Full-Stack RecoveryBox mobile app containing both client (front-end) and server (back-end).
RecoveryBox is a mobile app aimed to help people in their journeys through twelve-step recovery programmes such as Alcoholics Anonymous. The app is a tool for people to record their meeting attendance, moods and the difficulties they encounter in their day-to-day lives.
It documents the efforts made by programme participants and encourages continuing, sustainable interaction and self-reflection to stay on top of their recovery.
RecoveryBox was originally developed as a Solo Project for the Codeworks coding bootcamp. You can find a short video describing the project in further detail on youtube.
The app is built using react native, which means you'll need a way to run the app on a phone or emulator. To do this, you'll need to install expo, follow the steps below to get it up and running:
Download expo
Install expo from your terminal
npm install expo-cli --global
Clone this repo!
git clone https://github.com/davzhardy/RecoveryBox.git
Install dependencies and start the server.
cd server # Change into the server folder npm install # Install dependencies nodemon # Fire up the server
Install dependencies and start the client.
cd ../client # Change into the client folder npm install # Install dependencies expo start # Start the Expo development environment that will build the JS bundle for the app
The Metro Bundler will now load in a new browser window and you can choose the platform where you want launch app.
Scan the barcode with the Expo app on your phone or follow the terminal instructions to load up the emulator on your machine.
David Hardy - Github - Linkedin
Also check-out the development branch where Daniel Alejandro Hernández Llerena did a great job extending the project to add Authentication and Testing.
MIT © David Hardy