This is a library for representing phone numbers. It provides a PhoneNumber class that can format phone numbers depending on the region you set.
- Gem
gem install phoney
- Source
git clone git://
Create phone number by parsing a string
require 'phoney' # region defaults to US pn ="+17041234567") pn.to_s # "+1 (704) 123-4567" pn.area_code # "704" pn.country_code # "1" pn.number # "1234567"
Deals with many specific region formatting rules (e.g. DE)
require 'phoney' PhoneNumber.default_region = :de pn ="04105456789") pn.to_s # "+49 4105 456789" pn.area_code # "4105" pn.country_code # "49" pn.number # "456789"
Phoney gives you a PhoneNumber class that wraps all the logic of phone number parsing and representation. The default region phoney uses for formatting is the US-region format. So if you want to parse phone numbers from a different country, you have to set PhoneNumber.default_region or pass the region code every time!
PhoneNumber.default_region = :us
The most common way to create a PhoneNumber object is by parsing from a string:"7041231234") # uses region :us"01805708090", :de) # uses region :de
Or instead of parsing a string, you can provide a hash for the first parameter: => "1231234", :area_code => "704", :country_code => "1") # falls back to US region, so also uses "1" for <tt>country_code</tt> => "1231234", :area_code => "704")
Formating is done via the format
method. The method accepts a Symbol
or a String
When given a string, it interpolates the string with the following fields:
%c - country_code (385)
%a - area_code (91)
%n - number (5125486)
pn ='+446546546546') pn.to_s # => "+44 65 4654 6546" pn.format("%a/%n") # => "64/46546546" pn.format("+ %c (%a) %n") # => "+ 44 (65) 46546546"
Usually you will just want PhoneNumber to figure out how to format the number correctly. When given a symbol you can let the parser guess the best format and pass in one of the following auto-formatting symbols:
pn.format(:default) # => "+44 65 4654 6546" # :national omits the country code and assumes a representation within the region pn.format(:national) # => "65 4654 6546" # :local even omits the area code and assumes a default area, so be careful! pn.format(:local) # => "46 5465 46"
More test specs for different countries