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Userspace driver for adis16448 and BMI088 written in C++17.


  1. Install dependencies
$ sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-imu-tools libgoogle-glog-dev
$ git clone [email protected]:ethz-asl/lpp.git
  1. Go to the catkin workspace and clone this repo in the src folder and build it with
$ git clone --recurse-submodules [email protected]:ethz-asl/mav_imu.git
$ catkin build mav_imu
  1. Source environment
$ source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
$ source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
  1. Launch node
$ roslaunch mav_imu imu_default.launch
  • Optionally run with rviz
$ roslaunch mav_imu imu_rviz.launch
  • Optionally run with imu_madgwick_filter
$ rosrun imu_madgwick_filter imu_filter_node
  1. Example BMI088 and Jetson Xavier NX
  • Connect BMI088 to 40 pin header according to schematics
roslaunch mav_imu imu.launch imu:=bmi088 spi_path:=/dev/spidev0.0

There is also a kernel level driver but: