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Past due by over 1 year 75% complete

Use Cases:
• List of events
• Events filtern
• Events suchen (kombinierbar mit Filter)
o Elastic Search or Meilisearch
• User profiles with the events that the user signed on for
• User management
o Differentiation between Admin users and normal users
o Scraper have to have access to the apis as well
o Also, useful if other people want to use our api
o We…

Use Cases:
• List of events
• Events filtern
• Events suchen (kombinierbar mit Filter)
o Elastic Search or Meilisearch
• User profiles with the events that the user signed on for
• User management
o Differentiation between Admin users and normal users
o Scraper have to have access to the apis as well
o Also, useful if other people want to use our api
o We’ll also need another permission level (can do the admins on the first version) that enables the users to add events
• RSS Feed/ E-Mails
• Display past events
• Calendar overview (compare LMU CS)
• Export to Google Calendar Event (ics)
o Or even better: Add directly to Google Calendar
• Hide events (manually or automatically, when they’re not available)

User Journey:

  1. Login
  2. Alle events are visible
  3. Events can be marked as “interesting” and as “plan to go”
  4. Export/Add to calendar

• Delete account
• Register

• Not all events can be scraped (e.g. one-time events, Hackathons etc.) and have to be added manually
• Event-Name
• Organizer
• Link to website
• Version 1: JSON-Freitext-Feld
• Different front-end components for different kind of events:
o Theater/ Opera
o Career Events
o Meetup
o One-time events like Hackathons
o Manual event
• Prices
o Student prices available?

• Name
• Datum
• Future Version: Verfügbarkeit (e.g. Opera)

• Two scrapers (LMU CS + Staatsoper)
• Basic Account Management (Create, Delete)
• Login
• Event Display
• Option to mark events
• Basic Filter
• Create manual event
• Admin and normal user

• Meetup
