Important: this application uses various AWS services and there are costs associated with these services after the Free Tier usage - please see the AWS Pricing page for details. You are responsible for any AWS costs incurred. No warranty is implied in this example.
Sagemaker-stop-instances.yaml - Cloudformation template to provision the resources required
In an AWS environment where efficient resource utilization and cost optimization are paramount , automating the management of Amazon SageMaker notebook instances is crucial. To prevent overspending and overutilization of AWS resources, an automated solution is designed using AWS EventBridge , AWS Lambda and Amazon SageMaker Services.
The solution aims to create an automated process that stops Amazon SageMaker notebook instances during specific scheduled times when they are not actively needed. This is achieved by scheduling an AWS Eventbridge rule to trigger an AWS lambda function. The Lambda function then lists all the SageMaker notebook instances with the "InService" status and stops them ensuring that the resources are efficiently managed and costs are minimized.
Note : Architecture Diagram
You need to deploy the Cloudformation stack Sagmaker-stop-instances.yaml in your AWS account.
Sign into the AWS Management Console at
In the upper-right corner of the AWS Management Console, confirm you are in the desired AWS region. For this workshop we will use the US East (N. Virginia) [us-east-1]
Install or update the latest version of the AWS CLI
Deploy the cloudformation stack in the AWS region of your choice using the following command in the AWS CLI. You need to provide the values for the parameters lambda role name and cron expression for the scheduled eventbridge rule.
Define the parameter values
StackName='Sagemaker-stop-instances' LambdaRoleName='REPLACE ME' (pass the lambda role name) ScheduledTime='REPLACE ME' (pass the cron expression)
Deploy Cloudformation Template
aws cloudformation deploy \
--template-file Sagemaker-stop-instances.yaml \
--stack-name ${StackName} \
--parameter-overrides \
"LambdaRoleName=${LambdaRoleName}" \
"ScheduledTime=${ScheduledTime}" \
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