Cyberpunk inspired color scheme written in Lua for Neovim.
So at first I was using this Darkplus color scheme, then I wanted something different, so I started searching and as I like Dark color schemes and I really like Cyberpunk design and colors, I tried to find a suitable color scheme for Neovim but, nada, nothing was really fascinating or convenient so I made my own.
- BarBar
- Bqf
- DiffView
- GitSigns
- Indent Blankline
- Lir
- Lualine
- nvim-cmp
- NvimTree
- Packer
- Quickscope
- Symbols-outline
- Telescope
- Treesitter
- Whichkey
Install via package manager
-- Packer:
use 'akai54/2077.nvim'
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.