EspMqttRgbControl is a program for the ESP8266. It allows you to control a single RGB LED or a LED Strip if you connect a few MOSFETs to your ESP. The HSV color model is used to set the color and a fading effect is implemented.
To get startet you need to
- have access or install your own MQTT Broker (eg Mosquitto)
- install the Arduino IDE 1.6 or higher
- add in the IDE preference Windows
- install the ESP8266 software in the IDEs device manager
- install the PubSubClient library
Now you should replace the following parts in the Code:
- WIFISSID to you WiFis SSID
- WIFIPWD to you WiFis password
- to your MQTT Brokers address
- USER to the user name of your MQTT Broker. Leave blank if anonymous login is allowed
- PASSWORD to the password of your MQTT Broker. Leave blank if anonymous login is allowed
- /YOUR/TOPIC/PATH to topic path you want to use
- YOURDEVICENAME to the device name you want to use
If you need to change the output pins, feel free to do so.