The geo- and topojson files in this repository contain the geometries of Berlin's administrative regions on different levels of fidelity. These areas are commonly referred to when working with other data provided by the Berlin government. The amount of shapes in each file is as follows:
449 berlin-lor.planungsraeume.geojson
140 berlin-lor.bezirksregionen.geojson
62 berlin-lor.prognoseraeume.geojson
The files are automatically converted from the shapefiles found at Lebensweltlich orientierte Räume (LOR) in Berlin by Berliner Datenportal, licensed under CC BY 3.0 DE. Further information on how to interpret the different data can be found when following the link.
The tools used for conversion are gdal
(for converting shapefiles to geojson), iconv
(for converting windows-1252 into utf-8) and topojson
(for converting geojson to topojson).