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Getting started


Setup Postgres


Installation instructions can be found here: They include:

  • brew install postgresql - Install Postgres.

Create database

  • psql - confirm that you can enter the postgres shell, you may need to specify the default database name, i.e. psql postgres
  • If your default user is not named postgres, create that superuser now: CREATE ROLE rolename LOGIN SUPERUSER;
  • create database verifact; - create the database
  • grant all privileges on database verifact to postgres; - give the default postgres user ownership of the new database
  • The settings in verifact/ by default use the above database info and should now work as expected

Install Django

Follow the Django instructions to install Django: Generally, you have to do the following:

  • brew install python - Install the latest version of Python
  • brew install pipenv - Install pipenv to isolate your python packages
  • cd <project_dir>

Install project dependencies

Pipenv will create a virtual environment using the correct version of python and install the needed packages into that environment. For this reason, you must always use pipenv to run python commands. Create a virtual environment and install packages using:

pipenv install

If you see errors relating to psycopg2, common problems include linking ssl libraries. For more information, see pypa/pipenv#3991 (comment). Based on that link, you can try explicitly linking openssl using:

export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib" export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include"

Once the installation succeeds, you can move on to migrating the database.

Configure local environment

You must have a .env file locally to configure certain properties when starting Django. This file is purposefly ignored from our repository, so you must create it locally. To do so, follow the steps below:

  • cp .env.test .env - Copy .env.test to .env
  • Edit the new .env file with your editor of choice
  • Remove DB_PASSWORD, we didn't set a password
  • Update DB_NAME from postgres to verifact to match the name we used above

Migrate the database

  • pipenv run python migrate - You'll need to do this whenever the database has changes
  • pipenv run python createsuperuser - Create the admin user
  • Enter admin credentials, you can use "admin", "[email protected]", "password" for username, email, password, respectively. This is just your development superuser

Confirm that it worked

  • pipenv run python runserver - Start the Django development server
  • Go to localhost:8000/admin and log in with your admin credentials. You should see Users and Groups
  • You can also log into your postgres shell to confirm that it worked by running psql verifact, then once in the shell, run \d to show all relations. It should show a handful of django relations

Preload data

  • pipenv run python loaddata users questions answers votes citations - This command loads the specified fixtures from verifact/forum/fixtures/ into the database. To load specific fixtures, specify those fixtures at the end of the command.

Formatting style

In order to maintain consistent formatting within this project, please use


GraphQL provides a single endpoint and allows us to query our entire API through that endpoint. This allows us to focus on the releationships of our data instead of designing a flexible REST API. Because it uses a graph instead of hierarchical data, we also only fetch the data we need, thereby avoiding excessive trips to the database.

To learn more about GraphQL, visit


Relay requires a pre-defined schema in order to compile. To export a schema, run the following command:

pipenv run python ./ graphql_schema --schema verifact.schema.schema --out schema.graphql


Graphiql is a UI interface that allows us to easily test queries. After starting up the django server (pipenv run python runserver), you can visit localhost:8000/graphql to query the API.


We use pytest to manage tests. First, install development dependencies by running:

pipenv install -d

Then, start the test suite by running:

pipenv run pytest

We use pytest-watch to watch for changes and re-run tests on change. To start pytest-watch, run:

pipenv run ptw

I have run into problems with OS events not reporting correctly and the tests not being re-run after a save. If this occurs, you can use polling with a -p as well.

pipenv run ptw -p


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