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Fix old Dotty plugin compat #556

Fix old Dotty plugin compat

Fix old Dotty plugin compat #556

Workflow file for this run

name: CI
contents: read # to fetch code (actions/checkout)
fail-fast: false
- os: ubuntu-20.04
java: 17
distribution: temurin
jobtype: 1
- os: ubuntu-latest
java: 17
distribution: temurin
jobtype: 2
- os: ubuntu-latest
java: 17
distribution: temurin
jobtype: 3
- os: ubuntu-latest
java: 17
distribution: temurin
jobtype: 4
- os: ubuntu-latest
java: 17
distribution: temurin
jobtype: 5
- os: ubuntu-latest
java: 8
distribution: adopt
jobtype: 6
- os: ubuntu-latest
java: 8
distribution: adopt
jobtype: 7
- os: macos-latest
java: 17
distribution: temurin
jobtype: 8
- os: windows-latest
java: 8
distribution: adopt
jobtype: 9
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
JAVA_OPTS: -Xms800M -Xmx2G -Xss6M -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=128M -server -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
JVM_OPTS: -Xms800M -Xmx2G -Xss6M -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=128M -server -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
SCALA_212: 2.12.19
SCALA_3: 3.1.0
UTIL_TESTS: "utilCache/test utilControl/test utilInterface/test utilLogging/test utilPosition/test utilRelation/test utilScripted/test utilTracking/test"
SBT_LOCAL: false
SBT_ETC_FILE: $HOME/etc/sbt/sbtopts
JDK11: [email protected]
- name: Checkout sbt/sbt
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Checkout sbt/io
uses: actions/checkout@v4
repository: sbt/io
ref: develop
path: io
- name: Checkout sbt/librarymanagement
uses: actions/checkout@v4
repository: sbt/librarymanagement
ref: develop
path: librarymanagement
- name: Checkout sbt/zinc
uses: actions/checkout@v4
repository: sbt/zinc
ref: develop
path: zinc
- name: Setup JDK
uses: actions/setup-java@v4
distribution: "${{ matrix.distribution }}"
java-version: "${{ }}"
- name: Set up Python 3.12
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: 3.12
- name: Coursier cache
uses: coursier/cache-action@v6
- name: Cache sbt
uses: actions/cache@v4
path: ~/.sbt
key: ${{ runner.os }}-sbt-cache-${{ hashFiles('**/*.sbt') }}-${{ hashFiles('project/') }}
- name: Setup Windows C++ toolchain
uses: ilammy/msvc-dev-cmd@v1
if: ${{ matrix.os == 'windows-latest' }}
- name: Build and test (1)
if: ${{ matrix.jobtype == 1 }}
shell: bash
run: |
rm -rf "$HOME/.sbt/boot/" || true
./sbt -v --client mimaReportBinaryIssues
./sbt -v --client javafmtCheck
./sbt -v --client "Test/javafmtCheck"
./sbt -v --client scalafmtCheckAll
./sbt -v --client scalafmtSbtCheck
./sbt -v --client serverTestProj/scalafmtCheckAll
./sbt -v --client headerCheck
./sbt -v --client "Test/headerCheck"
./sbt -v --client "Test/compile"
./sbt -v --client publishLocal
./sbt -v --client test
./sbt -v --client "serverTestProj/test"
./sbt -v --client doc
./sbt -v --client "all $UTIL_TESTS"
./sbt -v --client ++2.13.x
./sbt -v --client "all $UTIL_TESTS"
- name: Build and test (2)
if: ${{ matrix.jobtype == 2 }}
shell: bash
run: |
./sbt -v "scripted actions/* apiinfo/* compiler-project/* ivy-deps-management/* reporter/* tests/* watch/* classloader-cache/* package/*"
- name: Build and test (3)
if: ${{ matrix.jobtype == 3 }}
shell: bash
run: |
./sbt -v "dependencyTreeProj/publishLocal; scripted dependency-graph/* dependency-management/* plugins/* project-load/* java/* run/* nio/*"
- name: Build and test (4)
if: ${{ matrix.jobtype == 4 }}
shell: bash
run: |
./sbt -v "repoOverrideTest:scripted dependency-management/*; scripted source-dependencies/* project/*"
- name: Build and test (5)
if: ${{ matrix.jobtype == 5 }}
shell: bash
run: |
./sbt -v "++2.13.x; all utilControl/test utilRelation/test utilPosition/test; ++$SCALA_3!; all utilControl/test utilRelation/test utilPosition/test"
- name: Build and test (6)
if: ${{ matrix.jobtype == 6 }}
shell: bash
run: |
# build from fresh IO, LM, and Zinc
cd io
sbt -v${BUILD_VERSION} +publishLocal
cd ../
sbt -Dsbtlm.path=$HOME/work/sbt/sbt/librarymanagement -Dsbtzinc.path=$HOME/work/sbt/sbt/zinc$BUILD_VERSION "+lowerUtils/publishLocal; {librarymanagement}/publishLocal; {zinc}/publishLocal; upperModules/publishLocal"
rm -r $(find $HOME/.sbt/boot -name "*-SNAPSHOT") || true
sbt -v -Dsbt.version=$BUILD_VERSION "++2.13.x; all $UTIL_TESTS; ++$SCALA_212; all $UTIL_TESTS; scripted actions/* source-dependencies/*1of3 dependency-management/*1of4 java/*"
- name: Build and test (7)
if: ${{ matrix.jobtype == 7 }}
shell: bash
run: |
# test building sbtn on Linux
sbt "" nativeImage
# test launcher script
echo build using JDK 8 test using JDK 8 and JDK 11
cd launcher-package
sbt$TEST_SBT_VER rpm:packageBin debian:packageBin
sbt$TEST_SBT_VER integrationTest/test
cd citest && ./
$HOME/bin/jabba install $JDK11 && exec $HOME/bin/jabba which --home $JDK11
java -Xmx32m -version
- name: Build and test (8)
if: ${{ matrix.jobtype == 8 }}
shell: bash
run: |
# test building sbtn on macOS
./sbt "" nativeImage
# test launcher script
cd launcher-package
bin/coursier resolve
../sbt$TEST_SBT_VER integrationTest/test
# This fails due to the JLine issue
# cd citest && ./
- name: Build and test (9)
if: ${{ matrix.jobtype == 9 }}
shell: bash
run: |
# test building sbtn on Windows
sbt "" nativeImage
# test launcher script
echo build using JDK 8, test using JDK 8, on Windows
cd launcher-package
bin/coursier.bat resolve
sbt$TEST_SBT_VER integrationTest/test
cd citest
- name: Cleanup
shell: bash
run: |
rm -rf "$HOME/.sbt/scripted/" || true
rm -rf "$HOME/.ivy2/local" || true
rm -r $(find $HOME/.sbt/boot -name "*-SNAPSHOT") || true
find $HOME/Library/Caches/Coursier/v1 -name "ivydata-*.properties" -delete || true
find $HOME/.ivy2/cache -name "ivydata-*.properties" -delete || true
find $HOME/.cache/coursier/v1 -name "ivydata-*.properties" -delete || true
find $HOME/.sbt -name "*.lock" -delete || true