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A server-side tool to help manage community health workers, written in Django


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CommCare HQ

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CommCare HQ is a server-side tool to help manage community health workers. It seamlessly integrates with CommCare mobile and CommCare ODK, as well as providing generic domain management and form data-collection functionality.

More in depth docs are available on ReadTheDocs

Key Components

  • CommCare application builder
  • OpenRosa compliant xForms designer
  • SMS integration
  • Domain/user/CHW management
  • Xforms data collection
  • Case management
  • Over-the-air (ota) restore of user and cases
  • Integrated web and email reporting

Installing CommCare HQ

Please note that these instructions are targeted toward UNIX-based systems.

Installing dependencies

For Ubuntu 12.04, download the JDK tar.gz from and rename it jdk.tar.gz in the same directory as Run the included script to install all dependencies, set them up to run at startup, and set up required databases. Then skip to "Setting up a virtualenv".

Otherwise, install the following software from your OS package manager or the individual project sites when necessary.

  • Python 2.6 or 2.7 (use 32 bit if you're on Windows see Alternate steps for Windows section below)
  • pip
  • CouchDB >= 1.0 (1.2 recommended) (installation instructions)
  • PostgreSQL >= 8.4 - (install from OS package manager or here)
  • elasticsearch (including Java 7)
  • memcached
  • redis >= 2.2.12 (installation notes)
  • Jython 2.5.2 (optional, only needed for CloudCare)
  • For additional requirements necessary only if you want to modify the default JavaScript or CSS styling, see CommCare HQ Style.

Configuration for Elasticsearch

To run elasticsearch in an upstart configuration, see this example.

To secure elasticsearch, we recommend setting the listen port to localhost on a local machine. On a distributed environment, we recommend setting up ssh tunneled ports for the elasticsearch port. The supervisor_elasticsearch.conf supervisor config demonstrates the tunnel creation using autossh.

Setting up a virtualenv

A virtualenv is not required, but it may make your life easier. If you're on Windows see the section Alternate steps for Windows below.

sudo pip install virtualenv
mkdir ~/.virtualenvs/
virtualenv ~/.virtualenvs/commcare-hq --no-site-packages

Downloading and configuring CommCare HQ

Once all the dependencies are in order, please do the following:

git clone [email protected]:dimagi/commcare-hq.git
cd commcare-hq
git submodule update --init --recursive
source ~/.virtualenvs/commcare-hq/bin/activate      # enter your virtualenv if you have one
pip install -r requirements/requirements.txt -r requirements/prod-requirements.txt

Then, edit and ensure that your Postgres, CouchDB, email, and log file settings are correct, as well as any settings required by any other functionality you want to use, such as SMS sending and Google Analytics.

Ensure that the directories for LOG_FILE and DJANGO_LOG_FILE exist and are writeable.

Alternate steps for Windows

On Windows it can be hard to compile some of the packages so we recommend installing those from their binary distributions. Because many of the binary packages are only available in 32bit format you should also make sure that you have a 32bit version of Python installed.

  • Install 32 bit Python
  • Install MinGW (used to compile some of the packages that don't have binary distributions).
  • Install the following packages from their binaries. If you are using Virtualenv you will need to copy the packages files from $PYTHON_HOME/Lib/site-packages to $ENV_HOME/Lib/site-packages. Alternatively you could create your Virtualenv with the --system-site-packages option.
  • Install http-parser by adding MinGW/bin to the path and running pip install http-parser. You may also need to alter $PYTHON_HOME/Lib/distutils/ to remove all instances of '-mno-cygwin' which is a depreciated compiler option. The http-parser package is required by restkit.
  • Having installed those packages you can comment them out of the requirements/requirements.txt file.
  • Now run pip install -r requirements/requirements.txt -r requirements/prod-requirements.txt as described in the section above.

Set up your django environment

# you may have to run syncdb twice to get past a transient error
./ syncdb --noinput
./ migrate --noinput
./ collectstatic --noinput

# this will do some basic setup, create a superuser, and create a project
./ bootstrap <project-name> <email> <password>

# To set up elasticsearch indexes, first run (and then kill once you see the
"Starting pillow" lines):
./ run_ptop --all
# This will do an initial run of the elasticsearch indexing process, but this will run as a
# service later. This run at least creates the indices for the first time.

# Next, set the aliases of the elastic indices. These can be set by a management command
# that sets the stored index names to the aliases.

python ptop_es_manage --flip_all_aliases

To enable CloudCare, ensure that TOUCHFORMS_API_USER and TOUCHFORMS_API_PASSWORD in are the credentials of the django admin user you created above (with bootstrap) and then create the file submodules/touchforms-src/touchforms/backend/ with the following contents:

URL_ROOT = 'http://localhost:8000/a/{{DOMAIN}}'

Common issues

  • A bug in psycopg 2.4.1 (a Python package we require) may break CommCare HQ when using a virtualenv created with --no-site-packages or when the egenix-mx-base Python package is not already installed. To fix this, install egenix-mx-base (sudo apt-get install python-egenix-mxdatetime on Ubuntu) and use virtualenv --system-site-packages instead.

  • On Mac OS X, pip doesn't install the libmagic dependency for python-magic properly. To fix this, run brew install libmagic.

  • On Mac OS X, libevent may not be installed already, which the Python gevent library requires. The error message will be a clang error that file event.h is not found. To fix this using Homebrew, run brew install libevent.

  • If you have an authentication error running ./ syncdb the first time, open pg_hba.conf (/etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf on Ubuntu) and change the line "local all all peer" to "local all all md5".

  • On Windows, to get python-magic to work you will need to install the following dependencies. Once they are installed make sure the install folder is on the path.

  • On Windows, Touchforms may complain about not having permission to access tmp. To solve this make a c:\tmp folder.

  • On Windows, if Celery gives this error on startup: TypeError: 'LazySettings' object is not iterable apply the changes decribed in this bug report comment: celery/django-celery#228 (comment)

Running CommCare HQ

If your installation didn't set up the helper processes required by CommCare HQ to automatically run on system startup, you need to run them manually:

redis-server /path/to/redis.conf
memcached -d &
/path/to/unzipped/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch &
/path/to/couchdb/bin/couchdb &

Then run the following separately:

# MacOS Asynchronous task scheduler
./ celeryd --verbosity=2 --beat --statedb=celery.db --events
# Windows
> celeryd --settings=settings

# Keeps elasticsearch index in sync
./ run_ptop --all

# run the Django server
./ runserver

# if you want to use CloudCare you will also need to run the Touchforms server and be running a multi-threaded
# Django server as follows:

# run Touchforms server
> jython submodules/touchforms-src/touchforms/backend/

# On Mac / Linux use Gunicorn as the multi-threaded server
./ run_gunicorn -w 3

# on Windows use CherryPy
> runcpserver port=8000

If you run a development server on a port other than 8000, you need to go into the Django Admin and change the Site object to reflect this, otherwise certain features like links in emails and CloudCare may behave incorrectly.

Building CommCare Mobile Apps

In order to build and download a CommCare mobile app from your instance of CommCare HQ, you need to follow our instructions for how to download and load CommCare binaries from the Dimagi build server.

Running Tests

To run the standard tests for CommCare HQ, simply run

./ test

To run the selenium tests, you first need to install the ChromeDriver.

The tests for CloudCare currently expect the "Basic Tests" app from the corpora domain on to be installed in the same domain locally.

Make sure to edit the selenium user credentials in Then run

./ seltest


A server-side tool to help manage community health workers, written in Django







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