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fix(Mutations): KMS Exception improvements
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There are still more refactoring we could do in
but this should be sufficient for now.
  • Loading branch information
texastony committed Nov 15, 2024
1 parent 2fb3046 commit 3a5f07d
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Showing 13 changed files with 569 additions and 138 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -1679,6 +1679,7 @@ module DefaultKeyStorageInterface {
// that can hold either Opaque or DDB Error
match e {
case Opaque(obj) => Types.Opaque(obj) //
case OpaqueWithText(obj, objMessage) => Types.OpaqueWithText(obj, objMessage)
case IdempotentParameterMismatchException(Message) => Types.KeyStorageException(
message :=
"DDB through an exception for " + storageOperation + "'s " + ddbOperation + ". Table Name: "
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ module {:options "/functionSyntax:4" } KMSKeystoreOperations {
grantTokens: KMS.GrantTokenList,
kmsClient: KMS.IKMSClient
returns (res: Result<KMS.ReEncryptResponse, Types.Error>)
returns (res: Result<KMS.ReEncryptResponse, KmsError>)
&& Structure.BranchKeyContext?(sourceEncryptionContext)
&& Structure.BranchKeyContext?(destinationEncryptionContext)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ module {:options "/functionSyntax:4" } KMSKeystoreOperations {
:- Need(
message := "Invalid KMS ciphertext.")

Expand All @@ -372,20 +372,20 @@ module {:options "/functionSyntax:4" } KMSKeystoreOperations {
:- Need(
&& reEncryptResponse.SourceKeyId.Some?
&& reEncryptResponse.SourceKeyId.value == sourceKmsArn, //kmsKeyArn
message := "Invalid response from KMS ReEncrypt:: Invalid Source Key Id")
:- Need(
&& reEncryptResponse.KeyId.Some?
&& reEncryptResponse.KeyId.value == destinationKmsArn, // kmsKeyArn,
message := "Invalid response from KMS ReEncrypt:: Invalid Destination Key Id")

:- Need(
&& reEncryptResponse.CiphertextBlob.Some?
&& KMS.IsValid_CiphertextType(reEncryptResponse.CiphertextBlob.value),
message := "Invalid response from AWS KMS ReEncrypt: Invalid ciphertext.")

Expand Down
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Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ module {:options "/functionSyntax:4" } MutationErrorRefinement {
import KeyStoreTypes = AwsCryptographyKeyStoreAdminTypes.AwsCryptographyKeyStoreTypes
import KMSKeystoreOperations
import KMS = Com.Amazonaws.Kms
import StandardLibrary.String
import Structure

function ExtractKmsOpaque(
error: KMSKeystoreOperations.KmsError
Expand All @@ -23,6 +25,7 @@ module {:options "/functionSyntax:4" } MutationErrorRefinement {
case ComAmazonawsKms(comAmazonawsKms: KMS.Types.Error) =>
match comAmazonawsKms {
case Opaque(obj) => Some(comAmazonawsKms)
case OpaqueWithText(obj, objMessage) => Some(comAmazonawsKms)
case _ => None
Expand All @@ -38,93 +41,130 @@ module {:options "/functionSyntax:4" } MutationErrorRefinement {
case ComAmazonawsKms(comAmazonawsKms: KMS.Types.Error) =>
match comAmazonawsKms {
case Opaque(obj) => None
case OpaqueWithText(obj, objMessage) => Some(objMessage)
case _ => comAmazonawsKms.message

function DefaultKmsErrorMessage(
function ParsedErrorContext(
nameonly localOperation: string,
nameonly kmsOperation: string,
nameonly identifier: string,
nameonly kmsArn: string,
nameonly while?: Option<string> := None,
nameonly itemType: string,
nameonly errorMessage?: Option<string> := None
): (message: string)
"KMS through an exception for "
+ localOperation + "'s " + kmsOperation
+ (if while?.Some? then " while " + while?.value else ".")
+ " KMS ARN: " + kmsArn
+ "\tBranch Key ID: " + identifier
"MPL Operation: " + localOperation + ";"
+ " KMS Operation: " + kmsOperation + ";"
+ " Branch Key ID: " + identifier + ";"
+ " Branch Key Type: " + itemType + ";"
+ "\nKMS Message: " + errorMessage?.UnwrapOr("")

function VerifyActiveException(
branchKeyItem: KeyStoreTypes.EncryptedHierarchicalKey,
error: KMSKeystoreOperations.KmsError
nameonly branchKeyItem: KeyStoreTypes.EncryptedHierarchicalKey,
nameonly error: KMSKeystoreOperations.KmsError,
nameonly localOperation: string := "InitializeMutation",
nameonly kmsOperation: string := "ReEncrypt"
): (output: Types.Error)
requires branchKeyItem.Type.ActiveHierarchicalSymmetricVersion?
var message := DefaultKmsErrorMessage(
localOperation := "InitializeMutation",
kmsOperation := "ReEncrypt",
identifier := branchKeyItem.Identifier,
kmsArn := branchKeyItem.KmsArn,
while? := Some("verifying the Active Branch Key. Do you have permission for the original KMS ARN?"),
errorMessage? := ExtractMessageFromKmsError(error));
//TODO Mutations-FF :: Decrypt/Encrypt Strategy will need to refactor this
var opaqueKmsError? := ExtractKmsOpaque(error);
var kmsErrorMessage? := ExtractMessageFromKmsError(error);
var errorContext := ParsedErrorContext(
localOperation := localOperation,
kmsOperation := kmsOperation,
identifier := branchKeyItem.Identifier,
itemType := Structure.BRANCH_KEY_ACTIVE_TYPE,
errorMessage? := kmsErrorMessage?);
var message :=
"Key Management denied access to the Active Branch Key."
+ " Mutation is halted. Check access to KMS ARN: " + branchKeyItem.KmsArn + " ."
+ "\n" + errorContext;
Types.MutationFromException(message := message)

function VerifyTerminalException(
branchKeyItem: KeyStoreTypes.EncryptedHierarchicalKey,
error: KMSKeystoreOperations.KmsError
error: KMSKeystoreOperations.KmsError,
nameonly localOperation: string := "ApplyMutation",
nameonly kmsOperation: string := "ReEncrypt"
): (output: Types.Error)
requires branchKeyItem.Type.HierarchicalSymmetricVersion?
var message := DefaultKmsErrorMessage(
localOperation := "ApplyMutation",
kmsOperation := "ReEncrypt",
identifier := branchKeyItem.Identifier,
kmsArn := branchKeyItem.KmsArn,
while? := Some("verifying a Version with terminal properities."
+ " Do you have permission for the terminal KMS ARN?"
+ " Version (Decrypt Only): " + branchKeyItem.Type.HierarchicalSymmetricVersion.Version),
errorMessage? := ExtractMessageFromKmsError(error));
var opaqueKmsError? := ExtractKmsOpaque(error);
var kmsErrorMessage? := ExtractMessageFromKmsError(error);
var errorContext := ParsedErrorContext(
localOperation := localOperation,
kmsOperation := kmsOperation,
identifier := branchKeyItem.Identifier,
itemType := branchKeyItem.Type.HierarchicalSymmetricVersion.Version,
errorMessage? := kmsErrorMessage?);
var message :=
"Key Management denied access to an already mutated item."
+ " Mutation is halted. Check access to KMS ARN: " + branchKeyItem.KmsArn + " ."
+ "\n" + errorContext;
Types.MutationToException(message := message)

// TODO-Mutations-GA :: Once we can get a string from KMS Oapque,
// we can check it for ReEncryptTo or ReEncryptFrom.
// Than, this function can return
// MutationToException or MutationFromException
function MutateException(
branchKeyItem: KeyStoreTypes.EncryptedHierarchicalKey,
error: KMSKeystoreOperations.KmsError,
terminalKmsArn: string
): (output: Types.Error)
requires branchKeyItem.Type.HierarchicalSymmetricVersion? || branchKeyItem.Type.ActiveHierarchicalSymmetricBeacon?
// It would be nice if this was a function instead of a method,
// but the nested if logic in a function is a PITA...
// TODO-Mutations-DoNotVersion :: ActiveHierarchicalSymmetricVersion will need to be handled
method MutateExceptionParse(
nameonly branchKeyItem: KeyStoreTypes.EncryptedHierarchicalKey,
nameonly error: KMSKeystoreOperations.KmsError,
nameonly terminalKmsArn: string,
nameonly localOperation: string := "ApplyMutation",
nameonly kmsOperation: string := "ReEncrypt"
returns (output: Types.Error)
var while? :=
if branchKeyItem.Type.HierarchicalSymmetricVersion?
then Some("mutating a Version."
+ " Do you have permission for the original and terminal KMS ARN?"
+ " Version (Decrypt Only): " + branchKeyItem.Type.HierarchicalSymmetricVersion.Version)
else Some("mutating the Beacon Key."
+ " Do you have permission for the the original and terminal KMS ARN?");
// If opaqueKmsError?.Some?, parse for ReEncryptTo or ReEncrytFrom
var opaqueKmsError? := ExtractKmsOpaque(error);
var message := DefaultKmsErrorMessage(
localOperation := "ApplyMutation",
kmsOperation := "ReEncrypt",
identifier := branchKeyItem.Identifier,
kmsArn := "original: " + branchKeyItem.KmsArn + "\tterminal: " + terminalKmsArn,
while? := while?,
errorMessage? := ExtractMessageFromKmsError(error));
if opaqueKmsError?.Some?
then Types.ComAmazonawsKms(ComAmazonawsKms := opaqueKmsError?.value)
else Types.KeyStoreAdminException(message := message)
var kmsErrorMessage? := ExtractMessageFromKmsError(error);
var itemType := match branchKeyItem.Type {
case ActiveHierarchicalSymmetricVersion(version) => Structure.BRANCH_KEY_ACTIVE_TYPE
case HierarchicalSymmetricVersion(version) => Structure.BRANCH_KEY_TYPE_PREFIX + ":" + version.Version
case ActiveHierarchicalSymmetricBeacon(version) => Structure.BEACON_KEY_TYPE_VALUE
var errorContext := ParsedErrorContext(
localOperation := localOperation,
kmsOperation := kmsOperation,
identifier := branchKeyItem.Identifier,
itemType := itemType,
errorMessage? := kmsErrorMessage?);
// if it is an opaque KMS Error, and there is a message, it is KMS.Types.OpaqueWithText
if (opaqueKmsError?.Some? && kmsErrorMessage?.Some?) {
var hasReEncryptFrom? := String.HasSubString(kmsErrorMessage?.value, "ReEncryptFrom");
var hasReEncryptTo? := String.HasSubString(kmsErrorMessage?.value, "ReEncryptTo");
if (hasReEncryptFrom?.Some?) {
return Types.MutationFromException(
message := "Key Management denied access based on the original properties."
+ " Mutation is halted. Check access to KMS ARN: " + branchKeyItem.KmsArn + "."
+ "\n" + errorContext
if (hasReEncryptTo?.Some?) {
return Types.MutationToException(
message := "Key Management denied access based on the terminal properties."
+ " Mutation is halted. Check access to KMS ARN: " + terminalKmsArn + "."
+ "\n" + errorContext
if (!branchKeyItem.Type.ActiveHierarchicalSymmetricVersion?) {
return Types.KeyStoreAdminException(
message := "Key Management through an exception."
+ " Mutation is halted. Check access to KMS."
+ "\n" + errorContext);
} else {
output := VerifyActiveException(
branchKeyItem := branchKeyItem,
error := error,
localOperation := localOperation,
kmsOperation := kmsOperation);
return output;
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -304,13 +304,11 @@ module {:options "/functionSyntax:4" } Mutations {
// --= Validate Active Branch Key
var verifyActive? := VerifyEncryptedHierarchicalKey(
item := activeItem,
keyManagerStrategy := input.keyManagerStrategy
keyManagerStrategy := input.keyManagerStrategy,
localOperation := "InitializeMutation"
if (verifyActive?.Fail?) {
return Failure(
branchKeyItem := activeItem,
error := verifyActive?.error));
return Failure(verifyActive?.error);

// -= Assert Beacon Key is in Original
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -372,7 +370,8 @@ module {:options "/functionSyntax:4" } Mutations {
originalKmsArn := MutationToApply.Terminal.kmsArn,
terminalKmsArn := MutationToApply.Terminal.kmsArn,
terminalEncryptionContext := ActiveEncryptionContext,
keyManagerStrategy := input.keyManagerStrategy
keyManagerStrategy := input.keyManagerStrategy,
localOperation := "InitializeMutation"

// -= Mutate Beacon Key
Expand All @@ -392,7 +391,8 @@ module {:options "/functionSyntax:4" } Mutations {
originalKmsArn := MutationToApply.Original.kmsArn,
terminalKmsArn := MutationToApply.Terminal.kmsArn,
terminalEncryptionContext := BeaconEncryptionContext,
keyManagerStrategy := input.keyManagerStrategy
keyManagerStrategy := input.keyManagerStrategy,
localOperation := "InitializeMutation"

// -= Create Mutation Commitment
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -631,10 +631,7 @@ module {:options "/functionSyntax:4" } Mutations {
keyManagerStrategy:= keyManagerStrategy
if (verify?.Fail?) {
return Failure(
branchKeyItem := item,
error := verify?.error));
return Failure(verify?.error);
logStatements := logStatements
+ [Types.MutatedBranchKeyItem(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -730,14 +727,16 @@ module {:options "/functionSyntax:4" } Mutations {

method VerifyEncryptedHierarchicalKey(
nameonly item: Types.AwsCryptographyKeyStoreTypes.EncryptedHierarchicalKey,
nameonly keyManagerStrategy: KmsUtils.keyManagerStrat
nameonly keyManagerStrategy: KmsUtils.keyManagerStrat,
nameonly localOperation: string := "ApplyMutation"
returns (output: Outcome<KMSKeystoreOperations.KmsError>)
returns (output: Outcome<Types.Error>)
requires keyManagerStrategy.reEncrypt?

requires Structure.EncryptedHierarchicalKey?(item)
requires KmsArn.ValidKmsArn?(item.KmsArn)
requires keyManagerStrategy.ValidState()
requires item.Type.ActiveHierarchicalSymmetricVersion? || item.Type.HierarchicalSymmetricVersion?
match keyManagerStrategy
case reEncrypt(km) => km.kmsClient.Modifies
Expand All @@ -752,19 +751,41 @@ module {:options "/functionSyntax:4" } Mutations {
grantTokens := keyManagerStrategy.reEncrypt.grantTokens,
kmsClient := keyManagerStrategy.reEncrypt.kmsClient

output := if throwAway?.Success? then
if (
&& throwAway?.Failure?
&& keyManagerStrategy.reEncrypt?
&& item.Type.ActiveHierarchicalSymmetricVersion?
) {
var error := MutationErrorRefinement.VerifyActiveException(
branchKeyItem := item,
error := throwAway?.error,
localOperation := localOperation,
kmsOperation := "ReEncrypt");
return Fail(error);
if (
&& throwAway?.Failure?
&& keyManagerStrategy.reEncrypt?
&& item.Type.HierarchicalSymmetricVersion?
) {
var error := MutationErrorRefinement.VerifyTerminalException(
branchKeyItem := item,
error := throwAway?.error,
localOperation := localOperation,
kmsOperation := "ReEncrypt");
return Fail(error);
assert throwAway?.Success?;
return Pass;

method {:isolate_assertions} ReEncryptHierarchicalKey(
nameonly item: Types.AwsCryptographyKeyStoreTypes.EncryptedHierarchicalKey,
nameonly originalKmsArn: string,
nameonly terminalKmsArn: string,
nameonly terminalEncryptionContext: Structure.BranchKeyContext,
nameonly keyManagerStrategy: KmsUtils.keyManagerStrat
nameonly keyManagerStrategy: KmsUtils.keyManagerStrat,
nameonly localOperation: string := "ApplyMutation"
returns (output: Result<Types.AwsCryptographyKeyStoreTypes.EncryptedHierarchicalKey, Types.Error>)
requires keyManagerStrategy.reEncrypt?
Expand All @@ -789,7 +810,15 @@ module {:options "/functionSyntax:4" } Mutations {
grantTokens := keyManagerStrategy.reEncrypt.grantTokens,
kmsClient := keyManagerStrategy.reEncrypt.kmsClient

if (wrappedKey?.Failure? && !item.Type.ActiveHierarchicalSymmetricVersion?) {
var error := MutationErrorRefinement.MutateExceptionParse(
branchKeyItem := item,
error := wrappedKey?.error,
terminalKmsArn := terminalKmsArn,
localOperation := localOperation);
return Failure(error);
// TODO-Mutations-DoNotVersion :: ActiveHierarchicalSymmetricVersion will need to be handled
var wrappedKey :- wrappedKey?
.MapFailure(e => Types.Error.AwsCryptographyKeyStore(e));

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