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Hi there 🌸

This is the repository of website ! I made it public so you can observe how I manage to deploy my infrastructure.

But wait ..

The CDN is not up to date yet ! You can still access the website and, below, you will find the architecture of this project.

Architecture 🌼


  • AWS (Amazon Web Services)
    • EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud): Serves as the dynamic web hosting service, providing scalable compute capacity.
    • S3 (Simple Storage Service): Used for storing infrastructure state.
    • CloudFront: Implemented as a CDN (Content Delivery Network), CloudFront speeds up the delivery of content by caching static resources closer to users.


  • OVH : Provides hosting for WordPress, enabling easy content management and backend updates without direct modifications to backend code.


  • Github :
    • Repos: Manages source code using Azure Repos, offering secure version control.
  • Azure :
    • Pipelines: Automates builds and deployments using Azure Pipelines, ensuring smooth and continuous integration and deployment processes.
    • Container Registry: Hosts Docker container image of the frontend that is used in deployments (EC2), supporting consistent and reproducible builds.


  • OVH MySQL : The primary database used by the website, storing all dynamic data and user information securely and efficiently.

Girlysheet Architecture

Stay Connected 🌹

Connect with me on LinkedIn to stay updated on my latest projects and adventures in the world of DevOps.

Happy Exploring and Deploying! Let's make the tech world a bit more girly and a lot more powerful! 🌟

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