom you need to import the GWT module descriptor:
<inherits name=""/>
<replace-with class="">
<when-type-is class=""/>
Ballroom ships with two different styles. One for projects and another one for branded RH products:
* <inherits name=""/>
* <inherits name=""/>
We tried to keep the dependencies to a minimum, but some framework dependencies need to be provided if you want to leverage all provided widgets. Apart from GWT > 2.2, ballroom depends on these API's:
- GWT Event Bus
- AutoBean Factory
- GWTP PlaceManager
These framework dependencies are provided through an simple SPI interface:
public interface Framework {
EventBus getEventBus();
PlaceManager getPlaceManager();
AutoBeanFactory getBeanFactory();
A specific implementation is declared through the module descriptor:
<replace-with class="">
<when-type-is class=""/>
Please make sure to run the 'release' profile, when doing a relase. And remember: No snapshots allowed!