This is my lightweight vagrant setup for Drupal development on Mac OS X. It installs all the requirements, along with xdebug, drush, and drupal console. There's some server config too - clean URLs FTW.
Install vagrant and virtualbox.
Set up a project directory with a structure like:
/<your site files>
Edit the Vagrantfile to use a unique IP.
Then run vagrant up
from the project directory, and you're off!
You can access the site at the IP you specified.
Feel free to point a domain at that IP via your /etc/hosts file.
This is currently setup for D8. To use with D7 or D6, switch branches.
Works great with Sequel Pro - just configure like so.
To use xdebug with PhpStorm, create a server, add a run/debug configuration, and turn it on.
You'll have to enter your password on vagrant up
to edit /etc/exports.
There are ways around this.
If you accidentally reuse an IP, you may get an error like 'WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED'. So, don't do that. But, you can also clean out your ~/.ssh/known_hosts.
This doesn't work with Windows, which doesn't support NFS. Learn more about synced folders.
You should take 30 minutes and go through Vagrant's getting started guide.
drupal-vm is a much larger and more powerful Drupal VM solution.
Check in on #vagrant on Freenode if you need help.
Move shell commands from into Vagrantfile, for even fewer files.