In the meantime enjoy this simple logging framework^W class.
It's a single tiny Class! (+Enum). Easy to understand and audit.
There's a LoggerFactory for convenience / easier drop-in replacement.
API similar to SLF4j, varargs log parameters are substituted for braces {}
isXEnabled() for wrapping expensive log sections.
Any unmatched Throwable args will print a stack trace to the PrintStream.
Log levels: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL. Log level is not modifiable after Logger is constructed.
No config files. You can pass your own DateFormat and PrintStream to the Logger constructor or LoggerFactory initialise() method.
Default PrintStream is System.out, if you want file logging then pass a PrintStream that wraps a file-based OutputStream.
- Performance is probably meh. If you're logging that much text then consider whether monitoring/telemetry/JFR would suit you better.
The Log4j team work hard and deserve your respect. So much of the Java ecosystem depends on them (and all the other OSS maintainers).
We can all benefit from taking some time to understand our software dependencies better and whether any functionality they contain might clash with our security requirements.
Much love, @chriswhocodes