Releases: aws-observability/aws-otel-test-framework
Releases · aws-observability/aws-otel-test-framework
12/20/2021 release
What's Changed
- Add case-insensitive regex support by @willarmiros in #195
- Added period escapes to all trace templates by @willarmiros in #196
- Remove error / fault from springboot template by @anuraaga in #197
- Remove another missed error/fault by @anuraaga in #198
- fix grpc test with add healthcheck route by @wyTrivail in #199
- Remove nested subsegment for AWS SDK call by @anuraaga in #200
- Remove JS trace validation template by @KKelvinLo in #201
- Fix the canary test for gRPC by @shaochengwang in #202
- Update by @wyTrivail in #203
- Add canary test README by @shaochengwang in #204
- added ecs support for prometheus static and mock by @amanbrar1999 in #205
- Update OpenTelemetry Dependencies for Sample App and Data Emitter by @mxiamxia in #206
- modified url to resolve aws-request-signing-apache-interceptor package by @bhautikpip in #207
- add soaking test validation metrics by @mxiamxia in #208
- revert image repo to the testing repo by @wyTrivail in #209
- Expand ec2 test for more amis and arm by @wyTrivail in #210
- Rollup the soaking metrics for the dashboard by @mxiamxia in #211
- fix the family of ami for amazonlinux and amazonlinux2 by @wyTrivail in #212
- fix the iptables command for ami centos6 by @wyTrivail in #213
- change OTEL SDK to 12.0 to match auto-instr-agent by @mxiamxia in #214
- Metric integ test enhancement by @shaochengwang in #215
- support patching on soak and canary by @wyTrivail in #216
- reduce checking patch time to 5 minutes by @wyTrivail in #219
- Add new enhancedExpectedMetric template and keep original default template by @shaochengwang in #220
- Add statsd sample app, statsd test cases by @gavindoudou in #217
- update vpc to large one by @wyTrivail in #222
- update vpc name by @wyTrivail in #223
- enlarge vpc by @wyTrivail in #225
- Set for spring boot app too. by @anuraaga in #226
- Add jib configuration for validator. by @anuraaga in #230
- Add workflow for running :validator:jib to push the docker image on m… by @anuraaga in #231
- create codescan workflow by @wyTrivail in #229
- add plugin version back in module build.gradle since docker build fai… by @mxiamxia in #232
- Removed http subsegment name to generalize template for all SDKs by @lupengamzn in #233
- Changed OTLP default port to 4317. by @vastin in #234
- Fix AMI filter and docker installation by @vastin in #237
- tf: Use latest AL2 AMI and right Debian 10 by @pingleig in #238
- tf: Fix ami for canaray and soaking by @pingleig in #239
- Update New Relic config by @alanwest in #240
- Fix soaking_data_type parsing issue by @gavindoudou in #243
- Fix New Relic integration tests. by @a-feld in #241
- Add UDP endpoint to StatsD soaking test command by @gavindoudou in #244
- [ECScontainerReceiver]Update the config file for the new resources by @JohnWu20 in #245
- Remove jcenter by @pingleig in #246
- Bump OTel Java SDK to 1.0.x for sample apps by @mxiamxia in #248
- Install SSM agent for all AMIs by @vastin in #254
- Fix AMI setup for canary/soaking test. by @vastin in #256
- Fix nil string issue in remote-exec by @vastin in #257
- Add AppMesh metric integration test by @bjrara in #247
- Update SSM agent for AMIs by @vastin in #259
- Conform to the folder naming convention by @bjrara in #260
- Restrict kubernetes version to be installed by @bjrara in #262
- Update by @mxiamxia in #263
- Add structured log validation for CloudWatch sample workloads by @bjrara in #251
- Add Jaeger and Zipkin integration test by @mxiamxia in #261
- Add integration test for HAProxy, Memcached, Nginx, Java/JMX by @bjrara in #250
- Add SSM package test for ADOT Collector in ec2 test by @vastin in #264
- tf: Format tf files using terraform fmt and checks format on PR by @pingleig in #266
- sample: Add jmx prometheus metrics with tomcat by @pingleig in #252
- aotutil: Init go util for monitor ec2 instance patching via ssm by @pingleig in #267
- Add http prefix for ECS and EKS OTLP receiver endpoint by @mxiamxia in #268
- Fix EKS test by @vastin in #270
- Code refactor structured log validator by @bjrara in #271
- patch: Use aotutil for check patch and wait report by @pingleig in #269
- Fix validate build with gradle v7.0' by @vastin in #272
- Lock to Gradle 6 in docker build to fix integration test by @vastin in #273
- Bugfix prometheus container insight validation by @bjrara in #274
- Remove patching setting for SSM package test by @vastin in #275
- tf: Add ssm policy for ecs ec2 instances by @pingleig in #277
- tf: Allow using large vpc by @pingleig in #278
- Avoid conflicts when running multi CI jobs concurrently by @bjrara in #279
- add integration tests for eks container insight by @pxaws in #276
- Add example workload to jmx by @bjrara in #283
- Fix dpkg lock issue in Debian AMI by @vastin in #284
- Add resource cleaner for ec2 and efs by @pingleig in #285
- fix zipkin, jaeger, ecsmetric testcases by @mxiamxia in #286
- Fix newrelic exporter confi...
release v0.4.0
Revert "added regex support and improved retrying (#192)" (#194) This reverts commit 131891725f3b6ee1abb9aba3630c9198693f9db2.
release 0.3.0
Expose transactions per minute via mocked server endpoint (#174)
Release 0.2
- Add trace validation
Release 0.1.0
The Collector integration test framework
- End to end testing and verification on OpenTelemetry Metrics and Traces data with CloudWatch/X-Ray backend
- Support setup testbed in
- EC2