Lexicographic Closure implementation was built using Java 16 owing to the TweetyProject and JMH dependency.
maven is required to build the project.
To compile, from the main directory, run
mvn compile
A jar file will be compiled to the target
To run the base rank algorithm and store it as a json file, from the main directory, run
java -cp target/mytweetyapp-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar mytweety.mytweetyapp.App fileWriter
This allows for the user to enter in the file name for the knowledge base.
To run the reasoner, run
java -cp target/mytweetyapp-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar mytweety.mytweetyapp.App Reasoner
To run the tester, run
java -cp target/mytweetyapp-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar mytweety.mytweetyapp.App Tester